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Kirby's Epic Yarn


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I'm having a hard time accepting the fact that Kirby no longer uses his vacuum powers in this game.


Remember Crystal Shards, remember the combining of powers:o



Co-op is a very welcome addition for me though. Still, I'm hoping it packs a little bit more punch than The Shake Dimension.

Edited by Fused King
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There was co-op in Wario Land: Shake Dimension?...


I think Kirby's aquiring of abilities went a little too far... the above images look really messy and overthought.


Kirby's Dreamland 2 nailed everything IMO.


While I agree that the Power system in Dream Land 2 was awesome, combining powers in Kirby 64 always sounded awesome. I really need to play that one of these days...

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Isnt out for Europe because it doesn't have release date


There better be a reason Europe are the only place NOT getting this in 2010..and that reason better be the 3DS, otherwise i'm completely shocked at the lack of first-party support for Europe in 2010.

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There better be a reason Europe are the only place NOT getting this in 2010..and that reason better be the 3DS, otherwise i'm completely shocked at the lack of first-party support for Europe in 2010.


It seems that NoE don't want to release more than two games (DKCR and Wii Party).


Which is a shame as I really, really want Kirby. Why couldn't they delay DKCR instead (Wii Party would never be delayed as it's guaranteed to sell billions)?

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I want kirby more than the other two. I doubt I'll get any at this rate though, more and more considering a rental of kirby then buying it in a year or two when it's dirt cheap. Don't get me wrong, I love kirby, but I'm thinking the game may not match up to the price tag for me(short, easy, no challenge etc) and so I'd rather not shell upwards of £25 on it.


There was co-op in Wario Land: Shake Dimension?...


I think Kirby's aquiring of abilities went a little too far... the above images look really messy and overthought.


Kirby's Dreamland 2 nailed everything IMO.


Sounds like a man who hasn't played it! It really was quite awesome being able to combine, and for the time looked nice too. Again, it's not the most challenging of games and you tend to favour certain abilities after a while, but for me that's always been the beauty of kirby, the ability to choose what powers you play with. Seeing some of them and the inventiveness was quite nice, because the combinations were ususally fresh powers compared to old(I do believe some were old ones, though). His flight was limited without a flying power iirc also, which was a nice change. I'd say the only real challenge of the game though, was finding 3 'hidden' shards in each level, though for some you'd need a certain power/combination, which might not even be present on the level in question! Even so, a good game. I'm gonna quite miss the copy abilities in Epic Yarn :(

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It seems that NoE don't want to release more than two games (DKCR and Wii Party).


Which is a shame as I really, really want Kirby. Why couldn't they delay DKCR instead (Wii Party would never be delayed as it's guaranteed to sell billions)?


I think Nintendo have done the right thing. I want Kirby, it looks great but having such a gem lost in the Christmas rush would be fine. I think two major first party games out in the same time period is enough. What's more we've had Galaxy 2 and Metroid this year.


Companies need to be careful, I don;t Kirby to be a sales bomb as if it is that is bad for Kirby and bad for games. It will just tell Nintendo that a highly creative and graphically inventive title is a waste of time and energy.


I actually applaud HVS for moving the Conduit 2 into 2011 to avoid COD:BO and Goldeneye. Equally I think releasing Goldeneye 4 days before Black Ops is idiocy, as to be quite honest, Goldeneye looks good, but it isn't going to stack up against Black Ops.


I hope Goldeneye gets a December release for its own good. I hope all the games I mentioned here live up to their potential - both in quality and sales, but lets face it, if they all release in the same fwe weeks, at least one of them is going to suffer.


Kirby also is a little like Nintendo's underdog. It's not as big as DKC and it's as casual and all encompassing as Wii Party (which has sold 860k units already in Japan alone).

Edited by Zechs Merquise
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And Captain Rainbow in time for Christmas. Christmas has always been a bit camp anyway, what better time to release it and Tingle 2?
Right now? :grin:


There better be a reason Europe are the only place NOT getting this in 2010..and that reason better be the 3DS, otherwise i'm completely shocked at the lack of first-party support for Europe in 2010.
If Europe did get the 3DS this year, that would seriously make up for all of NoE's past crimes. Even some future ones. :laughing:
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I think NoE picked DKR over Kirby.


It's okay, I've sent them some hate mails. They shall crack under my amazing use of vocabulary:laughing:


If there's one thing I'm happy about when it comes to the developers; it's the fact that the Kirby tunes will probably be in good hands.

When we look at Wario Land: The Shake Dimension we can hear a massive amount of creativity and jazzy/funky music in it, all of which I found quite enjoyable. However, the catchy jingles did not refer back to any classic Wario music, so they might go for a similar style with Kirby; what with it being an entirely different experiment.


Nevertheless, I expect much of the music even though Green Greens might not make an Epic comeback:hmm::love:

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It's okay, I've sent them some hate mails. They shall crack under my amazing use of vocabulary:laughing:


I can just picture it now....


Dave: "Come here Gunther, check out this email!"

Gunther walks over to Dave's computer and reads the email which states:


Paper Mario Kirby's Epic Yarn anyone?

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Music wise FK, I'm rather hoping they WILL have old musics, though maybe in a new remixed style. I've no idea how any of this would actually be done, or in what sort of style, but there's some classic kirby tunes in there. Played through superstar ultra the other day, was good hearing the old school music! There were a few tracks which seemed a bit unfamiliar, but kind of inspired by some of the existing tunes too, so I'm hoping there might be some more of that sort of stuff in it.

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- earn a medal at the end of each stage based on how many collectibles you've gathered up

- dying reduces your total number of beads

- you can quickly grab those beads back after you die, but they'll eventually disappear

- when playing co-op, bounce off of your partner

- little felt angels will scoop up Kirby and Prince Fluff whenever they fall

- pick up your partner and throw them

- pick them up with your strand of yarn

- they cannot free themselves from the yarn unless you hit the button to let them go

- music tracks to find and listen to in the game's music room

- collect items to put in Kirby's apartment (a customizable area in the hub world)

- hub world features mini-games

- one mini-game has you hunting down five tiny, floating, hidden creatures


Delicious Sauce




From Nintendo Voice Chat on IGN:

- A volcano is made out of jeans material

- There is an overworld

- Craig played the first couple of worlds

- Overworld has patchworks

- When you beat a level in a level, like Grassland, you’ll collect a patch

- Throw that patch on the overworld which will affect something

- Fire patch from Hot Land: Throw it onto the overworld that you’re on, there will be a piece of meat where that patch goes, and it cooks it, a dinosaur will go after the meat, eat it, and reveal the next stage

- After you beat a boss, can complete further levels or move on to the next world

- Kirby’s apartment: Deck it out will wallpaper, carpets, patterns

- Cut-scenes done in paper cut outs

- Kirby can turn into a firetruck, tilt Wiimote to spray water

- Train: Draw tracks using the pointer

- King Dedede is in the game

- Can lose your beads if you die, but can recollect them

- Want to beat the level with gold



Edited by LostOverThere
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Looks like there's some cool stuff in there to mix it up a tiny bit, though I'm still not expecting massive challenge and so may still go for a rental until the game gets cheaper. Just watched the trailer and it makes me more and more jarred that we're not getting it til next year :(

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