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[SPOILERS!!] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword


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Combined with Iwata's hints about new content in Ocarina of Time 3DS, I wouldn't be surprised if the thing to celebrate Zelda's 25th anniversary and to "allow all Zelda lovers to celebrate together" was an online mode in OOT. As Ronnie suggested, perhaps a "Force Gems" sort of game.

This is never going to happen but still remains the greatest idea ever. : peace:

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  • 1 month later...

i think it has something to do with the Skyward sword, something with time, definitely some magic in there,


all zeldas had something magic in it,

like majoras mask traveling back in time,


the Ocarina of time fluit in the first one, i wish they bring the Ocarina fluit back in zelda games, that made zelda beautifull,

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That's a great secret, but I must admit, I don't associate Zelda's Lullaby with time. It was first used in Link to the Past, wasn't it?


Yes it was and has consequently been Zelda's (the character) theme ever since.


What does Lullaby do again? I thought it was change day and night which isn't exactly time travel in my opinion.


Doesn't it serve to let others know you've got royal connections, and open hidden areas etc...?


Yep, that's what it does in OoT, but it's not been used since in a way dictated by the player - it's only for moments when Zelda is onscreen.

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Remember the GDC trailer?



Someone reversed the sound. Familiar?


Either they were very lazy with composing, or they had quiet a laugh while at it.


Wow, that is pretty awesome, I'd say it was prolly done as an in-joke and/or easter egg. Does make you wonder though why they did if it does have some deeper meaning within the game itself.




I had to be certain it was real so reversed the sound myself.... it is real :D

Edited by Mokong
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I have to admit though... I wondered why the music on the trailer was so... average :heh: probably what lead someone to reverse it in the first place.


Yeah, to be honest though I'd rather have better trailer music and no reversal (cool for 5 seconds as it is)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Zelda: Skyward Sword composer is revealed.


Somehow I doubt most of you have heard of Mahito Yokota, but he was one of Koji Kondo's fellow composers for the Super Mario Galaxy series. In an Iwata Asks interview, Iwata sat down with both Kondo and Yokota to talk about the process of remastering the Ocarina of Time 3D soundtrack. Until we get an official translation it's not exactly clear how far this process went - I did see the words for "orchestrated" thrown around, but even MIDIs are technically "orchestrated" so that may not mean much. They also talk about adapting the soundtrack for the 3DS's "surround sound" speakers, so it's possible their work only goes as far as making things sound better on the 3DS hardware.


Either way, I'm actually pretty stoked that the guy from Galaxy is working on Ocarina of Time 3D's sound. Oh, and did I mention that he's also hard at work on the soundtrack for Skyward Sword as well? If he does anywhere near as good a job with Zelda as he has with Galaxy, we could be in for a truly excellent soundtrack later this year. We'll be back to clear up how Ocarina of Time's soundtrack is getting fixed up when we get an official English transcript of the interview, most likely in the next couple of days.


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Only One Man Can Explain the Zelda Timeline



And that man is not series creator Shigeru Miyamoto. Nor is it current overseer Eiji Aonuma. It is Doctor Emmett Lathrop Brown.


As a public service announcement, give the video a minute (literally) to warm up and get where it's going. You'll know when it's got there, and then you'll know why he's the only man who can make sense of it all.


Also, a round of applause for Link's Marty McFly voice. That's a hard one to do well!



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For one, I think that Nintendo have made a huge mistake.

This game should have been launched two years ago. Now it's at the very end of the Wiis lifespan, and while Twilight Princess made OK use of the Wii, this game is just not good looking enough to be launched for the Café.


This could either be a nice farewell to the Wii, or it could be yet another Zelda that's not good enough to bear the Zelda name. It'll be completely decided by both Skyward Swords and Cafés respective release dates.


The controls seem amazing and I am very much looking forward to SS. However, I do hope that Nintendo want to make a longer and more difficult game than Twilight Princess. Also, last year the graphics weren't much more than OK. It's a Zelda game: it's supposed to be the best game on the format in all respects.

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