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Annoying trends.


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Sorry but I have no qualms at all with supporting a mum of 15 kids. 30k really is nothing at all to help with the children - if anything I'd say she should have more.


The reason why this IS NOT a disgusting waste of tax payers' money is because she is giving the country 15 people who can each end up paying the government taxes that they can use to really waste their money (on EMAs and flowers) which is more than YOU'RE doing for the government.


PLUS (real argument) that's fifteen real people brought into the earth. Give her some slack.




I have no real problems with any current fashions/trends. I have already digivolved into an Old Geyser who has no idea what the Cool Thing is, anyway...




I have an Arthur Dent dressing gown. Nothing official, it just looks The Deal.


15 people who could also be a complete waste of time. :grin: I'm not knocking her or the kids, just the fact she gets so much money for having said children, so much so they can just sit and home because they can't get jobs that would equal as much as the benefits.


Its just the way it came across in the paper, as though both they fail AND the jobcentre (which we all know fails anyway)


Ce la vive! :grin:


EDIT: whoops! Sorry for de-railing, I'll stop honest.


Anooying trend..hmm probably skinny jeans. Now I know they've been around for a while and I do like my skinny jeans. But on men, I don't want to see chicken legs! Sometimes I like abit of meat on men for the love of god, bin them for 2010!

Edited by nightwolf
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Perhaps you should have to be 18 (I may argue that 21 is a better age as you are more likely to be financially stable) before you can enter into any Direct Debit contract with a business of certain kinds.


You do have to be 18 to enter a Direct Debit contract.

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Perhaps you should have to be 18 (I may argue that 21 is a better age as you are more likely to be financially stable) before you can enter into any Direct Debit contract with a business of certain kinds. It's just shocking how many people I see (and know) who have 'teh latest gadgetronics' in their pockets and in their houses yet they can barely afford it. Kinda sets the tone for the rest of their lives.


No wonder the UK is in millions of pounds worth of debt. I guess it's ok though if you've a huge TV, new car and your kids all have the latest tech. At least you can then 'screw' the government over (as well as the millions who contribute to the UK's economy by working a 40+hr week).

Why 18? Lots of people become financially stable before getting any where near that age. At 16 i had enough money to pay for a mobile phone contract, go out drinking, and go out with friends. Just because of the ones that can't doesn't mean anyone should be penilised.


Millions? I think its a bit more than millions.

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To be honest I have to agree with kirk, just look at students at uni, just because they are 18 doesn't mean they don't waste it! Few of my friends are already spending their loan and they only got it yesterday.


I found that the student loan was instantly absorbed by rent.

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I found that the student loan was instantly absorbed by rent.


Alot of peoples do, which is fair enough! Given its important, but I'm speaking about those who can't pay their rent because they stupidly bought a tv or hundreds of pounds worth of jeans (true story for both..how they spent that much is beyond me..):grin:

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Lengthy, gut-wrenching animal abuse commercials from PETA and the ASPCA are common over here now. Its a noble effort, but how many animals could they save if they werent spending all their money on airtime?


One just came on as i typed this :cry:

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As much as I like how it looks, it needs to die.


I fucking hate those things, everyone seems to be wearing em


Other things which should die are:


Kanye West, Dub Step, Men wearing make up, Skinny jeans, Russel Brands hair (well the people who copy it, i quite like Russel Brand), Uggs, confused.com facebook status's, facebook groups for absolutely EVERYTHING- cudnt give a shite if u want 9 million people in your group, fuck off.


Ah, my end of decade rant is just about done i think :)

Edited by Bren
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Kanye West, Dub Step, Men wearing make up, Skinny jeans, Russel Brands hair (well the people who copy it, i quite like Russel Brand), Uggs, confused.com facebook status's, facebook groups for absolutely EVERYTHING- cudnt give a shite if u want 9 million people in your group, fuck off.




Especially the Facebook groups.

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I deleted someone from facebook (to be fair I only 'knew' them cause they're a friend of my sister's) because they took up at least 80% of my feed with "UGLY BITCH HAS JOINED "OMG I LOVE YOU", "WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME?!", "TEAM JACOB! :P", "IT'S SNOWING!"" etc etc.


I only join groups or become fans on those sorts of thing if they make me laugh. I joined the one about being Blue-shelled in MK for example. It's rare in my case.

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. Uggs

. Skinny Jeans

. Those stupid glasses

. Those gym shoe like things all girls wear that aren't wearing Uggs.

. Joining the random Facebook groups. I DON''T CARE.

. Things that are Stunning.

. Blokes straightening their hair.

. Michael Jackson (Let the poor man go!)

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. Uggs

. Skinny Jeans

. Those stupid glasses

. Those gym shoe like things all girls wear that aren't wearing Uggs.

. Joining the random Facebook groups. I DON''T CARE.

. Things that are Stunning.

. Blokes straightening their hair.

. Michael Jackson (Let the poor man go!)


Pffft, nothing wrong with guys straightening their hair! :heh:

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Yeah...the kids will work! :p I'm sure many won't follow in their layabout parents' footsteps and seek unemployment benefit, or become tearaways. Not all, but many of such large families that crop up often seem to arise in deprived areas where the parents are often long-term unemployed, and there's a high incidence of crime and antioscial behaviour. Again, I say not all, before someone goes off on one.


It's nice to be an idealist and say that all 15 children will contribute to the tax pool...but we all know that won't happen. Claiming for 15 kids is ridiculous, no matter how you see it. What aren't you getting from having 4 kids that you are getting from 15? No one in their right mind could argue that it's a good thing, particularly given our projected population. And the funny thing is, parents of such children are capable of getting by on said benefits without the need for a job. That clearly demonstrates the flawed system; that this allows people to remain jobless.


I'm thinking, you learn attitudes from your parents. These dossy families tend to all behave in the same way and have a similar lazy-as-shit attitude to work. Not to say that applies to everyone.

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Pffft, nothing wrong with guys straightening their hair! :heh:


Yeah, not everyone has good hair. My hair is horrific, no idea why. It has no...style or anything if I just leave it, it's just this amorphous mass on top of my head, and nothing can make it look decent, except straightening (even then...).

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Am I the only one who thinks people on benefits don't usually have the kids just to get extra money?


Another trend that annoys me, since the ipod, is people naming everything and then putting the letter 'i' in front of it. That's just plain annoying :heh:


not sure if it's a trend but gay people being overly gay...


pisses me off



I assume you mean people being very camp and not those who have more sex than most. =P

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Yeah, not everyone has good hair. My hair is horrific, no idea why. It has no...style or anything if I just leave it, it's just this amorphous mass on top of my head, and nothing can make it look decent, except straightening (even then...).


Good man!


Besides, I've been straightening my hair since I was 15 (so 8 years), clearly I started the trend...


Saying that I got it all cut off a week ago, felt like a change, it's too short now though :weep:

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