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Literally Stunningly Older


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(Watch out for the islander kids)


The smoke finally cleared and there were just three people left standing, all near death. However one of them was going through changes. He glanced down to his base, as he saw a flash of light from the corner of his eye. The familiar blue ring around his feet was changing colour. Why? The ring had been blue for years. The colour changed into a deep and bright red.




The numbers and squares of colours that were visible through his slot began to turn, slowly at first but then faster and faster. The spinning slowed to a stop, and he saw a green line gradually come into view and a loud click as the alignment fell satisfyingly into place. The numbers were higher than before. And the colours had changed.


He was looking down at it from upside down, but could read the numbers easily. 10. With a Yellow Square. Surely the Phasing/Teleport was to represent his ability to appear at any time in a conversation and still have a valid point, yet have the confidence to leave abruptly. Usually on an eccentric cloud.


Then...11. A much higher number than before. Yellow. Again. Pulse Wave. Literally stunning people within half of his radius with his high artistic capabilities and flares.


GASP. 16. Quite low. Why was this lower than before? Perhaps because you let your guard down. You let people in....emotionally. But wait. Dark Blue. Mastermind. Grabbing allies and throwing them at the enemy to survive longer. Sacrificing others for the greater good with your intelligence and planning.


Ah, a familiar colour. 3 and Brown. Perplex. Your ability to confuse and bewilder people has only grown stronger over the years, much stronger, and showing no signs of becoming any less potent.


This statistics coupled with an 8 range make you a formidable reformed foe. You gaze back up to see two allies standing by your side, and smoke covers the battlefield again as the three warriors give each other a gentle nod, and dissappear into the thick white smoke.



Happy Birthday, hope you have a great day.

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