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Gears of War 3


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GoW has one of the worst stories ever told. It's absolute cack. The first game in particular was complete nonsense- literally almost indecipherable gibberish from start to finish. Why anyone would give a shit at this point enough to buy novels about it is beyond me on a Resident Evil scale.

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GoW has one of the worst stories ever told. It's absolute cack. The first game in particular was complete nonsense- literally almost indecipherable gibberish from start to finish. Why anyone would give a shit at this point enough to buy novels about it is beyond me on a Resident Evil scale.


'So, you're THE Marcus Phoenix?'



'Not Really'

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GoW has one of the worst stories ever told. It's absolute cack. The first game in particular was complete nonsense- literally almost indecipherable gibberish from start to finish. Why anyone would give a shit at this point enough to buy novels about it is beyond me on a Resident Evil scale.


I buy, read and enjoy the R Evil novels aswell. :D


Marcus and Anya have had many chances in the past to get together but Marcus always put his career and then the war with the Locust first. Dom's tried to talk some sense into him loads of times but Fenix ain't having it. They may get together now that Anya is with his unit.

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*cough* Resident Evil *cough*


Still, should be an enjoyable co-op as always!... looks like it's going very mutant though... hmm!



the mutating tentacle swarm is very Halo. Numero 3 saw Flood that could switch between 3 kinds of enemy on the fly. Complete bastards to kill they were, too.

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GoW has one of the worst stories ever told. It's absolute cack.


Lol, who gives two shits? When I played Gears 1 all that I could think of was Aliens and Predator. Huge space marines with bigger guns fighting aliens and talking tough. Period. It's a fun popcorn war game. It's Contra or Metal Slug in 3D. It's what games have always been about since the begining.

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Yeah, I consider games and books different things. I was talking about the games. And frankly, I didn't even know books existed about Gears. :laughing:


All that said, I did like Dom's story arc in the second game. I just don't put story ahead of fun in a series like Gears of War. To me, it's a bellic shooter, set-pieces are more important than overall story in this type of game.

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The Gears story is irrelevant. It's a game where you have a chainsaw attached to your gun. Did Cliff Bleszinski cut his way onto the stage to announce Gears 2 with finely crafted words? No sir, he did not.


Bring on 2011, lets get killin' aliens.

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Lol, who gives two shits? When I played Gears 1 all that I could think of was Aliens and Predator. Huge space marines with bigger guns fighting aliens and talking tough. Period. It's a fun popcorn war game. It's Contra or Metal Slug in 3D. It's what games have always been about since the begining.


I certainly don't- although the cackhanded delivery didn't help. It's just so confusing and they clearly thought they were being fucking clever about it that it just offends me.


Though I'd much rather be told a good story. I'm amazed it's still such a low priority in games to be honest.

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im in love with gears of war two but there is much i would like to me modified in the 3rd game of this saga. Im not sure what they have been cooking up so far but i have a few ideas that may be good for others gaming experiance.


Jack (the tool bot) is very useful in GOW 2 to help with machinery and other problems that are thrown at you through out the game though i think he isnt used to his full potential. Jack would be useful for one of three things. 1. As in diffrent game series an airstrike is sometimes a very useful way to get rid of enemies that use turrents to kill you. However the fact that the GOW game is set on the brink of humanity an airstrike by fighter planes are not really an option however in some sections of the game it would be useful for him to call in airstrikes using missile code and other weapons.2. Jacks capability to become invisible though a slow machine could be used as a great distraction for the locusts if hand to hand combat is not the best way to kill them. 3. Abit of a pipe dream of mine but the fact that Jack is a tool bot he could be a useful attack or defence bot if tricked out in the right way.


A few of my ideas for weapons and how to go about putting jack in the game without making it to easy: turrents would be an obvious choice ( maybe the spare guns ou find in the game could be put into jack. The boomers shiled is a useful defence mecanism and jack could double as one of them to act as an extra cover? maybe. Controlling jack may become useful for infeltration of locust strongholds and other camps with the help of a camera. Also his welding torch could be useful as a short range weapon and could be like the chainsaw on the COG rifle in the game. Adding Jack to the game may make the game a doddle so these are some suggestions to make it harder. Limit on bullets petrol and time you use him could all play a part in the game.


I have herd the COG rifle may be having a few changes with a saber insted of a chainsaw and a bayonet. Though these are rumours i think the best way to go to make the game play really diffrent is the addition to a harpoon to the cog rifle stringed together by rope. This would serve as a new weapon and tactical device. Brumaks and other large creatures would feel the full brunt of the force as the harpoon could be used to take down big enemies. Though there are many guns and many places you can get bullets the harpoon could serve as a back up just incase but would have an incredibly slow reload time to make the game fair. The harpoon could be a powerful way to move objects such as stone so it could fall on enemies or double as extra cover if need be and would make the game play more exciting because of the extra options. Also the grapple could be used to for example get on top of big monsters like brumaks to control them (this could include a chainsaw battle with the rider to fight for the brumak or use a series of buttons to get onto the brumak much like a good number of game series use now i.e God of war. THis addition would make you feel more control of your character and give you more options.


Tickers (the enemy that explodes in your face) could be a useful way to kill enemies if you were to produce your own. Under fire the enemy like you have a chance to kill them from a long range so it evens up the playing field slightly. However this could be used for other things also for example opening doors that jack cant (unsure about the details of this idea).


Another part of gears i dont understand is that you can comunicate with everyone when the misson lets you. Marcus being the one in charge should give orders to move his team mates because the amount of times Dom has stole my kill is ridiculous. Id like three simple orders. Fall back if its getting to hot, cover if i am moving and push forward for a more attacive approach. This would be good for diffrent game play also


Any comments on these ideas could be added on I am using these as a basic prefrence for ideas. Please do not slander my ideas as I am just making a statement if you do not like the ideas then just correct me. thanks

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I decided to get back into the insane campaign with my housemate on the 2nd game after seeing this trailer... We had left off atop the 'boat' with that giant 'fish' with tentacles eating it away. The amount of times the game glitched to land me standing a foot above the 'deck', or refused to let us chainsaw a tentacle... and honestly the control system/'cinematic control of your' camera angle are painful in places.


GoW2 tried to make killing things more annoying. Progress was pot luck, and epicness overrated. But these qualms with the story? The first game was perfectly fine. That I didn't realise it wasn't set on earth 'til around the 5th playthrough just means that the game was focused correctly - on simply giving us a chance to kill lots of things with, as shorty said, an effing chainsaw, or an effing beam from space. But the second game attempted to try and make a whole potential-series-of-games storyline with open-ended ambiguousity.


I don't really know waht I'm trying to say, but effectively I do belive they'll have corrected many of the mistakes of the 2nd game. Except teh whole endless DLC side of things. That just pisses me off.


EDIT: and kyle I think some of your ideas are very awesome. I like gamers like you :)

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Jack (the tool bot) is very useful in GOW 2 to help with machinery and other problems that are thrown at you through out the game though i think he isnt used to his full potential. Jack would be useful for one of three things. 1. As in diffrent game series an airstrike is sometimes a very useful way to get rid of enemies that use turrents to kill you. However the fact that the GOW game is set on the brink of humanity an airstrike by fighter planes are not really an option however in some sections of the game it would be useful for him to call in airstrikes using missile code and other weapons.2. Jacks capability to become invisible though a slow machine could be used as a great distraction for the locusts if hand to hand combat is not the best way to kill them. 3. Abit of a pipe dream of mine but the fact that Jack is a tool bot he could be a useful attack or defence bot if tricked out in the right way.


A few of my ideas for weapons and how to go about putting jack in the game without making it to easy: turrents would be an obvious choice ( maybe the spare guns ou find in the game could be put into jack. The boomers shiled is a useful defence mecanism and jack could double as one of them to act as an extra cover? maybe. Controlling jack may become useful for infeltration of locust strongholds and other camps with the help of a camera. Also his welding torch could be useful as a short range weapon and could be like the chainsaw on the COG rifle in the game. Adding Jack to the game may make the game a doddle so these are some suggestions to make it harder. Limit on bullets petrol and time you use him could all play a part in the game.


I have herd the COG rifle may be having a few changes with a saber insted of a chainsaw and a bayonet. Though these are rumours i think the best way to go to make the game play really diffrent is the addition to a harpoon to the cog rifle stringed together by rope. This would serve as a new weapon and tactical device. Brumaks and other large creatures would feel the full brunt of the force as the harpoon could be used to take down big enemies. Though there are many guns and many places you can get bullets the harpoon could serve as a back up just incase but would have an incredibly slow reload time to make the game fair. The harpoon could be a powerful way to move objects such as stone so it could fall on enemies or double as extra cover if need be and would make the game play more exciting because of the extra options. Also the grapple could be used to for example get on top of big monsters like brumaks to control them (this could include a chainsaw battle with the rider to fight for the brumak or use a series of buttons to get onto the brumak much like a good number of game series use now i.e God of war. THis addition would make you feel more control of your character and give you more options.


Tickers (the enemy that explodes in your face) could be a useful way to kill enemies if you were to produce your own. Under fire the enemy like you have a chance to kill them from a long range so it evens up the playing field slightly. However this could be used for other things also for example opening doors that jack cant (unsure about the details of this idea).


Another part of gears i dont understand is that you can comunicate with everyone when the misson lets you. Marcus being the one in charge should give orders to move his team mates because the amount of times Dom has stole my kill is ridiculous. Id like three simple orders. Fall back if its getting to hot, cover if i am moving and push forward for a more attacive approach. This would be good for diffrent game play also


Any comments on these ideas could be added on I am using these as a basic prefrence for ideas. Please do not slander my ideas as I am just making a statement if you do not like the ideas then just correct me. thanks



Some very nice ideas there, I do like the idea about having tickers to use, though fear they might end up a bit like the Bombchu's in the Zelda series (that were a pain in the arse to set down in the right position at the best of times). One small personal niggle is the misspelling of turrets, but ignore me. I've seen it for years because they're a heavy feature in an online PC game I play. That and people using the word 'rouge' when they mean rogue. I'm fairly sure they don't mean that somebody has turned red.


Regardless, nice post! Wouldn't be surprised to actually see less Jack in GoW3, it felt a bit cheap that they had a robot that could bust open doors at will and not be in any danger. Plus the invisibility thing was a lame way of getting around the fact that he follows you around without actually having him do so :heh:

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Epic Games has revealed that Gears of War novelist Karen Traviss is now writing the story for Gears of War 3, along with two more novels.


"We've always carefully integrated the books and the games, but now that Karen's writing the game as well, the storyline is even more tightly woven,"


"All the characters have a rich and troubled history, and the events between the second and third games plunge them into an even more desperate struggle to survive. The fourth book is essential reading for all Gearheads before they dive into the final game of the trilogy."


Traviss has previously written the Gears of War novels Aspho Fields and Jacinto's Remnant.



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EuroGamer - Gears 3 has burrowing-grenade launcher

Details on Gears of War 3's weapons, dynamic environments and additional combat systems have tumbled out in a new translation of the Russian preview that Cliff Bleszinski was grumpy about the other day.


Thanks to a Russian friend of Digital Foundry editor Rich Leadbetter, we know a number of additional details. For example, Gears 3 features a new grenade launcher with grenades that burrow underground and emerge on the other side of cover to strike enemies even when they're protected.


There's also a double-barrel shotgun that fires both shells simultaneously, and a single-shot rifle that does increasing damage when you achieve consecutive hits on the same target.


More weapons than before allow you to perform melee fatalities, too. Traditionally the Lancer could be used to chainsaw enemies, but now the knife can slice throats, while other weapons can break necks, and the flamethrower can be used to torch someone from within (use your imagination, I guess).


While it was possible to grab somebody as a "meat shield" in Gears of War 2, the third game will also allow you to strap a grenade to a meat shield and then kick him towards his friends. Boom. There are three grenades types, as well - smoke, explosive and napalm.


The game has previously been confirmed as four-player co-op, but now we also know that it will be possible to swap weapons with your friends while playing together, so if you're more of a Lancer man than shotty, do a deal.


The preview also revealed Lost Planet-style exoskeletal suits, in this case called Silverbacks. They have miniguns with unlimited ammo along with a limited-ammunition grenade launcher. Apparently they're well-armoured at the front but not so much from behind, and can also be used in stationary mode as a turret.


On the technological side, Epic has made it possible for environments to change more dramatically as you move through them. An example given is a street that suffers an earthquake as you move down it, altering the geology and bringing water cascading down from a nearby river. We should also see things like wind simulation (or at least feel their presence).


Gears of War 3 is due out on 8th April 2011 in Europe and we're expecting to learn more about it at E3 next month. In the meantime, check out the announcement trailer again to whet your appetite.



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Personally I think it looks like they've stepped it up alot since Gears 2, which IMO they had to do (I wasn't overly keen on what they did with that and think I much prefered Gears 1 as an experience), but from what was shown it's kinda just more of the same!


But I'll still play it and have some fun!

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