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The Materialism Thread (a.k.a Things I Want)


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The ugliest part of those shoes is the big image on the tongue. It's been ruined by its own need to explicitly represent the franchise.


It reminds me of a real Buzz Lightyear, it looks just like the one from the actual film, but it's ruined by having a Toy Story logo on it.

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My Buzz Lightyear didn't have a Toy Story logo on it...


I always wanted Woody more anyway. (Must have stemmed from the fact gay boys want to be cowboys, and straight boys want to be indians)




I want the orange ones. Not because they're Star Wars (although that does add), just because I'm able to laugh with.

Edited by chairdriver
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I wanna have control,

I want a perfect body,

I want a perfect soul,

I want you to notice,

when I'm not around.




Anyway I actually want a placement.


And a a new monitor...


And a new graphics card and mobo.




Some free time, please.

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I saw a Darth Vador pair and a Storm Trooper pair of shoes like that in Shoe Express a few days ago, I thought they looked kind of stupid tbh.






Hayyy guyshh.




Seriously, what socially retarded individual would wear those.


Reminds me of this:



Things I want: Final Fantasy XIII, White Knight Chronicles, that Edgeworth game, possibly Heavy Rain (seems a little overhyped currently; time shall tell).

Things I need: None of those, if I'm to be a good scientist.

Edited by Sheikah
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  • 3 weeks later...

What do I want? The ability to actually motivate myself to do work. I know I can do the work, and I keep thinking 'right, let's do this', but rarely actually start working, and actually get a decent amount done even less often.


Oh, and a bicycle would be damn handy for slicing down the time I spend travelling to and from Uni...

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That first one's not really a materialistic desire... the materialistic version would be some sort of awesome gadget robot that kicks your ass and makes you do your work when you play too many computer games.


I want a house and a car.


Just the little things. Easily pleased.

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Right now I want/need to get grades AB in my A levels. I have 3 modules which I get back on the 11th March and I really hope I have at least Bs in all of them. Never worried about results quite like this before.

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I want UPlar on my phone as a ringtone.


UP on dvd!




You just reminded me how much I love Up and Upular. So I got the mp3 version and will put it as my ringtone later. Too bad my phone is always set to silent... maybe I'll finally change that now. X3

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  • 2 weeks later...

My Amazon wish list took a pounding:


Studio Lights:



Studio Backdrop Frame:



Gorillapod SLR Zoom (the strongest one they do) with ball head:



Slik Clamp Head (to clamp the camera to random shit):



New Flash:



Macro Lens:



I want it all damnit.

Edited by Goafer
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Although I've been trying to avoid buying a new game (and it's actually been productive, I haven't played much for a while, went back and (nearly) finished Darksiders, even started playing SMG again, more exercise, reading books) the temptation is looming to pick up either FFXIII or Heavy Rain...... A nice story oriented single player title is calling out to me.

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I'm not into fashion/clothes really, but I want these. Out of season/stock/whatever the term is and are runbelievably expensive, so yeah.

Whenever I type in "mens pirate boots" or whatever all I get is fancy dress clothes. Crying.

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