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I've done world two now. Life's a beach then you drown.


The good: the rocket level! :awesome:


The bad: this game has no flow- platforms aren't ready for you to jump straight to them, etc! The levels are set up with cheap shots- DKC is not supposed to be like an early Castlevania game. What was that boss all about? Its not gonna get better is it? I thought the world one boss was a joke... then world two came along... :cry: Why are the barrels wrongly marked? Arrow barrels serve a different purpose to what they do in this one! Do they people who made this know what the DKC games are and what makes DKC special? Our survey says... a resounding no. There are so many negatives I could keep listing but I need to forget about it until I go back to it... which I've no urgency about doing.


Ok, another quick rant about the controls: these waggle based controls are unforgiveable. It cripples the game. I can handle the constant waggle of DK Jet Race cos it was originally designed for the bongos and actually, it probably nailed the DKC atmosphere better than DKC R to be fair! There's no excuse for limiting everything to waggle in DKC R.


Its a testament to the games lack of appeal when I'm disappointed that I've to go back through levels for the KONG letters and jiggies, cos I just don't want to replay any of it. :( (Except the rocket one!)


it definately doesn't feel like a DKC game


I agree fully. Why would they bring DKC back but yet not bring it back? They could have made it a new IP and then it wouldn't come with any of the DKC baggage thats weighing it down.

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I knew you wouldn't like it :nono:


As for the levels having no flow, though.. if you ever attempt any Time Attacks, you will find that the levels are designed significantly better than you are so far giving them credit for. If you have any hopes of achieving a gold medal, you'll go through the stages all guns blazing and then you definitely will see the flow and the significance of how much bounce you get off enemies at key moments.


The last level I attempted a Time Attack on was 2-K and although I only managed the silver medal (for now :heh:) it was exhilarating! When the clock is ticking, you just have to find a way and I applaud the game for that.


The bosses, however, suck :hmm:


As for the levels having no flow, though.. if you ever attempt any Time Attacks, you will find that the levels are designed significantly better than you are so far giving them credit for.


I just had a go at Jungle Hijinx (again, why did they stick with tradition and start us off in Jungle Hijinx, but disregard other aspects that make the DKC series what it is...) in time attack mode. I thought seeing as its the first level it will be fine tuned... it wasn't that great a flowing experience. I got a silver.


Firstly, let me prefix this by saying I'm really enjoying the game so far, despite what those naysayers are saying.


But holy crap. I am sick to death of games going to the god forsaken beach! No game is yet to have a good time at the beach. Mario, Donkey Kong, you name it, the beach is just an annoying place to have levels. It's the least aesthetically pleasing thing around. With that being said, at least DKCR did some interesting things with it (rockets, ships, octopuses).


Gah, I hate beaches in games. Did I mention that?


But holy crap. I am sick to death of games going to the god forsaken beach! No game is yet to have a good time at the beach.


Nintendo even went as far as to build a really average game around one man's trip to the beach.


But, and no doubt Killer Kirby will rip into me for it, I loved going to the Emerald Coast as Sonic. Wave Ocean on the other hand...


Treasure Trove Cove from Banjo-Kazooie didn't have anything particularly wrong with it either.

Some people really need to put off their nostalgia-tinted glasses... :blank:


Yes and No.


I can see why alot of people don't have a problem with Returns as it really is a solid game ( I enjoyed my journey to 100% immensly ) BUT when you do compare it to the originals it's not a patch on them, which is why I can see where darksnowman is coming from.


Many ( including myself ) were expecting a return to the jungle to fight the Kremlings, ride some animal buddies and soak up the atmosphere of this new DCK game. Retro had other idea's though....


Things that made the original games what they were are missing from this. The Kremlings, the animals, the music, the underwater stages, the list goes on. If they wanted to give the series a rebirth then they should have looked at EVERYTHING that made the DKC games what they were and incoporated them into the new game. What seems to have happened was that Retro figured that the platforming is all that mattered and then slapped the DKC name on it.


As I said earlier, I enjoyed my time on the game, it was great fun, but it rarely felt like the original DKC games.


Exactly, H-o-T. DKC Returns may well be a very solid game in its own right but it carries the weight of the DKC name, so it should live up to that or atleast try to. Why would Nintendo choose to bring DKC back after a fourteen year hiatus but not do it properly? It baffles me. They could have made Returns the ultimate fanservice then introduce new stuff in Returns 2 (like the Tiki's).


For real. This is probably my favourite Wii game. Maybe behind Galaxy. But....yeah....its not a patch on DKC.....like....just the absolute fundamental things....THE CORE PLATFORMING GAMEPLAY feel...the bounce off enemies, the flow, thats what should have been number 1 on the list of what to nail down, but they didn't get that so there was no hope for it to be a proper DKC game from that moment on. Its just a brilliant Donkey Kong 2D platformer.

Posted (edited)

There are jarring factors in this title...


I'm not a fan of the art style at times (due to my love for the pre-rendered look from waaay back when) but in certain levels this game blows me away as it looks better than a fair few PS3/360 games.

The 'roll' mechanic is indeed frustrating as you could roll your way through the original trilogy gaining momentum as you did. Here it's a lot more realistic yet that doesn't equate to good game mechanics. I do think Retro missed a beat here.


However, it's a re-imagining and a hell of a one at that. In hindsight I'd rather the original games were somewhat untouchable so I can forever worship them!


This game is hopefully the beginning of more DKC action and a sequel with Diddy and Dixie would be marvellous. I gave this a 9/10 in the N-E review and teetered on a 10 but it just didn't have that '10' factor which the original games seemed to have.


I say enjoy it for what it is, a companion piece to the originals and just enjoy the nods to the original as and when they appear. Also...kudos to Nintendo for advertising the life out of this game. It appears that the DKC brand is still strong.

Edited by tapedeck

Sure there are some elements missing (but I'm sure they'll come back in the likely sequel) and some could be better (bosses, music,... don't really stand out), but it seems you only point the (minor) flaws of the game and make them huge while overlooking the ones the original game had.

Rambi is the only animal buddy but I find him more fun to control in Returns. Underwater levels are not here but me and many people don't find them as fun as some of you (they don't flow well! :indeed:). The mine carts levels are a lot better in DKCR...

And considering it's Retro first attempt at a platforming game, the result is amazing.


And when I read some complaints like that:

What was that boss all about? Its not gonna get better is it? I thought the world one boss was a joke... then world two came along...


It looks a lot like a nostalgia biaised opinion. DKC doesn't shine through his bosses either. In DKCR, there aren't the most original and are a "low" point for me (especially the last one... disappointed by Retro on this one) but they still have more personality than random giant castor n°1 and 2.


Same for the complaints about enemies design while DKC3 is praised like the second coming of Jesus with his baddies that look like tumefied abortions coming from a bad cartoon. Plus, the gold temple has one of the best enemies in the series design-wise. :geek:


And the flow of the game is different but there is one. I haven't really done time attacks but I found myself running through levels when searching for puzzle piece.

Same for the atmosphere. Different (like the 3 DKC games' atmosphere are different) but still here with Retro's care for details (the backgrounds with easter eggs and characters appearing here and there creating a living feeling).


The worst complaint is probably saying the game is a collect-a-thon... In DKC2, you've got balloons, bananas, coins, Krem coins and KONG letters. In DKCR, the same with puzzle pieces instead of Krem coins. :indeed:

Posted (edited)


The worst complaint is probably saying the game is a collect-a-thon... In DKC2, you've got balloons, bananas, coins, Krem coins and KONG letters. In DKCR, the same with puzzle pieces instead of Krem coins. :indeed:


But in DKC2, what do actually need to collect in a level to complete the game fully?


2-3 Krem coins and 1 DK coin. Not 4 KONG letters and up to 9 jigsaw pieces.


Plus the Krem coins were in bonus games that required a bit of skill and provided a little diversion. And they were all different too unlike this game which features about 5 different rooms used repeatedly over the course of the entire game.


Balloons, bananas and the KONG letter were never required in any of the original DKC games to complete a level.


And whilst you would need coins for Swanky/Cranky's games, you never had to go out of your way to collect them as just racing through a level as normal would see you bag half a dozen or so without trying or stopping to blow or ground pound something.





And I'll add this in... what is the point of having the Key in Cranky's shop for opening the extra level in a world?


Given coins are infinitely available, and they aren't tied to one world, it seems a rather pointless decision to have a level that you need to "unlock" when there isn't any skill required in the unlocking. I don't get it...

Edited by Captain Falcon
Automerged Doublepost

This game is just awesome. Totally loving it. Had a few hours on it just there and done the first world and went around trying to get KONG and the Jigsaw pieces. Now working on 1-K I think it is.


Gonna have many good times on this methinks!

Then you will have missed out on 3 of the greatest platformers ever made.


You mean 2 right? ;)


I jest.


Also to whoever mentioned realism, i'd rather have fun gameplay over realism anyday. If i wanted realism i'd go to the zoo and jump on a turtle or something, and then promptly get arrested.


Realism hardly ever makes for a good game, which is one of the reasons why mario is so successful.

Rambi is the only animal buddy but I find him more fun to control in Returns. Underwater levels are not here but me and many people don't find them as fun as some of you (they don't flow well! :indeed:)

No Engarde? I didn't own the original games but I loved that bastard.


Started playing a few games ago, just started the Ruins today. Haven't got all of everything on previous levels, and quite curious as to how some things are meant to be gotten from what I've seen on earlier levels.


I quite like Returns but it really doesn't feel like a DKC game, though I was kinda expecting that anyway after hearing Retro decided to omit most of the characters and enemies. The most disappointing thing for me is the controls, I just can't get on with the waggle controls - Which is odd as I had no problem with the spin attack in Galaxy. The game felt awful using the nunchuk but luckily it's not as unresponsive and 'slippy' using the wiimote sideways. Another huge disappointment is the music, I was very glad to hear classic tunes returning but they all seem scaled back and resorted to distant beats, they don't have a patch on the originals. The only song in the entire game that stuck out for me was the return of Equatic Ambience but it felt so out of place.


Overall, my 1995 self is feeling immense disappointment but when I forget about the previous games and treat this as a game in its own right, I can enjoy it as being a fun platformer.


Though I think nothing will ever make up for DK's ridiculous Scooby Doo like voice (though that isn't the fault of this game as I remember he had the same awful voice in MK Wii)


Having reached world 8 in single player, me and my bro have been working our way through this in co-op yesterday and today - he did world 4 on his own last night but then it doesn't lend itself much to co-op anyway so we weren't missing out. And we are now just over halfway through world 8.


More fun in multiplayer, as you'd expect, but some sections really don't lend themselves to it.


And waggle controls are still the number one cause of death in this country.


I am so bad at this game. I mean I died on the first level by walking into a bird who I now hate almost as much as my greatest first level foe THE GOOMBA! :grin:


I actually love the game though it is very fun and for me extremely tense. I've made it to World 4 and those Mine Cart levels are delicious slices of wacky jumping evil cake and I regularly end up with my entire body covered in it.


One thing I want to know is when collecting KONG do you have to do it in one go or can you collect like ONG and then go back just for the K?



I'm so poor at jumping it hurts, it has crippled me since Super Ghouls N Ghosts where the only real danger is my horrible timing.


BANANA JUICE is my new god if only it could save me from shamefully crashing into walls. :p


One thing I want to know is when collecting KONG do you have to do it in one go or can you collect like ONG and then go back just for the K?


The KONG letters must be done in a single run but jig saw pieces can be acquired individually over as many runs as required.


I'm loving this game so far, only up to world 4 but I've loved every minute of it up to now... long may it continue!


I get the "it doesn't feel quite like the old DKC games" but as far as not got a patch on them, I think this one has been better up to now. The level design is awesome!

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