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I got the Paiste PST5 for a good price on Ebay, about £200 I think, though they retail for closer to £280. The Stagg was only £25 but was quite good, sadly it's broken now and is replaced with a PST3, which is fucking awful, never buy those cymbals. The AAX I got of Ebay pretty cheap too, about £70.


Then the kit, Sonor Force 2005, got a good deal and got it for £500 instead of £680ish. The pedals were £100 (but are now more expensive for some reason :?) And don't forget stands, stools, case for cymbals, loads of sticks, new skins when I finally replace them. Must be easily over £1000 on that now.


Then the electric kit was £1500.


Then £230 for the guitar (a present though), and I think £130 for the amp.


Damn music is expensive.


Haha, you've just reminded me why I haven't upgraded my kit much (at all) since buying it. Drumming is so damn expensive.


It looks like a lovely kit. I want to get myself a Pearl Kit one day. That's going to cost a fair bit, I expect. The cymbals are what kill you, though.

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Yeah, I had another kit before those too! Hardware too is really expensive. And it's hard to spend money on it because you don't really appreciate it cos it's just standing there. But when you buy cheap shit, sooner or later you find out why it's cheap and wish you'd spent the money first time round.

My bass drum skin is currently taped up! Cos it's about £30 for a replacement! It's all very expensive, but with some good earplugs or something to get rid of the deafening loudness and horrible high end, the kit does sound amazing tbh.


And nice action with the duvet EEvil!

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(this'll be my last post for a while, as I don't want to hijack this thread :heh:)


I know exactly what you mean about the cheap stuff. My snare drum that I bought with my kit was battered within a few months. Infact, the head of the drum was dented beyond belief (it had this horrible, horrible skin on top) and the snare belt under the drum actually became "unsprung." I had to get a soldering iron to put the snares/metal springy stuff back into place. It was awful.


I ended up just going out and buying a new snare drum, for something like £80 i think it was. The difference in sound was astounding. The older one didn't sound like a snare in the end at all. It sounded more like a really deep biscuit tin. A biscuit tin made of plastecine. Dipped in water.

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I wanted to learn how to play Keyboard but I don't have a decent one. I've wanted to learn Guitar as well, I think I'll start with the Keyboard though. I tried a guitar once, I didn't find it easy whatsoever. I've written songs and I think they'd sound better with a guitar, I've gotten Jam Sessions for the DS so I could put the notes together so that one day, I might have a go either on Keyboard or Guitar.


I can play a few badly but only the piano well. Started playing when I was 11. Hated it. Stopped after two years. Started again when I was 15. New, amazing teacher, loved it. He actually let me suggest stuff I wanted to play. Stopped lessons when I finished school but I still play.


Finally managed to play this a couple weeks ago. Was really pleased (Yes, this is a proud boast :heh: ).


Broadcast Yourself


You might have guessed, I only really play classical pieces.



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I couldn't see the difference untill i put them side by side.


Another one of my friends has a severely out of tune Piano, so out of tune that even i can tell. How often do you have to retune yours?


Because it's new every 6 months for a couple years and then every year, I think. Our old piano was so old even when you tuned it it sounded all honkey tonkey, was a mess.


That's a sexy piano. That's one instrument I never got a chance to try but wanted to give it a shot. Although, the music teachers at my high school were arse, and extra lessons would've been expensive, so the opportunity never came about.


Yeah, my first teacher was really crappy. That's why I stopped. I was really lucky with my second teacher. He was an absolute legend and understood because I was starting so late I might as well learn by trying pieces I wanted to play. Probably helped I was already good enough to play at least grade 3 pieces. I picked up how to play the piano pretty unconventionally. Even now when I learn harder things it's through sight reading and sheer determination.

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Did the drums and piano when I was quite young but stopped, half due to money issues, half cause I wasn't actually interested at the time.


Now I wish I'd kept on, but I didn't appreciate music very much when I was 8 or whatever.


Big regret of mine, but one I can't really be annoyed with myself.

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I haven't got a single BIT of musical talent...


The only part of music I ever passed was the singing part - we had to sing a choir song and replicate some notes the teacher played on his piano. I got perfect scores on those every year, but failed MISERABLY at everything else...


Reading music/theory all just goes over my head. And i'm a bit clumsy too :D


Ah well, my talents obviously lie elsewhere :D

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I can play guitar badly. Learnt when I was young but dropped it and didn't play for years. Can put together a few chords now but can't read music for shit (not that you really need to).


Got a ukulele at xmas, which is fine to mess around with and pretend I'm in a one man folk band. (Again I play this badly).


I admire anyone who has the time and patience to learn an instrument.

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I used to play quite a bit when i was in primary school/high school.


Early primary school i played the trombone (i was shit) and then moved on to the saxophone (was okish).


My best was when i played the keyboard but i just stopped half way through high school. I still have my keyboard and saxophone hidden away, i may have to get them out again one day and have a play!!

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I can't play any instrument. Well I can play the recorder but that doesn't count haha. I do wish I could play something though, I love music.


I always thought being able to play a violin or cello would be amazing, but I never had time to play an instrument. All my time went into art heh.


Jim keeps saying he'll teach me how to play guitar, but so far that hasn't happened yet. =P

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I started learning the guitar just under a year ago...I'm ok, mostly chords and whatnot. Never had a lesson though. I generally just pick it up and mess around with it every now and then.


I want an electric guitar now though. I've only had my acoustic about 3 months :X

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I have a music page. It's alright. I put up the best stuff I have there.



If you have time do give a listen and let me know what you think. and now you know my real name O.O





nice piano! I'm convinced people give up on piano so fast because they are playing piano on a keyboard.... It never feels the same:)

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nice piano! I'm convinced people give up on piano so fast because they are playing piano on a keyboard.... It never feels the same:)


We've always had a piano in the house because both my sisters used to learn. Annoyingly, I pretty much had to beg to get lessons. So much for be the spoilt youngest child. :heh:


The feel of a piano is really important. I could never practice and play on a keyboard. The weight of the keys is all wrong. Even when we were looking for the new one I had to try out a few to make sure they felt right.

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