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The Confessions and Advice Thread


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Thanks/ Fuck off! :D (to Dan and Ell)


I did actually cook and eat it all, I just generally prefer big breakfast and dinner, with small lunch. So I thought I'd be conservative, despite having a Pizza urge. But then it was so nice, I had it all (it wasn't as big I anticipated)*.







*awaiting joke.

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I left it for the 12 minutes it told me, went to look at it, and it looked done, but left it for another 5. It tasted fine.

Hmm, crazy. Maybe your oven is crap (like my one in Cambridge where you generally have to triple the given time), or mine is some kind of furnace. 6 minutes usually seems fine for me.

Plato would disagree. But then again, he's never tried cooking a pizza.

Oven pizzas are too fickle to have a Platonic form. :heh:

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I've made two pizzas in the last two days, and the package said 10-12 minutes. I left it in for 11 and the pizza was fine. =P

Mmm pizza.



Advice needed: one of my old friends from secondary school (who I rarely see) gave birth recently. On February 7 she's inviting people over to see the baby. Thing is, I'm home alone that weekend, so have no one to drive me there. Buses on a Sunday are a bit crap too. Plus it's the day after my birthday, and I'm planning to invite friends over the day before (no idea yet until when, they might leave Saturday morning).

I don't really want to go, as I won't really know many/any people there. But on the other hand she might be disappointed if I don't come? I have to let them know this week if I'll be coming, but I really don't know what to do. =/


Argh why did she decide to have a babyyyyy? X3

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Guest Captain Falcon
I've made two pizzas in the last two days, and the package said 10-12 minutes. I left it in for 11 and the pizza was fine. =P

Mmm pizza.



Advice needed: one of my old friends from secondary school (who I rarely see) gave birth recently. On February 7 she's inviting people over to see the baby. Thing is, I'm home alone that weekend, so have no one to drive me there. Buses on a Sunday are a bit crap too. Plus it's the day after my birthday, and I'm planning to invite friends over the day before (no idea yet until when, they might leave Saturday morning).

I don't really want to go, as I won't really know many/any people there. But on the other hand she might be disappointed if I don't come? I have to let them know this week if I'll be coming, but I really don't know what to do. =/


Argh why did she decide to have a babyyyyy? X3


Well can't you just arrange to see her at a time that's more convenient for you?


Just going to her and saying you can't make it might upset her sure, but by proposing alternative dates, it shows you are making an effort and I'd think she would be more open to that.

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Well can't you just arrange to see her at a time that's more convenient for you?


Just going to her and saying you can't make it might upset her sure, but by proposing alternative dates, it shows you are making an effort and I'd think she would be more open to that.


Nah, the point of these sort of 'baby showers' is so that they only have to invite people once heh. They both work, have a baby and are rebuilding their house, so they really won't have much time. It's been really difficult the last few years to meet up with her as she's so busy (I get to see her maybe 3 times per year).

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Paj; in future, you can put the other half in the freezer! Genius. Will last a very literal foreverandever.


Eenuh; is it about being part of the big social event, or seeing your friend and her baby? If it's the latter then don't beat yourself up, just re-arrange to go say hi. If you want to be a part of The Experience then there are ways to do it - Taxis, bicycles...


But if it's teh day after your birthday then you kinda have an OVERRULE card.

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Paj; in future, you can put the other half in the freezer! Genius. Will last a very literal foreverandever.


Eenuh; is it about being part of the big social event, or seeing your friend and her baby? If it's the latter then don't beat yourself up, just re-arrange to go say hi. If you want to be a part of The Experience then there are ways to do it - Taxis, bicycles...


But if it's teh day after your birthday then you kinda have an OVERRULE card.


Day after my birthday, which I might be spending alone. =P


But yeah, solved it kinda. She mailed people today (people who hadn't responded yet) and so I mailed her back to let her know I probably wouldn't be coming. Unless my plans change, but then I would let her know.

Now I just have to figure out whether to send her some money and a card, or wait until I end up seeing her... which could be ages from now haha. =P

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Ok, so my girlfriends 20th Birthday is coming up, and I want to get her something really fucking awesome. Unfortunately, I have no idea what would constitute a really fucking awesome/sexy gift.


Please help. I am hopeless =(.


i find with women, its the thought/sentiment and work that matter more then the actual gift.


try and find out what her favorite flowers are, buy her some.


as for an event, maybe dont take her out, find out her favorite meal, and cook it with her, ask for her help, but really, you have to do the hard work, jsut get her to help out so you can spend time together.


in my experience, women are far happier to see that you enjoy spending time with them, and know things about them then they are with loads of money spent on them.


classic example: my mate and his gf agree to make each outher valentines gifts, and agree on a low price. he gets stuck, asks me for my thoughts. as im friends with his mrs, i know her favorite flowers are daisys. i suggest he buys some daisy seeds, a pot, some soil and that he plants the seeds to spell out "i love you" or similar. give the pot to gf with instructions to water. slowly the message is revealed, in her favorite flowers. its quick, cheap yet unbelivably effective. any girl who hears the story reacts in the same way, she lets out a longing sigh and looks at me with a hint of jealousy. the truth is, most guys put more emphasis on price then thought, which shows a fundimental missunderstaning of romance.

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Well, we're having friends over on the day to our place for some drinks, I'm getting her a face cake, and I'll probably be cooking her something beforehand, although we cook together every other day anyway...so I doubt that would be considered anything special... unless she wants to go out for a meal...but I donno, its difficult to get a sense for what she would like, since my gift choices are so pragmatic most of the time ...and I feel as if she wouldn't really appreciate flowers/jewellery/chocolates since she's gotten it all before for birthdays/valentines day etc...


Being a retard...I was thinking of getting her this face steaming deviceymajig that shes had on her amazon wishlist for a while...probably a bit misguided...


ARGH. Rationality will not help me. I are doomed.


Fuck it, maybe I'll go for teh flowers...although my brain may explode with the cliche of it all...

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I have had this on spotify for abit, love it.


EDIT: As for the girlfriend issue, is there any other wishlist she has? Don't go for flowers, they barely last these days and its such a pain when she's going to get lovey stuff for v-day anyway.


Or has she been dying to go and buy a certain dress or something? If you remember anything like that its usually a nice thing to do, everybody always enjoys when their other half remembers something they've mentioned they wanted.

Edited by nightwolf
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Day after my birthday, which I might be spending alone. =P


That's my birthday, come spend it with me!




(not that Eenuh is a possession of course ^_^)


Quick fire advice needed:


A friend said it would be nice to see me the next few days as he has a few days off work. However its mostly because he's just broken up with his boyfriend and once again in love with his ex. I may try and even the playing field and take my portfolio and get him to look over it....but should I bother? Its about 2 hours away, about £5 on the train and frankly he bores me after more than an hour.

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But then he's in my house and its more difficult to cut it short (ie if I'm at his I can RUN AWAY!)


Plus he's off work with a bad back so...


Annoyingly a friend rang me earlier tonight ("you wanted me Friday?" yes, four days ago. good it wasn't urgent eh?) and said she's off work this week so we made vague "we should meet up" plans (because she does live down the road now yet we still never see each other) then I text her a few hours later saying "actually let's do Friday, I get paid so we can go for a meal/drinks and I could do with someone looking over my portfolio" and she didn't respond. URGH.

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That's my birthday, come spend it with me!




(not that Eenuh is a possession of course ^_^)



Pfft, you wouldn't be able to handle her. I have perfect Ine Handeling skills. Is that even how you spell handeling? Handling? Whatever it is, I'm perfect at it.


But then he's in my house and its more difficult to cut it short (ie if I'm at his I can RUN AWAY!)


Plus he's off work with a bad back so...


I kinda feel sorry for this male. He's just broken up with his male, he has a bad back so therefore cannot work and to top it all, you say he's annoying, too. He can't catch a break! Poor fucker. Go see him, then spill HIS GUTS, with a shotgun. Put the sucker out of his misery.

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Pfft, you wouldn't be able to handle her. I have perfect Ine Handeling skills. Is that even how you spell handeling? Handling? Whatever it is, I'm perfect at it.




I kinda feel sorry for this male. He's just broken up with his male, he has a bad back so therefore cannot work and to top it all, you say he's annoying, too. He can't catch a break! Poor fucker. Go see him, then spill HIS GUTS, with a shotgun. Put the sucker out of his misery.


Then why do we have that video of Ine singing and dancing to 'Hammer Time' eh? If you're so good and handling how come you can't touch that!


He chose to broke up with his male, because he got bored. And he was with him for like 3 weeks. I doubt any emotional bond was there. He probably injured his back from violent sex if I know him so karmically its balanced :heh:


Flink. I advise you live up to your username. My hamster is fiercer than you and she's scared by loud noises!


I personally wouldn't see him at all, I don't like being used for something like that, so why would you my lovely Ashley?


Tell him your busy continuing your portfolio and cannot see him.


Yeah I probably won't. Thought I'd bounce the idea off peoples.


(and aww thanks for the compliment :love:)

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