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Interesting topic - one month on, how do you feel about your 3DS?


Had mine nearly 2 weeks now, had the 3D slider set at halfway all the time while playing Lego Star Wars & Pilotwings and apart from the first 30 minutes when I tried it on full and felt a bit sickly, not given me headaches or anything.


The sweet spot you mentioned, seems just right for me, never lost the 3D effect while playing.


All in all, I'm really happy with it just becoming very frustrated with Pilotwings... stupid hang glider gold mission...

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Haven't used mine in about 2 weeks, mostly because of Pokemon Black which I still use my DSi for. Looking forward to the may update for the e-shop but my next retail title probably won't be until May. Hope they have some good Gameboy titles lined up after the release of the e-shop, we only really know about Mario Land and Link's Awakening.

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Extremely happy with mine. Played a fair amount of games, three of which I've spent over 20 hours with, so I've spent more time with my 3DS in it's first month that I did with the Phat, and I always take the handheld out with me if I've got space in my coat or satchel. Looking forward to the e-shop channel downloads, Lego Pirates of the Carribean and Ocarina of Time next!

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I've definitely not played mine as much as I thought I would. I'm not going to blame the launch lineup but rather a combination of Uni work/revision and having Pokemon White and Okamiden to play on my DS.


But generally, I haven't had a lot of time to play any games at all (I haven't turned my Wii on since early March because I haven't got the time, haven't used my PS3 for anything other than DVDs Blu-rays as I would rather relax and watch something than play a game and I'm only now playing my 360 properly since January). So my 3DS has it pretty good at the moment, considering I'll switch it on for maybe an hour or so every two days or so maybe.


I'm sure I'll get more enjoyment out of it in the summer as there are several games I'm looking forward to (Dream Trigger 3D, DOA: Dimensions, Ocarina of Time) but for the next few months, I'm sticking to my DS for the very small amount of time I have for gaming (and plus, there's DQ6 and Solatorobo coming :yay:).

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Well I got it on day 1 and I still play SF pretty regularly because you can dip in/out without having to invest any real time. But in the game, I have 3D permanently disabled so I get a nicer picture and smoother framerate. I only ever turn it on if I'm trying to show some one otherwise I have it off when using the OS menu too.


Nintendogs is still sitting sealed on my shelf and I've played the AR games thing once. My time with Face Raiders on the 3DS tour was more than enough to prevent from ever wanting to play again so I've not ran that at all. Not made much in the way of progress on the Street Pass thingy either - haven't completed the tower nor even one picture. My complete lack of interest in Mii based stuff doesn't help.


And if I want to play a DS game, I play it on my DSL, just like I will GBA games as I recently started playing through Fire Emblem 7 with it. If the e-Shop never sees GBA games, then now it's been discontinued, my DSL will remain more valuable to me than I suspect the 3DS ever will since the GBA had a ridiculous amount of good games and I bought my fair share of them.


So I have a 3D device that I don't use for 3D and make no real use of the rest of it's features.


Do I regret my purchase? Not really. I was always going to get one whether it was now or later and the latest point would have been the release of the Super Mario game so it would have been this year anyway if Miyamoto is to believed. I can't say the upcoming games even interest me that much. I don't even feel the need to look what's coming up as in some ways I've stopped caring. The knowledge I had when buying led me into the mindset that it won't be until the end of the year that I get another game. My memory tells me there is nothing in the short term I want, so why bother looking. I keep an eye on games to remain up to date on the state of the industry, not because I want to buy any of them.


Did I need to buy it day 1? No. Should I have waited? Well, unless it sees a big price cut or hardware revision with the next 12 months, then in all honesty, it wouldn't have made a difference.


It now just feels like another one of my toys and its sense of newness has long since gone. Not that it ever blew me away really. At best it was "oh neat" now it's just another thing to keep my hands busy.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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Did I need to buy it day 1? No. Should I have waited? Well, unless it sees a big price cut or hardware revision with the next 12 months, then in all honesty, it wouldn't have made a difference.




This has frustrated me to no end. That's £40 (Or £70 if you consider the +£15 the games cost) I could have saved by waiting a month. I've got some great usage out of the system and use it almost every day but I haven't missed out on anything I would've if I waited for a price drop.

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This has frustrated me to no end. That's £40 (Or £70 if you consider the +£15 the games cost) I could have saved by waiting a month. I've got some great usage out of the system and use it almost every day but I haven't missed out on anything I would've if I waited for a price drop.


Well I paid £210 and got the device and two games so I don't feel like I'd have saved money by waiting as it would still need to come down more to work out even.


I can understand how some might feel slightly cheated if they paid nearer the top end of the scale but there were so many deals floating around at release that this wouldn't represent a huge saving to anyone savvy enough to have spent 15mins searching for deals on Google.


And for those that didn't, well they've only got themselves to blame.

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'Regret' is too harsh a word tbh. It's clearly got a lot of potential and we know it was rushed out before the end of their fiscal year; the games are coming.


That said if i was one of the people who paid a lot for it i'd be gutted, especially with most shops selling it for £175 now. Either way, my exams finish on the 1st June so I'm a happy camper til then; won't really play it much until OoT consumes my life.

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Had mine since launch and I'm very happy with it, plenty to do straight out of the box and with Pilotwings and Street Fighter its kept me busy (apart from finishing off a few ds games but its on the same machine so I think that still counts?!). Anyone else think that the build quality seems a little bit off? I had the original 'fat' DS and it felt really sturdy, but the 3DS feels a little bit fragile in some respects, especially the screen hinge.


On the whole though its a fantastic little machine. Well happy!

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Yep, a big failure. I've spent the money and enjoyed it, you've spent it and haven't. ;)


Oh I enjoyed it while there was actually something to do on it. And now there isn't, and I'm sad, and I wish Nintendo would stop fucking around, which is sort of a tall order since they've always operated on their own whims, so what can you do.

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There's always a risk when you buy a console or handheld at the start of its life-cycle. I hold off unless I'm absolutely sure there's enough in the pipeline or on the horizon. For example, with the Cube, I remember there being Rogue Leader, Extreme G 3, Luigi's Mansion at launch, and then Melee coming out fairly soon afterwards. There was a steady stream there and enough at launch to keep you occupied.


If you find yourself bored now, and you're sure there's nothing out for the next few months, then you probably made the wrong choice by jumping onto the system too early. Its a risk. Saying that, at least you've got the system now, so that when the games do come, you've got the platform to play them on. The games will come, which is good. Its just far too early at the moment, in my opinion.

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The thing just came out and people are already regretting buying it? Is there some sort of emergency you would use the money for?


Play it now, play it later. It's yours. Enjoy it now or later, who cares. You don't have to be on the thing every day of your life for it to be worth the purchase. It's not like you are cursed now that you have left it untouched for two weeks. Come back to it when you're ready.


::shrug: But maybe I'm the only one that thinks like that.

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There's always a risk when you buy a console or handheld at the start of its life-cycle. I hold off unless I'm absolutely sure there's enough in the pipeline or on the horizon. For example, with the Cube, I remember there being Rogue Leader, Extreme G 3, Luigi's Mansion at launch, and then Melee coming out fairly soon afterwards. There was a steady stream there and enough at launch to keep you occupied.


If you find yourself bored now, and you're sure there's nothing out for the next few months, then you probably made the wrong choice by jumping onto the system too early. Its a risk. Saying that, at least you've got the system now, so that when the games do come, you've got the platform to play them on. The games will come, which is good. Its just far too early at the moment, in my opinion.


Dude, the Cube had one of the best launches. I was so spoilr by that console. Even the original DS came with something reasonable substantial packed in; the metroid hunters demo, which I played endlessly with friends. I've pretty much bought every Nintendo console on launch since the N64 and been disappointed by most of em.


Genuinely cannot wait for the Gameboy VC though, the fucking idea of it is getting me hard.

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Dude, the Cube had one of the best launches. I was so spoilr by that console. Even the original DS came with something reasonable substantial packed in; the metroid hunters demo, which I played endlessly with friends. I've pretty much bought every Nintendo console on launch since the N64 and been disappointed by most of em.


Genuinely cannot wait for the Gameboy VC though, the fucking idea of it is getting me hard.


Word. The Cube had a sickening launch. I remember Burnout and Monkey Ball being there, too. As well as Cel Damage. It had about a dozen great games at launch.


That's the thing, though. You could have spent the first year just playing the launch games. It was strong. Plus there were games coming out for it quite soon after, such as Melee. It was a great first year, I thought.

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Dude, I still play Melee whenever I have friends over. One of the best games ever made. Getting a craving for Cube, think I'm gonna spend the day playing through F-Zero GX again. Holy shit, if they make a version of that for the 3DS I will cream my pants.

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Not regretting it at all.

I got PES with it which has so much replay value it's unreal. Sure, no online but the champions league, master league and general quick play nature of the game is built for the 3DS.


Also, I can just shut the system at any point and resume my game when I feel like it. PES heaven in the palm of my hand AND with most of the console modes and in stunning 3D? For me that's worth the price of the system alone.


Lookin forward to OoT as well but the choice of games in the launch window sold it for me. Pilotwings is a great relaxing game too so I'm happy. Roll on the E-Store though - Internet browsing will be cool to have and those classics in 3D will be interesting.

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Dude, I still play Melee whenever I have friends over. One of the best games ever made. Getting a craving for Cube, think I'm gonna spend the day playing through F-Zero GX again. Holy shit, if they make a version of that for the 3DS I will cream my pants.


Melee and GX are two of the best games on that system. :)

I want a Wii version of F Zero, but dunno if it'll happen.


Not regretting it at all.

I got PES with it which has so much replay value it's unreal. Sure, no online but the champions league, master league and general quick play nature of the game is built for the 3DS.


Also, I can just shut the system at any point and resume my game when I feel like it. PES heaven in the palm of my hand AND with most of the console modes and in stunning 3D? For me that's worth the price of the system alone.


Lookin forward to OoT as well but the choice of games in the launch window sold it for me. Pilotwings is a great relaxing game too so I'm happy. Roll on the E-Store though - Internet browsing will be cool to have and those classics in 3D will be interesting.


TeeDee, your postings of PES make me horny. Is it really that good?


They need to put GBA games on there too. Imagine the money they'd make.


If Zero Mission is there, I'm in. Also, throw in a 3D remake of Metroid II.

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It never leaves my side. EVER. :D I've played it every day even when really busy there is at least half an hour of play.


Oh and the steps thing although my lowest is 4 and 9 steps in a day. :heh: Due to not walking around with it turned on. One really annoyed me as I went out and thought the system was on but it was not! RAWR.


Mine has a small like nick or the paint or whatever it is has come off the small circular bit at the bottom which strangely annoys me even though it doesn't effect the console in anyway or that it is noticeable accept to my scrupulous eyes. :heh:


Anyway I don't think I've played it in 3D for a while though since I keep playing Pokemon Black on it and so I still have loads of Nintendogs + Street Fighter to play.


It's the greatest thing, Handheld gaming is definitely my favourite. :)


I can't wait for Dead or Alive, Resident Evil and Ocarina of Time. :yay:


I really like the look of future of this device.



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