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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS


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I'm not 100 percent sure if it's the same, but here there is a pre-order bonus too, also for a 3DS case. It would make sense if it's the same one as they are getting in Greece.


I'm not sure if it's just my local store that's doing it, or all of Switzerland though. Here's the link.

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Greece is going to get some awesome pre-order bonuses: a key ring, a 3DS case, an ocarina, a baseball cap and... Deku Tree seeds!!! Let's hope we get some of them in the UK - if nothing else, at least the seeds, please!




Greece's Ocarina of Time pre-order bonuses are the best bonuses ever









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Seriously thats Greece's Pre-Order Bonus's? damn i know we won't get anything as good in the UK!


I can't wait for the game, i haven't played OoT in a few years and i'm looking forward to it and the Master Quest (with fixed issues)

I'd extremely interested in the supposed "additional content" that supposedly is included, but Nintendo normally announce things like that very close to the launch


might move to Greece :hmm:

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Seriously thats Greece's Pre-Order Bonus's? damn i know we won't get anything as good in the UK!


I can't wait for the game, i haven't played OoT in a few years and i'm looking forward to it and the Master Quest (with fixed issues)

I'd extremely interested in the supposed "additional content" that supposedly is included, but Nintendo normally announce things like that very close to the launch


might move to Greece :hmm:


Master Quest and Boss Rush mode.

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yeah As Serebii has said, supposedly there is even more:bouncy:


It would be good if there was a figurine gallery with all the enemies and characters in the game - Gorons, Iron Knuckles, Stalfos, everything. You could perhaps buy figures with your 3DS coins and swap your duplicates via StreetPass.


I'd also love the Ura Zelda content, of course.

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New screens and new details:


- Dan Owsen one of the main members of the game’s localization team

- Three colors paths have been added to the Water Temple

- These paths line the walls of the temple, leading to one of the locations where Link can raise/lower the water level

- Some key doors are emphasised with a colorful border surrounding them

- After you defeat a boss, you can “relive its memory”

- Sleep in Link’s bed in Kokiri Forest to do this

- Boss battles will be timed, but play the same

- No online leaderboards

- Unlock Boss Rush mode by unlocking and defeating every boss again

- Fight through every boss, one after another

- Will be provided a power-up at the end of each fight, such as Deku Nuts or hearts

- Nintendo won’t say if there will be more rewards for those who complete Boss Rush mode

- Master Quest has now been mirrored

- In Master Quest, Link will hit with twice the damage from enemies

- Sheikah Stones can be found throughout the world

- The stones are like the Gossip Stones from the original game

- Crawl inside the Sheikah Stones to receive “visions” of the future

- Visions are pre-recorded snippets of footage

- 3-5 short clips that show what to do next

- Unlock the visions as you reach certain points in the game

- Visions may show you where to find heart pieces

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I know, typical finding a complaint like this, but I do wish the game had the option of an improved soundtrack.


The videos feel like the N64 version to me even though I know there's plenty of improved texturing and geometry work (though not as much as textures). When the sound kicks in it's just so similar that it instantly feels like the N64 game to me.


With how tiny the music files for the N64 version probably are, I would've liked an option to switch between original music and a version with slightly more modernised synth. I would've never expected orchestrated, but just some kind of middle ground would've been cool.

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GamePro review




+ impressive 3d effect

+ pretty light effects

+ loveable characters (complete with funny facial expressions)




+ familiar (grandiose) themes

+ very rich in variety

+ typical Zelda jingles and sound effects


Pros and Cons


+ long playtime

+ many side quests

+ varied dungeons and boss battles

+ perfect use of the touch screen

+ partial motion control (camera)

+ contains the unlockable master quest

+ the prettiest 3DS game to date


Bottom Line

brilliant remake of one of the most brilliant games of all time


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It looks good and sounds good but not £30 good enough for me I'm afraid.


Personally I think £30 for a portable 3D version of arguably one of the best games of all time is a small price to pay.

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Personally I think £30 for a portable 3D version of arguably one of the best games of all time is a small price to pay.


I get the portable argument but as Jim mentioned, bar anything extremely different (which let's face it should have probably been announced by now), most of us have played this game many times.


For me I've had my time with this game and I find it difficult to justify spending my money on old hat (especially from a gameplay point of view.)


Also look at what you can get for £30 on something like the App Store. The most expensive game I have seen on there is £10 and almost all of them are £7 or less. They might be arcady but the games I'm finding feel like quality portable games not re-hashed console games.


If you want an argument for why console type games shouldn't be on a handheld then look at the PSP.

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Majority of that 90% you tal about are free games. And you know what, those games are actually pretty fun. But I'm referring to the full fledged games, the fact that the UDK is supported on iOS and so on.


And I'm sorry but after the Wii and the DS, Nintendo fans can not get all uppity about mini-game collections. That's just being hypocritical. It wasn't killing the industry when it was keeping those platforms profitable.

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I never supported minigame collections. I've always been of the belief that they're the reason core games never do will on the Wii, they drown it out. However, Apple have been destroying things by releasing shit at low prices causing people such as yourself to bitch when a proper game is out at a proper price.


Yes, this is a remake. So what? It's a remake, not a port. It has extras, some of which we don't know about (why on earth would they reveal everything before launch? Seriously). Just because you have played it before does not mean it's suddenly not worth the money.


Remake. Not port.

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