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Feeling a bit burnt out on gaming!


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really good page actually very useful..


am im going to go with.


gamecube: metroid prime 1


Now you knew this was coming. I'm not sure why you haven't finished both but I can understsnd your reasons for part 2 but no game gives you greater satisfaction among completion than metroid prime. Makes you feel great completing a game that everyone considers very hard.


by the way did you actually fully beat f-zero gx or is that a lie :P?

Edited by mcj metroid
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really good page actually very useful..


am im going to go with.


gamecube: metroid prime 1


Now you knew this was coming. I'm not sure why you haven't finished both but I can understsnd your reasons for part 2 but no game gives you greater satisfaction among completion than metroid prime. Makes you feel great completing a game that everyone considers very hard.


by the way did you actually fully beat f-zero gx or is that a lie :P?


metroid prime 1 am up to the last boss and just can't do it, prime 2 was stuck on a boss quite far into it...


Nope not a single lie on there I did genuinely complete f-zero gx.

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I dunno because am loving Borderlands and yet can't be arsed to play through it.


I flat out stopped playing Borderlands for about 3 weeks. Same with Uncharted 2 actually. If you aren't in the mood to play, don't try and force it. It's not like these games are going anywhere.


Even now I'm not in the mood. Finished the God of War Collection yesterday, which is epic btw, still got The Saboteur on rental and Dragon Age to get through but I'm not in the mood - The Saboteur will go back and DA will stay unplayed until I can be arsed.

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I tend to feel bored of all games when I have too big a choice of games to play (backlog it is!).


I spent a period back around 2005/06 when I stopped playing/caring, and even now I probably only spend about 3 hours a week gaming -- unless I find a game I can fully immerse myself into...


The problem for me has kinda been with achievements -- when I have a selection of games I find my choice is steered by which game will get me the most points quickest? rather than purely enjoyment factor.


However, I started playing Arkham Asylum last night, and the sheer enjoyment/story side of things makes me Not Give A Shit about the achievements because I enjoy the game enough.


Take a break, read a book. Best advice I can give.

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If you're not getting into the games, then the cure isn't to find more games to play. Unless you're just tired of those games, rather than the entirety of gaming.


If you're not turned on, don't have sex. Same thing applies.


Lol I don't think thats ever happened!

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There was a while when I wasn't playing as many games as I had been before. Then I got a PS3. Although, I think my problem might have been not having any new games to play at the time, as I only had a Wii at that point, and it was in the middle of the Wii game drought.

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As Iwata said:


"We can't be optimistic about the game market. No matter what great product you come up with, people get bored. I feel like a chef cooking for a king who's full."


Me thinks you need to be less full of the games.


Iwata doesn't half talk some shit does he?!

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lol know what you mean. Everyone's gaming habits change as they grow older. I started out pretty hardcore. Subscribed to game mags, bought all the highly rated titles ("Awesome award"...good old NOM days) and always spent whatever money I had on games.


Nowadays things are different. University takes up alot of my time. Exams in less than a week for instance. On going assignments and group work. Not enjoyable but has to be done. Started to go out more, clubbing, chilling, cinema, shisha etc. Now, I'm just content with games of FIFA with the flatmates and some multiplayer COD of course.


I gotta say though, that my younger cousin keeps me up to date with titles I woulda bought if I was younger (and richer!). Thanks to him I borrow the likes of Fable 2/Batman Arkham Asylum and Assassins Creed which I'm enjoying now!

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I randomly played Rollercoaster Tycoon last night after stumbling across the disc whilst looking for something else. One defining thing about this game is the sound effects. I get this immense feeling of joy and pleasure when you have a rollercoaster and you hear the rumble of the rollercoaster carts and the screams of the people on them.


Unfortunately I somehow failed the first yearly goals by not having a rating of 600 for my pack had 597 and hadn't saved once so I quit pissed off!

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But you owned it at one point, the developer has gone and the money will just be going towards EA (who fucked that dev. over).


Or... you know, buy it and go to Heaven and stuff.


People are going to think I pirate my games now aren't they?


I have Steam!


I buy!


Don't shoot!

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Its amazing, I've been yearning to get my mits on theme hospital, a game that plagued my childhood. But I love it too much, can't find it for cheap though. Everytime I check game its there but not in stock.


You got a PSP or PS3 because you can buy it on PSN...I have it in fact its still a great game...did used to have it on disc for PC but have feeling it went to the charity shop awhile back.

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Its amazing, I've been yearning to get my mits on theme hospital, a game that plagued my childhood. But I love it too much, can't find it for cheap though. Everytime I check game its there but not in stock.


That game is in just about every shop in town that sells even just a few games. Maplins for example. Never played it though, I want the original Theme Park, which I could probably appreciate properly now i'm older.

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I feel the same...I guess that's just growing up. I don't warm to new games these days like I did to ones in the past, and I find myself only getting a lot of enjoyment from old games that I used to love when I was younger. For instance, I've gone through stints of playing Ragnarok Online and Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst - if I'd never played these games before I've no doubt I'd enjoy them in this day and age.


You can really only repeat the same sorts of themes and gameplay so many times until it just doesn't have much effect anymore.

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I disagree with that.


Gaming is a rapidly moving and evolving medium.


If you're finding yourself bored with gaming because it's "samey" then you're not being diverse in your search.

Newer games still all heavily rely on old mechanics so you're bound to get a little bored. There's only so many times you can race a car/pick up a handgun etc. Sure gaming is evolving, but it'll probably never have the same effect on someone compared to when they first started gaming.

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