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No. Fracking. WAY! I adored Yoshi's Island and played EVERY.SINGLE.AREA. to death.


And my perverse teenage mind never saw this?! C'mon. I'm still sceptical...


I'd love to know how I never spotted it. My excuse that I was just on the pre-teen side of things (musta been 11 or 12) so my hormones wouldn't have (fully) kicked in just yet.


Can't believe Nintendo put that in there.


..uh.. well, here's my take on it :indeed:






It has appeared!

OCReMix presents - Donkey Kong Country 2: Serious Monkey Business!







Thanks for that, I downloaded the torrent yesterday but hadn't acted on it yet. I'm taking the Zip option now as its much handier, imo.

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No. Fracking. WAY! I adored Yoshi's Island and played EVERY.SINGLE.AREA. to death.


And my perverse teenage mind never saw this?! C'mon. I'm still sceptical...


The proof is right in front of you! Someone posted a pic in this thread! Innuendo in ya FACE!

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..uh.. well, here's my take on it :indeed:




And that is how Bungie invented Master Chef. ;)


I'd love to know how I never spotted it. My excuse that I was just on the pre-teen side of things (musta been 11 or 12) so my hormones wouldn't have (fully) kicked in just yet.


Well, it's not exactly Page 3, is it? :heh:

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@ Darksnowman & Tapedeck and other DKC - music - lovers


Yes, I noticed it too, I'TS FINALLY HERE:D :D :D




It's gorgeous too. Driving to work today was awesome.


In relation to the hillarious Master Chef joke and general Yoshi's Island smut - when playing Nintendo I never think of Sex. It's alllll good.


Oh. Forgot to mention the track whise David (fooking!) Wise, Beanland and Kirk (ending of DKC2) worked on is absolutely stunning. In my eyes it is actually somewhat an emotional tribute to the 16-Bit DKC franchise. My favourite titles ever.


We may never see Rare dealing with the DKC universe again and with those 3 prolific composers not together anymore this is a landmark track. I'm in awe.


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In relation to the hillarious Master Chef joke and general Yoshi's Island smut - when playing Nintendo I never think of Sex. It's alllll good.


I don't either. That is the brilliance of Nintendo - they show that the very best entertainment has nothing gratuitous in it whatsoever - nothing to arouse you, nothing to horrify you, nothing to make you feel aggressive (as such) - just brilliant, exciting, wholesome fun like Mario and Zelda.

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I listened to the DKC 2 stuff in its entirety yesterday evening and tbh, I wasn't feeling it. To me it seems too remixed. :hmm: David Wise and co's track didn't even stand out to me! The worst is that Monkeys Disarm Their Kremlings one. I already have it from batch of ten Rare tunes I downloaded yonks ago and hated it, so I was appalled to hear it crop up here... and twice! My favourite is the bonus track Bonus Bop, followed by the Disco Train tune.


Whats everyone else think?

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I never really could get into the DKC remixes, i'd rather just listen to the original music - it's perfect how it is.


Indeed, the OST was already perfect, but I still don't mind the music from this game, if anything I am just really happy to see so many people so dedicated into wanting to remix music from their childhood :D



Speaking of dedication...

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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't really understand what this is.


But it's 7 minutes of radical retro sounds.



Familiar with any like Chip Tune artists? Alot of people have modded gameboys and compose new tracks out of music from gameboy games, some even do it live, there was a guy named Henry Homesweet who was doing a gig with a friends brothers band in Manchester last year, it was sounding like some awesome retro techno, the guy then jumped up on an amp and was doing a solo live with nothing but a gameboy hooked up to system, it was amazing.

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  • 3 weeks later...


This vid suddenly made me realise what a proud supporter of NINTENDO I really am:hehe:


I do hope there'll be some sort of documentary on the company over previous years, for NINTENDO has yet again redefined the industry.

I remember seeing a BBC documentary on NINTENDO in the early Gamecube days on youtube.

Could somebody summon that?


(Should I be glad not too have witnessed the horrors of the war that SEGA and NINTENDO waged? Was there a lot of suffering?)

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