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Post a short reply about you and how you play into the soap opera.


Each person is allowed to comment only on their relationship with ONE other NE member.


After each persons introduction post we kick off with the story which will be told by all of us.





ReZourceman. I live in the cookie factory with several other NE members which is where we work also. I have an on and off romantic relationship with MoogleViper.

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I'm Ashleys older brother, I ask him for money and supply the family with drugs when needed. I am a funny affable guy me and Ashley get on well sometimes but he bails me out of a lot of trouble as I make a lot of huge mistakes. Still I am always there stealing his food and I know beneath his robot exterior he loves me really and is more than a bit jealous of my greater success with women.

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Haden's sworn enemy after I found him in bed with my sister, after he'd been supplying her with drugs. A seemingly calm and gentle-mannered man but behind my cool exterior lies a darker. sociopathic and unstable side just yearning to fulfil one wish: revenge. All at the same time working in a laundrette specialising in tough to remove stains.

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I was formerly a musician who bombed over here but had a lot of success in Japan, where I lived during the success, and South Korea. I also jumped into bed with a few ladies over there and am unaware of any children I might have begat. I now work in the cookie factory with ReZ and never speak of my past. Only telling people who ask that I came to the factory from Birmingham and nothing more.

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I am the geeky resident conspiratist who has a theory on everyone and everything, one more far out than the other. Believing the cookie factor managers to be working with new world order conspirators, I have gotten a job there to infiltrate them - but in reality I have grown quite fond of the cookies. Other than that, I am the arch-nemesis of Iun, as I believe him to be one of the head conspirators. My reasoning: He doesn't like The Matrix - obviously he's trying to hide the fact that the film is completely true.

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I never speak of my past. Only telling people who ask that I came to the factory from Birmingham and nothing more.


You block out your past but mention you're from Brum. Strange :heh:


I'm not familiar with American, but people can do whatever they want (I guess) I ain't no Hitler.


So much more fun;



And that's just 20 seconds!


I'm Ashleys older brother, I ask him for money and supply the family with drugs when needed. I am a funny affable guy me and Ashley get on well sometimes but he bails me out of a lot of trouble as I make a lot of huge mistakes. Still I am always there stealing his food and I know beneath his robot exterior he loves me really and is more than a bit jealous of my greater success with women.




Haden's sworn enemy after I found him in bed with my sister, after he'd been supplying her with drugs.


If he's supplying your sister with drugs, and states he supplies his family with drugs, would that not make her HIS sister too?


This is getting more and more like a soap opera already! We should totally try and link all these up somehow at the end.


As Haden said, we are hermanos, through thick and thin. Him being thick, me being thin. Constantly bailing him and the rest of my family out who annoy the hell out of me...but I stay anyway. I have questionable taste in women and have done since my wife died mysteriously, but will do anything for them because I'm just that great of a guy...or so I like to believe.


Oh and I once shot a man, in Reno, just to watch him die. It was the biggest little mistake of my life but as of yet nobody knows...

Edited by Ashley
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I'm the cool-looking one. The one who everyone wants to be, even though I'm not who everyone thinks I am because I'm looking for my long-lost brother and I heard he works in a cookie factory and is also a NE member. Not many people actually know alot about me but all they know is that my name is Ethan and I was a chef but I think people might know that's fake. Also, the longer I stay, the more feeling I have that someone is watching my every move. No-one could ever know my real identity or my profession...NO-ONE.

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You block out your past but mention you're from Brum. Strange :heh:


Nope. It's a diversion. Make my past sound boring. That way, nobody speaks to me about it. My past is hidden away safely.


Unless Itsuki or Kayoko or Mizuki or Akira or Ichiro or Reiko or Nozomi or Youhei or Sanako or Shinjiro or Haruko or Tae-yeon (my only Korean child) ever manage to track me down. Which they all will, one or two at a time.


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Nope. It's a diversion. Make my past sound boring. That way, nobody speaks to me about it. My past is hidden away safely.


Unless Itsuki or Kayoko or Mizuki or Akira or Ichiro or Reiko or Nozomi or Youhei or Sanako or Shinjiro or Haruko or Tae-yeon (my only Korean child) ever manage to track me down. Which they all will, one or two at a time.


Thats funny I have a brother called Ahn-YONG hes from korea or japan or something.

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The cookie factory belongs to myself; Dyson Thompson III, inherited after my father Dyson Thompson II passed away in a freak chocolate mixer accident. Young and sly, I work my workers hard, sometimes to breaking point, but deep down I'm a guy who likes a bit of fun. Plus they get paid their weight in cookies, so the longer they work for me, the more they get. It's a cycle that never ceases. Little does everyone know what Dyson and Rummy, his associate, have planned for them all very soon..

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I would like to be the local crime-lord/drug's baron. Somebody who walks around wearing really smart suits, is feared by most of the town/village/universe, but has a soft spot: for ladies. Haden is one of my closest friends and ally, and one day I would like for him to take over my business.


"One day, all of this will be yours."


I also had a difficult and mysterious upbringing, all of which is revealed through dialogues with Haden and other important characters.


As I mentioned earlier, ladies are a soft spot of mine. I can look into the eyes of death and not cower, but I look into the eyes of a beautiful female and mein legs turn to moosh. I also only resort to violence when it is a last resort, as I usually can sweet-talk or charm others into my way of thinking. To this day, I have only killed one person. One man. But who?

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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I'm the local pub owner, an educated barbarian with a heart of gold. I don't stand for injustice and will beat the snot out of anyone picking on the weak.


I have a soft spot for Danny-Boy as I think he needs protecting from himself, and I tolerate his obvious insanity with good humour. There are times when I have to help him out of sticky situations.


My trademark catchphrase is "Woss Goin'on?"

Edited by Iun
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I am the local hot damsel named blainey storm yet I hide a terrible secret. I was once called 'Thunder Kegs' as I was a famous male porn star.

I have since decided to leave the smut industry behind in this new 'secluded' suburb and with my new found feminine ways I have decided to start personally delivering cookies to the locals.


I harbour a deep desire to find my child who I heard has moved to this leafy suburb with the cookie-clutter ex - the mother of my child.

The only clue I have of my child? He likes beans. (Marcamillian)


My own trademark catchphrase is " That's the way the cookie crumbles darlin' " *wink*

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I´m the janitor of the cookie factory, most people now little about except that I´m a janitor in a cookie factory.

I am also the twin sibling of various people in the village, depending on the dramatic situation that is going on between seasons.

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ReZourceman. I live in the cookie factory with several other NE members which is where we work also. I have an on and off romantic relationship with MoogleViper.


ReZ doesn't know this but I'm carrying his baby. I'm not pregnant, he had a baby from another relationship and I stole it. It's in my arms right now.


I'm also on the witness protection scheme. I got into some trouble with Don Shabba's mafia and now I'm living under a false name. My real name is Offerman.


EDIT: Might add more about my character later if that's ok.

Edited by MoogleViper
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