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your top disappointing games

mcj metroid

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Tales of Symphonia: DotNW. Couldn't get in to it, gave up after 2 hours. Might try again one day...doubtful.


Oh, and Bionic Commando (360). Bionic Commando Rearmed was a fantastic game, and the idea of it making the jump to full 3D was one that I loved. Unfortunately for me the end product was so appauling that the same day I put the disc in to my 360, I sent it back to Lovefilm. I've never hated a game quite as much as Bionic Commando. It was awful.

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Tales of Symphonia: DotNW. Couldn't get in to it, gave up after 2 hours. Might try again one day...doubtful.


Really that bad? Emil is really annoying to begin with, I know, but I was happy enough playing DotNW from the outset. My expectations were probably a lot lower than yours though. You should play it again sometime for a few more hours and see if you can get into it.

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I quite admired ToS: DotNW, but then I made sure to get an idea of what to expect from the start. It was always obvious it would be a B-team effort, but the core Tales experience was still there to be had. It was nice to get some continuation on the story, as well.

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Metroid Prime series - when your favourite bit of a game is the title screen something's wrong.


Resident Evil 4 - good game, just a bitter pill for a RE veteran. I enjoyed it, just missed my old RE. I've a feeling i'll hate RE5, but of course i'll play it anyway. Gotta get my RE fix somehow *glares at Capcom*.


Can't think of anymore right now.

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Metroid Prime series - when your favourite bit of a game is the title screen something's wrong.


Resident Evil 4 - good game, just a bitter pill for a RE veteran. I enjoyed it, just missed my old RE. I've a feeling i'll hate RE5, but of course i'll play it anyway. Gotta get my RE fix somehow *glares at Capcom*.


Can't think of anymore right now.


I'm not a fan of either games (or their entire series for that matter), so I think its a good answer. The right answer. And my name is blue and STOOPIDDITTIES isn't.


Plus, he's a bit stoopid.

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And my name is blue and STOOPIDDITTIES isn't.




I agree with her about Resi 4 though. As much as it was a fantastic game I always missed the atmosphere of the previous games while playing it. I also am not a fan of the previous Metroid games so I could be called 'wrong' on that account.




Donkey Kong Country is also a bit pants.

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Sonic The Hedgehog Next Gen 2006


What the fuck were Sega on? Sonic Heroes made up for its shitness on the last boss, but this next gen game which looked so damn good with a perfect demo.. totally fucked up. The demo was flawless and played better than the full game, it was that bad.

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Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Just not Melee! Not even close!


Donkey Kong 64 - Banjo Kazooie... except this time crap and no fun, with tacked on DK.


MadWorld - Just so repetitive, boring and shallow! Stopped playing after a couple of hours.

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Banjo Kazooie/Banjo Tooie - *yawn* rather boring I felt. Perhaps didn't help that I didn't play them until after the N64 had died off and after I had played Nuts and Bolts (which I actually liked because of the construction element). I just hated the way they felt really which is strange because in a way, their gameplay is slightly similar to something like the original Spyro the Dragon on the PS1 and I love that.


Perfect Dark - Another N64 title that I do not like. How odd. Did play this very briefly on the N64 when it was out but not enough to get an opinion on it. Fast forward to this year and I download it on the XBLA because I think 'What the hell. Everyone raves about the thing so might as well see what's up.' Yeh, it wasn't great. Not something I see myself going back to. I spent more time playing Chime, downloaded on the same day, than Perfect Dark.

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Perfect Dark - Another N64 title that I do not like. How odd. Did play this very briefly on the N64 when it was out but not enough to get an opinion on it. Fast forward to this year and I download it on the XBLA because I think 'What the hell. Everyone raves about the thing so might as well see what's up.' Yeh, it wasn't great. Not something I see myself going back to. I spent more time playing Chime, downloaded on the same day, than Perfect Dark.


Hmm, the problem is that you've played it at the wrong time, I think. If you play it now (especially the real version on the 64) you'll think "funny framerate, some slightly blurred graphics, a bit of a daft story...some other things."


At the time, it was a great step up from Goldeneye. You had a good singleplayer with challenges to do, such as the firing range, where you could unlock awesome weapons. The game had awesome cut-scenes, voice-acting, and a nice futuristic style to it. Some of the early levels were brilliant, although the story did trail off towards the end.


The best part of the whole thing is the multiplayer. It absolutely obliterates Goldeneye in pretty much every way. Notably, you had up to 8 bots which you could play with, as well as 4 friends. The best fun I had was having team matches with the bots. Another great thing is that they took the Goldeneye control scheme and ramped it up, so you had secondary fire modes and you could even give instructions to the bots, such as telling them to guard the case (In capture the case, like capture the flag), telling them to target certain players (awesome if you're playing against friends, haha) and other things.


At the time, it was a brilliant experience. It pushed what the N64 could do to the max. I remember just putting the game on and thinking fuuuuck, this is a huge step up graphically and audio-wise to most other games I had played on the console.


Like I said, if you play it now, it'll seem a tad out-dated. The multiplayer still rocks in my opinion, but first person shooters have kept evolving, and you must remember that this game is two generations old.

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I would have to say Banjo-Tooie on the XBLA was pretty dissapointing. I loved it on the N64, and Banjo-Kazzoie was a complete and utter joy to play on XBLA, but Banjo-Tooie shows how less can really be more.


The levels are oversized, backtracking between levels was a pain (even with the warp system), it was annoying seeing some jiggys and being unable to pick them up until you've done something in a later level, the hub world was a bit confusing and there were plenty of rubbish mingames.


All of these were great at the time (I also loved Donkey Kond 64, but I believe that the same problems from BT will be worse if I replayed it).


It's still an enjoyable game, but it hasn't aged well, even though the original has aged beautifully.

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Sonic The Hedgehog Next Gen 2006


What the fuck were Sega on? Sonic Heroes made up for its shitness on the last boss, but this next gen game which looked so damn good with a perfect demo.. totally fucked up. The demo was flawless and played better than the full game, it was that bad.


No, no, no. The demo was terrible. The level designers had been smoking cheese (speed pads in front of rows of rings, but they boost you off in a random direction & you fall off the end of the world), physics with baddies, boxes, jumping were all broken, and you fell through the environment for no reason every 30 seconds. A taste of things to come...


I gotta give credit to Silver's levels in the main game tho - actually enjoyed playing his bits.

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I would have to say Banjo-Tooie on the XBLA was pretty dissapointing. I loved it on the N64, and Banjo-Kazzoie was a complete and utter joy to play on XBLA, but Banjo-Tooie shows how less can really be more.


The levels are oversized, backtracking between levels was a pain (even with the warp system), it was annoying seeing some jiggys and being unable to pick them up until you've done something in a later level, the hub world was a bit confusing and there were plenty of rubbish mingames.


All of these were great at the time (I also loved Donkey Kond 64, but I believe that the same problems from BT will be worse if I replayed it).


It's still an enjoyable game, but it hasn't aged well, even though the original has aged beautifully.


I never owned Tooie as a kid, only the first. But I downloaded both of them as soon as they became available on XBLA. I completed the first game 100% which was an utter joy seen as I never got past the 5th or 6th level as a kid. And then I started playing Tooie and I've left the game about 4 or 5 hours in for well over 3 months now.


I thought it may have been that nostalgia got me through the first game and that it may not have been that great. But now you've made me think again and that it might just have been the second game that wasn't as good.


I too loved DK64 though. So playing that again would be interesting.


Nostalgia vs Level Design!



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Zelda: Wind Waker

Was expecting the best Zelda yet, instead I got a game with very un-Zelda ish graphics and a tiny, tiny world to explore.


The Movies

I was expecting a game that would let you do any movie you want and endless possibilities for moding. And of course, considering it's a game about making movies, I expected jaw dropping graphics! What I got instead was a game where I only had a limited selection of pre-made scenes to chose from, quite shitty graphics, even for the time and not very good chances for modding.



What was promised was a game that would let you guide a creature from a once-celled organism to the species that dominates the galaxy. And sure, the two first parts of the game are allright. Then you get to the tribe stage, which is frustrating, the civilization stage which is short (it's like a single level in C&C) and finally the frustratingly big space stage. Why couldn't they just make the civ stage into a campaign of its own?


Perfect Dark - Another N64 title that I do not like. How odd. Did play this very briefly on the N64 when it was out but not enough to get an opinion on it. Fast forward to this year and I download it on the XBLA because I think 'What the hell. Everyone raves about the thing so might as well see what's up.' Yeh, it wasn't great. Not something I see myself going back to. I spent more time playing Chime, downloaded on the same day, than Perfect Dark.

Firstly, for the time it was an excellent game. However, it's a 10 year old game, and the singleplayer campaign feels like a chore nowadays, with confusing level design. Also, the originals framerate was under all critique.


Secondly: Have you played it over Xbox Live? Here, the excellent controls and fun gameplay innovations shine through.


PD is the only game I've downloaded from Live, and I absolutely adore it!

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Zelda: Wind Waker

Was expecting the best Zelda yet, instead I got a game with very un-Zelda ish graphics and a tiny, tiny world to explore.



It was a vast world...just...empty. Would have been more awesome if there had been a vast world like the one in Wind Waker but had like 2 or 3 big main lands, with more then just one or two temples.


It's a true shame about that game, if it wasn't rushed out like it was we could have gotten something truly remarkable.

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Guest Captain Falcon
It was a vast world...just...empty. Would have been more awesome if there had been a vast world like the one in Wind Waker but had like 2 or 3 big main lands, with more then just one or two temples.


It's a true shame about that game, if it wasn't rushed out like it was we could have gotten something truly remarkable.


The only thing we know to have changed from Nintendo's desire to get the game out is the two dungeons that were left out.


Now one would assume the Triforce hunt is a result of game padding but there is nothing to say that wouldn't have been left in anyway.


And then there is still the issue of the tiny islands surrounded by masses of water that serve little other purpose than to give you rupees to fund said Triforce hunt.


No, no, no. The demo was terrible. The level designers had been smoking cheese (speed pads in front of rows of rings, but they boost you off in a random direction & you fall off the end of the world), physics with baddies, boxes, jumping were all broken, and you fell through the environment for no reason every 30 seconds. A taste of things to come...


I gotta give credit to Silver's levels in the main game tho - actually enjoyed playing his bits.


Silver's levels weren't bad because the actual control of Silver was fairly tight thanks to his slower movement. His hovering ability also gives greater room for error.


Shadow was also quite slow, until he hit's a speed pad, so he's not difficult to control either. It's Sonic where the issue lies thanks the incredible momentum he carries on every jump, making accurate ones impossible. Well, that and the fact that some bozo thought it would be a good idea to make the Light Speed Dash work when it felt like it and also map it to the bounce button which often had you plummeting to your death went it inevitably went wrong.


In the screen shots and the videos, it looked so promising. The high speed sections aren't too bad - it's the chore of getting to them first. Trying to get a S rank isn't a question of whether you can get the points or not - it's a matter of whether you can do the level without dying and that's often something outside your control.


That said, it had some awesome music.

Edited by Captain Falcon
Automerged Doublepost
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What was promised was a game that would let you guide a creature from a once-celled organism to the species that dominates the galaxy. And sure, the two first parts of the game are allright. Then you get to the tribe stage, which is frustrating, the civilization stage which is short (it's like a single level in C&C) and finally the frustratingly big space stage. Why couldn't they just make the civ stage into a campaign of its own?


And the reward for exploring the galaxy is an unbeatable, annoying enemy that keeps attacking your home planet.


It could have been amazing if the most interesting stage (the creature stage) wasn't so simplistic, short and boring.


It was also odd that you went from controlling one bacteria, to one creature, to a tribe, to a civilisation, then onto one space ship.

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The only thing we know to have changed from Nintendo's desire to get the game out is the two dungeons that were left out.


Now one would assume the Triforce hunt is a result of game padding but there is nothing to say that wouldn't have been left in anyway.


And then there is still the issue of the tiny islands surrounded by masses of water that serve little other purpose than to give you rupees to fund said Triforce hunt.


We only know of that there was going to be two other dungeons, who knows what else they left out, most of the other things they could have left out are too minor to even mention I bet, but it still would have been great to see the game fully complete.


On a note about Wind Waker I was a bit upset on how there was little to nothing to do in the underwater Hyrule, it would have been fantastic to have a look around the area of the sunken Hyrule a bit more :D

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Silver's levels weren't bad because the actual control of Silver was fairly tight thanks to his slower movement. His hovering ability also gives greater room for error.


Shadow was also quite slow, until he hit's a speed pad, so he's not difficult to control either. It's Sonic where the issue lies thanks the incredible momentum he carries on every jump, making accurate ones impossible. Well, that and the fact that some bozo thought it would be a good idea to make the Light Speed Dash work when it felt like it and also map it to the bounce button which often had you plummeting to your death went it inevitably went wrong.


In the screen shots and the videos, it looked so promising. The high speed sections aren't too bad - it's the chore of getting to them first. Trying to get a S rank isn't a question of whether you can get the points or not - it's a matter of whether you can do the level without dying and that's often something outside your control.


That said, it had some awesome music.


At the end of the day, Sonic 06 was a beta they somehow got away with releasing as a full proper title. I mean the PS3 version I hear that came out some time later was worse. Rushing to get the game out as a launch title means SEGA pretty much fucked their own ass.

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