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Mario Kart 7


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I think if it was written Mario Kart Seven it would sound better, but obviously that wouldn't be the case in every language. The name isn't too bad in my opinion, and besides if it had been called Mario Kart 3D everybody would just be complaining that all they do is add 3D to the end of the titles.

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Did they say anything about the online?


Last I heard they had it up and running with 4 players online & 8 for local multiplayer.


That would be the same as Mario Kart DS so presumably that'll happen.



Would be so amazing if they had downloadable content after release for this game...made tiny steps towards it with the challenges in the wii version.

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Did they say anything about the online?


Last I heard they had it up and running with 4 players online & 8 for local multiplayer.


Damn, I wouldn't want to be the man to oversee the N-Europe Mario Kart 7 League;)


Seriously though, it sounds probable because it's NINTENDO and online, but DAMN ..... 4 players...... :hmm:

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Damn, I wouldn't want to be the man to oversee the N-Europe Mario Kart 7 League;)


Seriously though, it sounds probable because it's NINTENDO and online, but DAMN ..... 4 players...... :hmm:


There would be no league... :cry:


If its 4 players online, I doubt I'll even bother playing it online.

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128 Player online. Make it happen Nintendo.


Now that would be a race!


Seriously though, press sheets say 1-8 so there you have it, they never specified what it is though, and usually they do if it's different

Edited by Serebii
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For the past two days I've been scratching my head wondering why there is so sudden interest in Mario Party 7. So I thought I'd check. Wow.


DASHING/SNAKING It made the game more fun. More intense. More thrilling. Like, just for a random example, it's like going in a sprinting challenge and then Slower Ones begin campaigning begging for sprinting to be changed to jogging. The sprinters would find it so lame. This doesn't fully explain the point that I'm trying to make.


I can make a different saying(anecdote?): Take cycling. Some cyclists use doping. The ones that don't dope begin campaigning begging for doping to be banned. Cyclists who dope find it so lame. If you don't want me to compare snaking with doping I want to see a developer's quote about snaking being intentional. Not trying to stirr a 20 page debate, but I really wanted to comment on this. I find it ironic you like snaking but dislike wheelies.

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Why the hell should there a limit on how effectively you can use powersliding?


That is literally all that snaking is, something that naturally occurs if you try to increase how often you can powerslide to its maximum.


It becomes the only way to increase how well you can play the game after a certain point.


The snaking argument is so very simple. People that cant do it, dont like it. There are bullshit excuses about "not wanting to race that way" or "thinking it looks dumb" or utter, unsubstantiated shite about how people can "win against most snakers anyway". If you get good at it, it feels exhilirating and fun, plain and simple.


Like almost every other game that exists that you can play online, some people get really good at the game and other people struggle to compete. The difference with Mario Kart is that people found a way to collectively blame a certain mechanic for this, simply because it seemed like it could be argued to be exploitive somehow.


For the record I'm fine with it being removed on the basis of there being a substantial number of demands for it to go and obviously Nintendo needs to listen to fans. However, I do wish there was an option for an advanced mode or something that still included it. An actual respect for the fans who enjoyed the intense competition of having it.


To be honest I don't think Nintendo removed it though in any real acceptance of it being "exploitive", I think the only true reason they removed it was because it was a convenient excuse for them to try to make the games even more casual friendly.

Edited by James McGeachie
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I guess it's the same with me and bicycles. On Wii I couldn't even slide a single corner with karts so I put it on automatic and eventually only used bicyclees. Then the cup banned them, ironically, because of wheelies being unfair. (can you snake on Wii or was that just ds?)


About fiksing problems, it happens all the time on PS3 and 360 games when people find eksploits don't it?. It's not like Nintendo is the only one who wants everyone on the same level. They fiksed the acing trick in Virtua Tennis 4 so it got a lot harder to do it. I'm sure Nintendo would have done it a long time ago if they could.


They should have had two online options. One for those who want snaking and one for those who don't. Then everyone is happy. I'd play in the latter.

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The snaking argument is so very simple. People that cant do it, dont like it. There are bullshit excuses about "not wanting to race that way" or "thinking it looks dumb" or utter, unsubstantiated shite about how people can "win against most snakers anyway". If you get good at it, it feels exhilirating and fun, plain and simple.


I don't like constantly wiggling my thumb left and right for an entire race just so that you can keep up with everyone else who is doing it. For me, that's not fun.. at all :mad:


I don't like the bikes in Mario Kart Wii, either, and a large part of that is down to the wheelies. They provide those who use a bike instead of a kart an advantage over the others but then that means you are practically forced to use a bike in order to compete.. and I DON'T LIKE THE BIKES :angry:


I hate being forced to either snake or choose a vehicle I dislike just so I can keep in touch with the rest of the pack..

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I don't like constantly wiggling my thumb left and right for an entire race just so that you can keep up with everyone else who is doing it. For me, that's not fun.. at all :mad:


I don't like the bikes in Mario Kart Wii, either, and a large part of that is down to the wheelies. They provide those who use a bike instead of a kart an advantage over the others but then that means you are practically forced to use a bike in order to compete.. and I DON'T LIKE THE BIKES :angry:


I hate being forced to either snake or choose a vehicle I dislike just so I can keep in touch with the rest of the pack..

I'm never on a bike and I win 95% of the time :) I also never snake

Edited by Serebii
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I find it ironic you like snaking but dislike wheelies.


I dislike the fact that you can pop wheelies in Mar'Lio Kart'a Wii'hii? :o

Tales, my disconnecting buddy, I said that it was unfair to give bikers such an advantage (on top of the super speed, insane acceleration and conveniently sexy drifts :bouncy: ) and deplete advanatges of karters which'd help keep 'em up with the bikers - namely snaking. ::shrug:


I love my wheelies, mate! :geek:

I guess I just don't dig the idea of 'being forced to abandon certain vehicles just to be able to compete'.


I'm never on a bike and I win 95% of the time :) I also never snake


The formula to your method of accomplishing this = funky kong + bowser bike :laughing: (I'm aware that you don't use bikes)


I hate being forced to either snake or choose a vehicle I dislike just so I can keep in touch with the rest of the pack..


I can understand this to a certain extent, which be the reason why I would like a Mario Kart game with no vehicle customisation. Or, perhaps, a mode in which this feature is not included. Also, a Pr0 mode for snakers and, ... wheelyers?:bowdown:

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You do know why I disconnected, right? Just checking. It's past tense anyway as I have a stable connection now, but I don't think you played this year.


I still find it ironic. You can say you feel forced to use bikes, but no one is allowed to say they feel forced to snake to be able to compete? You're in the same league as the ones who don't want snaking. There's no difference, you don't want use bikes, others don't want to snake.

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Don't worry, Tales. I wasn't trying to say that you were rage quitting lol.


Anyhows, that example you brought up before be fails quite laughably. What you should've said was: "It's like saying you're forced to wheelie when on a bike". In which case I'd then say: "If you aren't capable of popping wheelies throughout an entire race, then so you should be cruising in the n00bunch of the pack".


If karters could snake then I wouldn't be forced to use bikes 'for the wheelie' - amongst other great advantages.

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I'm betting that the 8 player maximum limit is something to do with a local wireless limitation and they decided to just drop the max to 8 on all modes to keep consistency (that and there were some complaints of items having too much of an effect in MK Wii - though I think that's bollocks! The more the merrier! :D)


Really looking forward to this one, despite the horrible naming choice (Why start numbering it now?)


As for the whole snaking thing, I can snake perfectly fine but I don't miss it all that much. The new powersliding system is actually probably more strategic! (Though I agree that the bikes are overpowered. Nobody chooses the karts and for good reason!)

Edited by Dcubed
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Dcubed, while I too don't mind a dreadful amount about the snaking being banished, I am still scarred from that course of action. Now it's one thing to cry that "I don't like snaking/unable to snake" but it's quite difficult for me to understand how a powersliding system like MKWii's can possibly be more "strategic" than DD's snaking? Like, the green&red shells were miles better in DD and it was the snaking method to counter this - while making the snake-dodge apart of your snake-boost-rhythm. You could even dodge the infamous blues if you had incredible timing :yay: What you could also do, was powerslide into a racer and 'kind of' thief their snake-boost and, at the same time, either slow them down or knock 'em off track :laughing: So I really would like to be enlightened just how the powersliding system in MKWii could potentially be more 'strategic'?


And as for numbering the series all of a sudden, I strangely don't mind it. :D It would be like, Beverage The Newby: Genesis of Orgasming Rape> Beverage The Newby: The Dawn of Rape > Beverage The Newby 3 > Beverage The Newby: Rape Revelations. Having a numbered title is just being a little different for a change. Why not?

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I never bothered to learn what snaking was properly or how to do it. Maybe that's why I could never unlock Dry Bowser.


I love the bikes. The bikes felt more exhilerating to ride on, for some reason. Shame they're gone.

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Paj if you would be so kind in allowing me to quote that first sentence out of your opening paragraph. I too never researched on, if you like, 'how to play like a Pr0' (if one were to say). I just naturally acknowledged the simple new method of the powersliding which'd have increased my chances of slipping through that finish line first. After I had grasped it I sang a realising "ohhh" for the 'dash' word in the title of the game - as I'd always imagined that technique to be referred to as 'dashing'. But after spending some time on gaming forums I then noticed it to be known as 'snaking', which works for mii, as you are indeed caressing each course in a snake mo im

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