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Kirby's Epic Yarn


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Won the best graphics at E3 from GameTrailers.


I'm actually really impressed by GT's choice. Seems they acknowledged that high-definition graphics doesn't automatically equal high-quality graphics (although the other nominees don't lack the quality).


Reading the comments on there is really funny, too.

So many people trying to reason, that only the most real looking games deserves a graphics award, as they represent the highest technical achievement. A pity, that we won't be able to tell shooter game A from shooter game B, if that trend on the high-def machine continues. ;) Not that I have something against all those gritty games in their epic browns and grays. ^^

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Yes the art style is great, but hopefully not at the expense of the gameplay and length, like ie. Yoshi's Story. Most of the Kirby games I've played have been rather short, except for Superstar Deluxe, so I hope for some length as well.


Kirby games are short because you can just waltz through the levels. The best thing they can do to extend length is adding collectable secrets throughout the levels (like Dream Land 2 and 3).

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Kirby games have never been tough (except maybe boss rush on Kirby Superstar), but they've always been fun to play through. I wouldn't go expecting this to be too challenging, just an enjoyable platforming adventure. I don't mind them being short as long as they make as good use of the graphical style for the puzzles and bosses as the trailer suggests.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Yes the art style is great, but hopefully not at the expense of the gameplay and length, like ie. Yoshi's Story. Most of the Kirby games I've played have been rather short, except for Superstar Deluxe, so I hope for some length as well.


Well it looks to be pretty certain that his copy abilities are out of this game, bit of a shame but his other moves might make it all right. Also, I think I said it before in this very thread, Yoshi's Story does seem quite short(and yes, it is) but it's actually a really big game with lots of replayability and things to find/get, plus the whole score attack can extend it a bit. If you had the patience, that is.


Kirby games have never been tough (except maybe boss rush on Kirby Superstar), but they've always been fun to play through. I wouldn't go expecting this to be too challenging, just an enjoyable platforming adventure. I don't mind them being short as long as they make as good use of the graphical style for the puzzles and bosses as the trailer suggests.


Admittedly I haven't played it since I was a kid, but the original Kirby's Dream Land was quite a beast of a game for me to manage to complete, I remember the first time I did I was so happy. Then again, most of the games I struggled with as a child come quite easy now, so maybe I *should* play it again...if I knew where it was.

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I'm sure I saw one put out by NoE either earlier in the week or last week that said it was don for Q4 this year.


If it's not coming this year, you sort of have to ask why. There'll be next to no text that needs translating and so it essentially boils down to converting the game over from NTSC to PAL, which these days is done slightly quicker as much of the assets used in games are sorted in both regional codes during development to cut down on translating times.


Would just seem a little lazy to me personally if it slipped into next year seeing as it's the kind of game that would do extremely well on the Wii during the holiday period here. Are Nintendo worried about market space for the game given that there'll be other platformers launching during the holiday period and just wanting to give it some space?

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