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General Switch Discussion


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I'm really pissed off that KingV has quit this forum due to constant negative comments about Nintendo. We really need to sort this shit out once and for all.

It's funny how "Switch is not worth buying because it has no games" when 3 years ago the argument was "you don't buy a PS4 for the launch games"


Of course everybody is entitled to their opinion, but if it's always negative it ceases to be an opinion and becomes a bias and when you have people who didn't even buy the console starting up negative threads about it, the situation is becoming even more fucked up that it already is.


If you don't own a Switch, nobody wants to hear why you didn't buy it.

If you post mostly on the "other" thread then don't post in here as we don't want to hear it.

If you think Ronnie is too positive towards Nintendo, post it in the other thread, we don't want to hear it.


@KingV come back son, don't be beaten by the negativity.

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If you don't own a Switch, nobody wants to hear why you didn't buy it.


If you own a Switch, nobody wants to hear why you bought it. Why is that not an option?


Of course everybody is entitled to their opinion, but if it's always negative it ceases to be an opinion and becomes a bias


If it's always positive it ceases to be an opinion and becomes a bias.


This thread is called "General Switch Discussion". Having a discussion about why some people bought one and why some people didn't is something that fits here.

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If you don't own a Switch, nobody wants to hear why you didn't buy it.

If you post mostly on the "other" thread then don't post in here as we don't want to hear it.

If you think Ronnie is too positive towards Nintendo, post it in the other thread, we don't want to hear it.


It's not good that @King_V has felt the need to leave, I agree.


But this kind of attitude is part of the reason why there are arguments.

You're making a bit of a generalisation that people who post here regularly do not want people who don't post as regularly to contribute, just because they may not have the same positive feelings that you do towards Nintendo.


It's not the point of a forum. It's a discussion board and people need to learn to start being receptive to an opinion that doesn't match up with yours.


I for one do like to hear why people are not buying the Switch. We all have our own views and if we're unable to use this forum as a way to express them (sensibly) then what's the point? May as well shut the whole thing down.


There has already been a good deal of mod activity recently, doing their best to keep things in line, but making posts like that are not going to help this hostile feeling that is often felt around here.


People are allowed to express their disappointment and annoyance at Nintendo just as much as you are allowed to express your hype and joy. We're all grown up enough to be able to do this peacefully, I'm sure.

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Wow CF, I know it sucks when members leave (and he'll probably be back after a bit) but I would have thought that a lot of people have had their minds changed about the reality of the Switch. A lot of us were very sceptical about the system before because Nintendo have had a well documented history of ignoring information and promising things that they didn't deliver on. And in my opinion, that scepticism is well justified.


Now that the Switch is out and the games are on their way and Zelda is fracking amazing, people are getting very interested. I know my mind has been changed completely. But there are still plenty of things that are missing or unknown in the puzzle at the moment which people really want and I don't think discussing that is bad.


This is a forum after all.


And we're also a community for better or worse. People will disagree and dislike each other (can you hear me @Hellfire ? :p ) but all families and social groups are like that. N-E isn't a safe haven for people to sit in an echo chamber so they get a chorus of what they want to hear.

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Netflix and other services like it are coming to Switch, according to Reggie. Hopefully soon, for those that want it.


Whilst Nintendo's reputation as a whole has massively improved, I no longer trust a single thing that Reggie says.

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Netflix and other services like it are coming to Switch, according to Reggie. Hopefully soon, for those that want it.




A big criticism of the Nintendo Switch has been the absence of non-gaming features, including support for streaming apps like Netflix. The company addressed this issue in January, telling fans this functionality was “being considered.” And, speaking to The Washington Post this morning, Nintendo America's chief operating officer, Reggie Fils-Aime reiterated these promises — but didn’t offer a firm timeline.


“We’re talking to a range of companies about other services, companies like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon — things that will come in time,” said Fils-Aime. “In our view, these are not differentiators. What differentiates us is the way you play with the Nintendo Switch and what you can play. And that will continue to be our focus into the future as we continue driving this platform.”


Fils-Aime also defended the lack of launch games for the Switch, saying that the long-term view would be more important in defining the console’s success. “My answer is to look at the games that have been announced and are in development, and that should drive your purchase decision,” he told the Post.


So far, these factors don’t seem to be denting consumers’ enthusiasm though. Early reports say the Switch has sold more in two days in the Americas than any other Nintendo system (although we don’t have firm numbers for that claim). If Nintendo wants to secure the Switch’s future, though, adding streaming services — and maybe a web browser — are a must.


So the 'pure games' machine excuse people tried to use isn't working out.

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Nobody in particular. Just when it was revealed the switch would have no browser, no streaming apps some tried to explain it with Nintendo were releasing a pure games machine.


The reason why I ask is because it sounds like you're trying to have a dig at someone.


A lot of your post use terms akin to "those lot", "them" and "all those guys". It just seems like you're generalising a whole group of people into a collective of everyone that doesn't share your opinion and then trying to antagonise them.


Not saying that that's what you're trying to do, just how it comes across to me. And in doing so, sounds like you're trying to antagonise people here which I think we can all agree we could do with a little less of.

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Mod Note:Keep it Switch related please guys. I haven't time to moderate today but I don't want the thread to get off-topic due to it. I'm more than happy hear/have the discussions; but can I ask if it's something ongoing you either PM me or post on my visitor wall if you'd rather it was in the public sphere - just preferably not here right now. Thanks.


No warnings for posts after this that opt to continue it.

Edited by Rummy
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Oh cool! The Switch actually DOES have an Activity Log built in! It just only starts showing stuff after a week's time playing it.


You'll find it on your profile (click your icon in the top corner of the home menu). It only shows playtimes in 5 hour increments right now sadly, but that might change in the future I suppose.


The Parental Controls app is still more detailed though, so if you want a detailed breakdown, you can use that (I have it set on, you can actually set it to have no restrictions at all and it'll still track your gameplay time).

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So Amazon have shipped my Switch for arrival today, I can only think it's a Switch that has been returned to them because it's still out of stock on their website. Would Amazon send out a potentially opened Switch console?


It could be mine- I ended up with 2 due to overzealous preordering! :grin:


Hope it is as I didn't open a thing!

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Oh cool! The Switch actually DOES have an Activity Log built in! It just only starts showing stuff after a week's time playing it.


You'll find it on your profile (click your icon in the top corner of the home menu). It only shows playtimes in 5 hour increments right now sadly, but that might change in the future I suppose.


The Parental Controls app is still more detailed though, so if you want a detailed breakdown, you can use that (I have it set on, you can actually set it to have no restrictions at all and it'll still track your gameplay time).

This makes me happy. I like being able to see how much of my time I've spent (wasted) playing games :D

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So the indie scene seem to really be taking to Nintendo's new attitude. It seems like the the ground work laid by the Wii U in that sense has really given them some allies:





Brjann Sigurgeirsson, CEO of Image & Form Games (SteamWorld Dig2)

"We've been treated like royalty. And I would be saying that even if we weren't sitting in this room. We've always felt special [with Nintendo]. If you can make everyone feel special you're definitely doing something right. You're not treating an indie like something you can afford to miss out on - if you treat an indie studio like the way you'd treat a bigger studio or publisher that indie studio is going to love you and do stuff for you forever. And that's exactly the feeling we've had with Nintendo the whole time.


"We released SteamWorld Dig, the original on the 3DS in 2013, and we've never looked back. It's never been a question of what platform we would support first. They inspire loyalty in you by treating you very, very nicely."


David Dino, a designer at Sumo Digital (Snake Pass to Switch)

"When you look at all the [indie games at this event] they almost chronicle the type of genres that have made gaming in general and I think Nintendo understands what the indies can do to bring [a variety of content] to the Switch. They've been very welcoming and almost hand-holding through whatever process we need to get our games on the platform."


Carl-Henrik Skarstedt of Yacht Club Games (Shovel Knight: Spectre of Torment)

"It's been great. They've been really supportive of us while at the same time trying to get their hardware out... If you're just starting out making games it might be hard, but once you have something great to show, as soon as Nintendo's ready for it I think it might be easier to get in touch with each other and start a dialogue about publishing on their machine."


Klaus Lyngeled - Zoink CEO and creative director (Flipping Death)

"I also did Wii titles, and back from the Wii days it's very different. They are much more approachable, they are much more interested in you, it's easier for us to get a kit, and... it's become a lot easier for us to actually publish something on the eShop. I feel like there are a lot of indies who are really interested in Switch now. They really are pushing for it and they want to have a new platform to release something on."


Luke Burtis, co-founder of indie publisher Tiny Build (Mr Shifty)

Concerning Nintendo having its finger on the pulse of the indie movement, he's noticed that Nintendo's "definitely progressing in that area" too.


"Before they've kind of been a lot more closed off, and with the Switch it seems like they are opening up a lot more. They are obviously taking a cautionary step - they are only working with a couple handfuls of indies initially to see how the reception is from the consumer base, but I think it's a great first step. We have Mr Shifty coming out in April and we'll have a few other games coming out later in the year,"


We asked Burtis how often he hears from indies who want to pursue Switch. "Nowadays? Pretty bloody often. Beforehand, not so much - I think as more information came out about the platform it got a lot more people excited. Every single dev for games that we now have coming out are like, 'Hey can we also be on the Switch?'... But I think it's definitely a platform that pretty much any indie is going to want us to target.


"Definitely discoverability from our standpoint is one of the biggest things. It's going to be curated for quite a while, so if you can get on there you should be pretty golden. I also think that being able to take such polished games...with you on the go [is amazing],"



That's some pretty amazing and honest feedback from developers considering Nintendo's past reputation amongst developers. A huge change in attitude and approach to those relationships


But it's not only them that have changed their tune. The sounds coming out of Nintendo are also very interesting. They really sound like they are understanding what they're strengths are:



Damon Baker - Nintendo: Head of Publisher & Developer Relations

"We have been working with indie developers and publishers for a really long time, back to the Wii days... I think with every console generation we're always looking for new ways of showcasing the fun of that system and what's awesome about the indie developers is that they're willing to take risks. They create edgy content, they [offer] a really cool, unique perspective on how they utilize the technology of the system as well," he said.


"What we've got here is we've identified a bunch of those developers that we think taps into what resonates really well with the Nintendo audience in particular and showcasing why that content fits so well on Nintendo Switch specifically."




"The way we're looking at Switch is this is a complementary platform. If it's on Steam, then there's no reason why it shouldn't be on Nintendo Switch as well. If you want to take that experience on the go, if you want to have a baked in multiplayer experience, this is the system to do it. It's got those points of differentiation, but we're not trying to go head-to-head against any of the other platforms. We just think that if the content makes sense to be over on our platform then it should be on our platform."



"We're just trying to evangelize what that unique perspective is for Nintendo Switch and what unique opportunities are available for it, and also to continue to look forward. There's a lot of fans, a lot of developers that have made content in the past and believe that it deserves to be on Nintendo Switch and maybe it will be eventually but we feel we have a responsibility to honor our fans and give them new and original experiences, and make sure they're really excited every time they come to the Nintendo eShop to see what's new."



I can't explain how encouraging this information is to me personally. There are a huge amount of devs out there that grew up on Nintendo and are heavily influenced by them whilst at the same time bringing some great ideas to the table.


Nintendo said they were learning from mistakes and in this case I'm happy to say that they seem to.

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I do think there should be more stock taken into the fact that over the past few years quite a lot of people have felt the need to leave this forum because of the way people are on it; some really valuable members too just got fed up and don't bother. We can keep dismissing it, ignoring it; but I think it is a problem. I've wanted to leave quite a lot myself. Some people like @david\.dakota still post, but nowhere near as much as they used to. There's clearly an issue.

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