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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS


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Ah well, it was pretty silly of me to get my hopes up for Ura Zelda. Now I've got a dilemma with this new Master Quest - I didn't like the GameCube version, so I was going to skip it. But now it's an entirely new challenge, I may have to meet it.


Anyway, Day 1 purchase without a doubt.

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Yeah the original looked stunning!


They've just gone way over the top on colours in the new one... why is the water green FFS, and the contrast between the grass and mud is too much. Hopefully all these new colours don't look quite as jarring when you're playing!

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Okay it doesn't look stunning does it, the old one I mean? Nostalgia goes very far :) I;m not saying the one does either! You have to remember that the colours won't be as vivid as this, but bar the water and the building itself, everything else looks better. But the old one has nice design on the architecture, but it looks like shit. SO MUDDY!

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Yeah, I'm going to have to agree that in this instance the original looks better, perhaps because it has more charm. Those fixed camera areas always looked like paintings a bit, which I really enjoyed, but the 3DS version seems to lose some of that magic. I mean, look at those stairs, are they made of metal or something?


Nevertheless, I'm sure the game will be great and faithful to the original in terms of visual style, and this particular scene will look much better in person in motion.

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People are forgetting the colours on handheld games are often made a lot brighter in screenshots and in game for those that play with the lowest power setting. It'll look much better in motion especially. You also have to remember a darker setting on such a small screen won't really work.


Imagine the forest temple final boss on such small screen if it looked the same as the n64 version. It wouldn't work.

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Ok the colours are vibrant in screenshots, but they won't be that different in the actual game. The water won't be green (?!), the stairs won't be metal, and I agree with R_L, they've taken the colours and contrast way too far. It looks like it was coloured with MS Paint.


I'm sure Scoop will like it though.

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It is a bit too colourful for me, I think I preferred the pre-rendered backdrops for Hyrule market. But then... if I wanted to play the original game, I still can, so this will make a nice change :D


Will be interesting to see what future Hyrule Market will look like, in comparison.

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I'm sure Scoop will like it though.


Okay, I let your little comment a few pages back about poor taste slide but honestly, fuck you buddy. Don't just randomly call me out as someone who has a poor artistic opinion because we clashed over a couple of boxarts. I hope you can take your hands off the N64 version of Ocarina of Time's precious dick long enough to pick up your 3DS and have a go on the remake.


Oh yeah, I no longer want that Link and Epona image to be the game's EU boxart solely because it's beautiful, I mainly want it so it annoys you every time you see it. I so hope that mockup showing up on several sites is our cover. It would be delicious.


Yeah, that's right. I can be an absolute twat too, but you guys already knew that.




Now, onto actually contributing to the thread


I'm sure Power Saving Mode will mute this over-saturated palette slightly, but these screens aren't really doing the game any favours. The original look was always going to compromised somewhat for the remake, but it's clear some fans are not happy with the direction being taken.


For what it's worth, I actually played this version of the game through Kokiri Forest back at the 3DS preview event and I can honestly say I didn't see any of the vibrant greens we're seeing in some of the images of that area on the console screen.

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The game looked fine when I played it at the 3DS tour back in March, I don't remember it being that bright but that could just be my memory, I only quickly played the Gohma battle. I think the game looks better in motion regardless of anything else.

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Grow some thicker skin Scoop, seriously. It was a mild dig at your liking of flashy bold generic colour schemes and dislike of traditional, simple colour palletes. Relax. And btw, the new OOT artwork, whether a cover or not, is gorgeous, and I'd be happy to see a remake use it.


Anyway looking at it again, the lighting in that new Temple of Time screenshot looks all wrong. You can't tell whether it's night or day. A bit like the dodgy lighting in this shot:




Really excited for the remake, but IMO a couple of the screenshots seem to be distinct step backwards from the original. Hopefully it'll look as gorgeous as most of the shots in the actul game.

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I don't think us arguing is very productive to the thread, so I'll call it quits here.


Really think this game needs to be seen in motion on our consoles before we make judgements on the visual presentation. Sure, these screens look iffy, but they are also far more detailed than the N64 comparison shots. Doesn't kill my enthusiasm for the game at all. After all, not everything has to be dark and moody.


Did you ever think the bright, vivid palette is intentional to contrast the presentation after the timeskip? The game is a lot darker in tone when you play as Adult Link and this would only further create a feeling of change occuring throughout Hyrule if these shots were slightly toned down afterwards.

Edited by Guy
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Grow some thicker skin Scoop, seriously. It was a mild dig at your liking of flashy bold generic colour schemes and dislike of traditional, simple colour palletes. Relax. And btw, the new OOT artwork, whether a cover or not, is gorgeous, and I'd be happy to see a remake use it.


Ah, just use me next time, dude. I'll take it as a compliment.


You're right about the Temple of Time. The lighting in the original is far more realistic, and the new colours are bizarrely garish (and you know I like colourful games!)


Also, regarding the cover, I can't remember who thinks what, but this is by far the best cover yet suggested:



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Hmm... oh well, it looks like they've improved a lot of things, but not quite captured the atmosphere of others. I think we should just enjoy this for what it is but also hope for a 1080p, 60fps version of the original for the Wii 2's Virtual Console. :)

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Did you ever think the bright, vivid palette is intentional to contrast the presentation after the timeskip? The game is a lot darker in tone when you play as Adult Link and this would only further create a feeling of change occuring throughout Hyrule if these shots were slightly toned down afterwards.


I'm just imagining that and it'd be awesome. Everywhere changing from amazingly bright, colourful and full of vibrance into the dark and gloomy world of Ganon.


Also, those screenshot comparisons look a lot better than the previous set. You can really see how the new game is going to look a lot better on the whole even if one or two stylistic choices may end up slightly poorer.

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People think that the older Temple Of Time pic of the N64 look better than the 3DS version....really? :hmm:


It's not quite as black and white as that. It's more a case of, they've improved it but they've not improved it the way they should have. They've sharpened and brightened it up, but in doing so have lost some of the intentionally grey, serene atmosphere that area had.

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