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Lost: The Final Season


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Last episode was great. Finally, the numbers are revealed.


The young kid telling MIB that he can't kill "him". I think he's referring to Sawyer.




His name was on the wall.


And this is why the monster was able to kill Eko. His name wasn't on the wall.


I think it's pretty obvious the kid was talking about Jacob.


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But he's already dead and Fake Locke didn't kill him


Of course he did, indirectly, but it was his responsability. Plus, the fact that Nikki's name was on the wall and that she was killed by Smokie renders that logic useless, because if it's a part of the rules then he would've been unable to kill her, just like he was unable to kill Jacob.


From my POV, I think it's pretty obvious that the kid's refering to him having killed Jacob, thus "breaking" the rules which shouldn't have been broken (or diverted, in this case). But who knows, maybe he IS talking about the candidates. It's all speculation for now.


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Of course he did, indirectly, but it was his responsability. Plus, the fact that Nikki's name was on the wall and that she was killed by Smokie renders that logic useless, because if it's a part of the rules then he would've been unable to kill her, just like he was unable to kill Jacob.


From my POV, I think it's pretty obvious that the kid's refering to him having killed Jacob, thus "breaking" the rules which shouldn't have been broken (or diverted, in this case). But who knows, maybe he IS talking about the candidates. It's all speculation for now.


The Losties killed Nikki. They buried her alive.


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I'm pretty sure the lil' boy was talking in the past tense, if that clears anything up. I, too, inferred that he was talking about Jacob.


Jacob wants people to stay on the island, the other dude wants everyone off. One's fate, the other's destiny. They're different things, honest! No, not really, I just thought that would sound cool. Dunno who/what the kid is, of course.


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Well, that was crap.


The flash-sideways are becoming increasingly dull and the Jack's kid was intensely irritating.


And the coincidences? Fuck me how ridiculous are they gonna make it? Plus, the fact that damon and Carlton keep going on about how they bumped into each other before they knew each other making lost makes me think that the coincidences really are just coincidences.



Come on Lost, you used to be cool...

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Dan, I gotta disagree with you. I enjoyed this episode, but then maybe I related to the daddy-issues side-flash-thing.


The series does seem to be a bit too fan-aware at times, with the noughts and crosses game being tied and hurley's vocalisation of what we've always wondered RE: skeletons (and the "how did we never find this lighthouse?").


Whenever other people say "well that was a boring episode" I always find myself alone in thinking it was alright, actually. I can see how it was majority filler, but it seemed to be a necessary transitional episode to update us on clare, to get Jack motivated, to elaborate on the numbers a little.


It's still early on in the series, and while I'd say that so far it's not been as relentless as earlier ones, I have to give it a chance to play itself out a bit longer. It's hardly like I'm going to stop watching it now, is it?


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Dan, I gotta disagree with you. I enjoyed this episode, but then maybe I related to the daddy-issues side-flash-thing.


The series does seem to be a bit too fan-aware at times, with the noughts and crosses game being tied and hurley's vocalisation of what we've always wondered RE: skeletons (and the "how did we never find this lighthouse?").


Whenever other people say "well that was a boring episode" I always find myself alone in thinking it was alright, actually. I can see how it was majority filler, but it seemed to be a necessary transitional episode to update us on clare, to get Jack motivated, to elaborate on the numbers a little.


It's still early on in the series, and while I'd say that so far it's not been as relentless as earlier ones, I have to give it a chance to play itself out a bit longer. It's hardly like I'm going to stop watching it now, is it?


Haha yep, can't see anyone giving up now. Yeah, wasn't so bad, not quite sure why I claimed it was crap but I'm still claiming that the flash-sides are utterly pointless and vaguely ridiculous.


Also, This blog, from someone who's just started watching Lost in the last season, continues to be the best thing everâ„¢

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I'm loving this series! How they tie up ALL the loose ends I'll never know. I hate waiting to download each new episode on Friday from Sky. I could with a decent torrent but can never find one......Not that I download torrents:woops:


It's not exactly hard...

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That episode was ok if you ask me. I think it was necessary to get the Jack/Claire thing coming to a head of sorts plus we now have this conflict between Claire and Kate. However I'm still not convinced I like the explanation about the numbers and the candidates...


The flash sideways are abit meh to me...the interest comes not from the stupid coincidences of how all these people end up meeting anyway but of how they will consolidate the two multiverses together. I think some of the meetings have been done well...such as Jack and Locke in the airport and Locke and Ben but some of them are just like what is the point in that...

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I thought it was good this week too. Unless anything completely mental or boring happens, I feel like I've a good understanding of Lost. I enjoy watching it, so what people consider filler, I just like to see what the characters are up to. It helps you get to know them a bit more, imo. :heh: I think the stuff I liked least so far was some of Sayids episodes from the beginning, showing him in Iraq and stuff. I found that a bit meh.


I can't wait to see Jack click into action and fulfil his role as the leader again. Its interesting how Locke is going about gathering up his little gang of followers. Its like The Stand (novel by Stephen King) where Flagg went around recruiting people who would lean more towards the darkness than the light.


Jacob works in mysterious ways.

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No, the bomb changed things from the moment it went off -- 1972 or whatever year it was, and because we had Jacob 'touching' a lot of people's lives 'originally', the 'altered' reality will have a fair few potential, if tenuous, differences! Hurley thinking that he's 'the luckiest guy in the world' for one thing, Jack having a kid is another, the potential Sun/Jin not-being-married is also there... Really it's another chance for them to do pretty much anything with the show and thus make the ultimate ending absolutely unpredictable until very late.


A comment someone made was that the 'alternate' reality isn't necessarily 'alternate', suggesting that there could be all sorts of mindfuckery ahead.


Thinking back to the 'alternate' plane crash turbulance scene, Charlie saying "you should've let me die" potentially interests me the most, but considering he's not on the island anymore, clearly is no longer a 'candidate' I guess we won't really see much more of him.

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Did Jack have a son before the crash? I thought the bomb only changed things after the plane took off from Sydney.


He didn't have a son and we don't know how this universe X is made but if Jacob didnt touch them, people lives could be total different without Jacob or the island.

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