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3DS Console Discussion


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Meh, software sells hardware, the software everyone wants just hasn't arrived yet.

I bought my 3DS mainly for Starfox, sadly didn't realize it was going to be such a long wait. Bought a few launch games to keep me going, but they were all pretty meh, Monkeyball I enjoyed the most, but was over far too quickly. Pilotwings and Nintendogs are just a chore to play. In retrospect buying the 3DS at launch was a bit pointless, at the moment it's main use is a pedometer.

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People saying the 3DS is failing are seriously dumb. It's just come out with like NO SOFTWARE avaiable yet, jesus christ. Can anyone remember when the DS came out? it didn't take off for almost a year.


The 3DS has launched in a far weaker economy at a higher price in a more competitive environment. Hell, in America is almost outsold the DS despite those were monthly DS sales vs a weeks worth of 3DS sales, which is mighty impressive given the mass appeal of the DS and how cheap the thing is.


3DS will be fine, it's got 5-6 years of it's lifespan to go, probably more. Sales mean fuck all right now with no software, especially considering the PSP has monster hunter in japan which is still selling units.

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Jim and I tried the 3DS today in a GAME. I have to say I'm a bit unimpressed. It didn't seem to do much for me. If I turned up the 3D slider I just felt dizzy, if I turned it halfway it just felt... like not much was going on. Maybe I was expecting too much but I can't say it's something I really need to get right now. Or maybe it was just that Pilotwings wasn't the right game to try it with...


Jim on the other hand seemed to like it though. I'm sure he'll share his opinion on it later heh.

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Jim and I tried the 3DS today in a GAME. I have to say I'm a bit unimpressed. It didn't seem to do much for me. If I turned up the 3D slider I just felt dizzy, if I turned it halfway it just felt... like not much was going on. Maybe I was expecting too much but I can't say it's something I really need to get right now. Or maybe it was just that Pilotwings wasn't the right game to try it with...


Jim on the other hand seemed to like it though. I'm sure he'll share his opinion on it later heh.

Pilotwings is awesome with it. You may not have been at the optimum angle which would have caused the dizziness

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Jim and I tried the 3DS today in a GAME. I have to say I'm a bit unimpressed. It didn't seem to do much for me. If I turned up the 3D slider I just felt dizzy, if I turned it halfway it just felt... like not much was going on. Maybe I was expecting too much but I can't say it's something I really need to get right now. Or maybe it was just that Pilotwings wasn't the right game to try it with...


Jim on the other hand seemed to like it though. I'm sure he'll share his opinion on it later heh.


My first impressions in GAME were pretty poor too, though I only got to try out Face Raiders..


I also found the 3D to be a little weird for me the first time I got to try out my own 3DS at home but after I went to work that day and came home I seemed to be able to take a minute or two to get to grips with it and I have no problems now in that regard. All it really took for me was sort of learning how to focus my eyes on the screen.. then it was great :smile:


Having said that, I see no problem in waiting for one. I finished Pilotwings Resort earlier in the week (apart from getting perfect on everything) and am not really sure when I'll be buying another game ::shrug:

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The 3D worked for me instantly. I was a bit surprised about how little I had to "think" about it. It felt a lot more natural than I was expecting.


I think it will differ from person to person. Trying it in-store is good, but really you need the system at home with you to really get to grips with it and experience what it can do.


The game itself was ok. Wasn't blown away by it. Looked quite nice graphically, but I don't class it as something I desperately need to own right now. The analogue slider/stick felt strange to me, and I can see that taking some time to get used to.


All in all, I'm happy I've had the chance to try it. But, I'm confident that I don't need it right now. I can easily wait half a year or so to get the system, when the special games come out.

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Well i caved. Inpulse buy (Aneres11 fault!! lol) Bought a black one from Morrisons (£187) and pilotwings. Also got Pokemon Black.


3DS is like super awesome!! :) It just more good games now (cant wait for zelda in June) which we are going to come. Like most console new releases it takes awhile for big hitters to start appearing etc! :)


<----- Friend code if you which to add me!

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Well I certainly hope that the browser will be a serious affair, and not just a silly gimmick. The DSi browser wasn't bad, but I do hope this one is much better. With more RAM and better screens I don't see why not to expect a fully fledged mobile browser, except that it's Nintendo after all ;)

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Well I certainly hope that the browser will be a serious affair, and not just a silly gimmick.

Nothing against the 3DS, but the browser will run on a 400x240 pixel screen. I'd say that prevents it from being a "serious affair" no matter what. ;)


Still, having 3D galleries on specially designed websites is a cool application.

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I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this before but I noticed it this afternoon when I was playing around with my 3DS..


When I was in Nintendo 3DS Sound listening to a couple of songs, obviously you can change the visualizations by pulling the little cord on the bottom screen. However, I wasn't aware that you could interact with a couple of them :eek: You can use the circle pad to move around the arwing-type vehicle through the tunnel if flys through on the top screen or you can also play a game with the visualization on the football pitch. You use the circle pad to direct a wee character around keeping footballs in the air with his head and it tracks your score..


It may not be anything major and perhaps quite obvious when I noticed it was there but I certainly wasn't aware of it before and thought it was a nice touch :hehe:

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Absolutely no idea why I went and bought this. Twice. Haven't touched it for weeks, and there's barely anything on the horison that seems exciting, except a remake of a game that I've already completed far too many times, and will not pay full price to play on handheld. I guess I'm just waiting for the VC update, so I can get on Links Awakening, which I've been wanting to play again for the longest time.

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Absolutely no idea why I went and bought this. Twice. Haven't touched it for weeks, and there's barely anything on the horison that seems exciting, except a remake of a game that I've already completed far too many times, and will not pay full price to play on handheld. I guess I'm just waiting for the VC update, so I can get on Links Awakening, which I've been wanting to play again for the longest time.



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I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this before but I noticed it this afternoon when I was playing around with my 3DS..


When I was in Nintendo 3DS Sound listening to a couple of songs, obviously you can change the visualizations by pulling the little cord on the bottom screen. However, I wasn't aware that you could interact with a couple of them :eek: You can use the circle pad to move around the arwing-type vehicle through the tunnel if flys through on the top screen or you can also play a game with the visualization on the football pitch. You use the circle pad to direct a wee character around keeping footballs in the air with his head and it tracks your score..


It may not be anything major and perhaps quite obvious when I noticed it was there but I certainly wasn't aware of it before and thought it was a nice touch :hehe:


On the arwing type one you can also shoot by pressing the shoulder buttons :wink:

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Absolutely no idea why I went and bought this. Twice. Haven't touched it for weeks, and there's barely anything on the horison that seems exciting, except a remake of a game that I've already completed far too many times, and will not pay full price to play on handheld. I guess I'm just waiting for the VC update, so I can get on Links Awakening, which I've been wanting to play again for the longest time.


Tell me about it :/


I'm using it to replay Trials and Tribulations but even then the battery life on my DS is a lot better.


Def getting Mercenaries for the online awesomeness of it and OoT.

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Interesting topic - one month on, how do you feel about your 3DS?


I can honestly say I've used mine every day since it was released. I do 1000 steps to earn my coins, and two days a week I go out and try to do StreetPass.


The 3D on the other hand, I hardly ever use. The sweet spot is so small and you have to be in a different state of focus, so it's just too much effort for most stuff. That said, I am going to try and play Ocarina of Time in 3D all the way through.


So, I don't regret my purchase, although I'd gladly swap the 3D for the things that really matter, namely better graphics and resolution, bigger screen and maybe an extra Slide Pad (although that's not extremely important for now). Basically, I hope some 2D-only games are made that really push the system.


The other thing I'll say is that the buzz has gone. When I bought it I thought I was buying into an exciting new system. One month on, the games in the shops are still the same and I can't get any more StreetPasses than before. I'm a little bit concerned there's not much momentum behind the device and that it's not very popular yet.

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