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Lost: The Final Season


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I meant people who have sky! anyway if we are being honest, if you don't have sky you should wait for the dvds! not watching it via other means.


Judging by past years the DVDs will only be out by christmas, and to be honest, fuck if I'm gonna avoid the internet for spoilers until then.


Plus this way I can feel like I'm getting one up on Rupert Merdoch, which is always a good thing

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I can't wait personally. Been a fan since the beginning though I kinda don't want it to end. Really not sure how this season is going to work out. The writers have said it's going to go back to the 'feel' of the first. Them all in the jungle, not knowing what the shit is going on. If this means there's going to be an alternative reality and they're all going back to the island...again, that'll be a bit disappointing. I guess we'll see.

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where did you get 9th Febuary from Dante? it restarts this friday which is the 5th! Also we get two episodes which is why I don't get why people can't wait till Sky airs it as we are only 3 days behind!


I meant people who have sky! anyway if we are being honest, if you don't have sky you should wait for the dvds! not watching it via other means.


I pay a subscription and still download. Means I can watch it whenever and wherever (bed) I want with no adverts.

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Well, I was pretty shocked when they brought back the polar bear and it killed and devoured fLocke... and then dharma shark having a fight with Ben and Ben winning. Good stuff.


I don't really know where to start anyhow. The usual mix of stupid shit and interesting stuff. I don't think I'd still be watching if the ending wasn't on the horizon.

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Judging by past years the DVDs will only be out by christmas, and to be honest, fuck if I'm gonna avoid the internet for spoilers until then.


Plus this way I can feel like I'm getting one up on Rupert Merdoch, which is always a good thing


Out in August apparently! I managed to avoid the spoilers from half of series 2 and series 3 and series 4 for however long its easily done.


Well, I was pretty shocked when they brought back the polar bear and it killed and devoured fLocke... and then dharma shark having a fight with Ben and Ben winning. Good stuff.


I don't really know where to start anyhow. The usual mix of stupid shit and interesting stuff. I don't think I'd still be watching if the ending wasn't on the horizon.


I don't even know if thats true or not but please spoiler tag anything!

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Totally called Kate being the future version of Walt.


I loled


No, but seriously, if anyone posts spoilers in here I will ban them, delete all the posts they have ever made, and bear bad feelings towards them forever.


That's fair enough. I think the last episodes of Lost might actually be considered the biggest / most potentially irritating spoilers ever. I can't think of anything bigger.


But more to the point, what's with the lack of actual episode talk! I thought it was all rather exciting, though


-Not entirely sure what the point of showing both dimensions is gonna be - though I assume they are somehow linked considering Juliet's dieing words (or dead words rather)


Speaking of which, 2 death scenes in 2 episodes in a row, she did well didn't she!


And I'm sure there must be a shit tonne of plot holes wizzing around atm. Dessy being on the plane / mysteriously disappearing was either really awesome or really stupid coincidence, the jury's out


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Ah for frak sake, I set up my laptop to download this before I left for work, hoping that by the time I got home it would be finished and I could watch it. I told the wife, I'm downloading something, don't turn off the download or the laptop till it's finished.


I get home, see the laptop is off i say to the wife "hey did that download finish", she said "yes, it finished"


Grand, had dinner first, ate fast so I could finish sooner and start watching Lost.


Turn the laptop on and what do I find... yeah you guessed it... it didn't finsih downloading.... it wasn't even near 100% it was at 23%.. WTF, and the download speeds I'm getting now are so fraking slow having started it this morning makes no bloody difference or advantage... DAMNIT

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If you're watching the show ahead of the UK airing schedule, then you gotta do what dan did above and put it in spoiler tags. After UK airdates, that episode is generally 'allowed' to be talked about.


As Odwin says, spoil even slightly and you will be made to be sorry.

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If you're watching the show ahead of the UK airing schedule, then you gotta do what dan did above and put it in spoiler tags. After UK airdates, that episode is generally 'allowed' to be talked about.


As Odwin says, spoil even slightly and you will be made to be sorry.


Seriously, unleash the banhammer like never before.

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Hmm, that was a bumpy ride!


I wonder if anyone's going to become a vessel for Jacob... You know, just like Locke is a vessel for Esau/The Monster/Man in black/Samuel/whoever the fuck he is... but it's very unlikely.

I was thinking that through the whole show, thinking sayid would be the 'vessel'. Wondering why the smoke-monster-personified-dude-currently-in-locke never said his name, but that's typical Lost stuff I suppose.


Generally speaking, I was unsure about these eps. The last season had such a massive cliff-hanger we had no clue whatsoever of the direction this one would be going in. The 'temple' stuff is a bit of a get-out because - oh, look, more 'others'.. It's a bit annoying. How do they fit into the Everything That Has Ever Happened?


No doubt we'll find out. That stewardess being there, and the kids, means there must be a link to the Original Others (and... like, that whole Walt shit. Where did Claire go, again?).


The temple leader's 'translator' looks so damn similar to one of Hurley's flashback mates, it's silly.


In general I thought that, considering it's the last season, it was all a bit slower than usual.


I do like the alternate reality element, don't really know where it's going to go or if it's going to be in anyway relevant to the dudes left on the island.


I suppose the main focus is going to be Jacob/Smoke dude, with smoke dude trying to go home, wherever that is.


I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the ride!



The Lost group http://www.facebook.com/LOST?ref=nf posted this link:




didn't realise you could watch them via this...on ABC's actual website...


I was always under the impression that was for US viewers only. Not clicked the link just now but say it ain't so.

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