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Only advice I can offer at this stage is if there is a hot girl on the stairs outside your room and you're running down the stairs in underwear, as I was just doing, do not wave and say "Hi, uh....I'm just going for a piss" and smile. It makes you look weird.

Could have sworn that made you look charming.

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  Dyson said:
It can also do this once you return home after a night out with friends with nothing better to do but log on to your favourite forum. *facepalm*


It's al right, it's not like you are meant to be a respected staff member or anything.

  Dyson said:
It can also do this once you return home after a night out with friends with nothing better to do but log on to your favourite forum. *facepalm*


I lol'd at the thread, and shame on those that think it was fake. Just because they can type fine while drunk( or so they claim) doesn't mean everyone can. Especially if they don't want to fix the mistakes.

  leetpants said:
I lol'd at the thread, and shame on those that think it was fake. Just because they can type fine while drunk( or so they claim) doesn't mean everyone can. Especially if they don't want to fix the mistakes.


I can type (and text) perfectly fine when drunk because I don't want to seem like I can't so I'm a lot more dedicated than normal :heh:

  weeyellowbloke said:
I'm sure you look lovely all the time. You're so smiley,even when you've thrown up.


And they say romance is dead. That's like poetry right there.

  Ashley said:
I can type (and text) perfectly fine when drunk because I don't want to seem like I can't so I'm a lot more dedicated than normal :heh:


I try this all the time, 7/10 times i can get it right. The other 3 times i need to re-type the message because i leave words out or something.


Still, its more funny when i receive a text whilst i am drunk stating they are drunk.

  Ashley said:
I can type (and text) perfectly fine when drunk because I don't want to seem like I can't so I'm a lot more dedicated than normal :heh:

I concur, although I'm the only one I know who texts properly when sober :(


Proper grammar aside, it's the actual messages themselves which are the real danger.

  leetpants said:
Only because you said "I AM DRUNK" as if it's something new and exciting.

So you have a direct issue with the fact that I drink a lot, and that I often appear to be self-imressed at such a feat? Are we being rhetorical? Was there any need for you to post your last two posts?


  Raining_again said:
Yes but absinthe has hallucinogenic properties (outside of the contents of normal alcohol), and its banned in a lot of countries.

No, it does not :P It's a bit of an urban myth, this. Most likely any such hallucinations caused by Ambsinthe (Back In The Day) were from whatever diluting properties added to the drink to maintain low production costs. The wormwood properties are minimal, and Absinthe isn't really banned in any country anymore, besides those that ban alcohol in general.


It's basically just a strong spirit that is 'hip' and 'cool'. Drink it! :D:D:D


I should think jay was pointing out the fact he was drunk, to fulfil the criteria someone posed of wondering when a drunk person would post in the thread. Duh. Get off his back for it!



See, us drunks stick together! Of course, I'm sober right now, but I cannot pass up a post in a drinking thread. Lots of people talk about people who are dependant on alcohol, and maybe I am, maybe I'm not, I drink alot of it, why? Because I enjoy it! I do lots of things because I enjoy them, and I'm sure some of the other stuff isn't healthy neither, but I never find myself stopping doing those things just for the hell of it and so I rarely do the same with alcohol. Admittedly the longest I've been without since I started drinking is maybe 2 weeks straight, when I was trying to, but does that neccessarily mean I can't go without it?


Now, it's rare I'll go to a drinking establishment, or out with people who are drinking, and not have a drink, I love a drink and how it makes me feel. Second, I'm in a drinking establishment, I'm there to drink! Third, it's actually probably more expensive to not drink than it is to drink, unfortunately. I'm not up for spending my hard earned monies on overpriced non-alcoholic drinks, I think that's just silly, and maybe it's how they get me.


I do think alcohol can be a bad drug on the whole, and sometimes wish I'd never started drinking, but then I also think of all the lulzy(and admittedly not so lulzy) times I've had and don't think I'd want to give them up for anything. Maybe I will die of liver failure at the age of 50, but I'll at least be able to say I had a bloody good time getting there.

  Rummy said:
I should think jay was pointing out the fact he was drunk, to fulfil the criteria someone posed of wondering when a drunk person would post in the thread. Duh. Get off his back for it!



See, us drunks stick together! Of course, I'm sober right now, but I cannot pass up a post in a drinking thread. Lots of people talk about people who are dependant on alcohol, and maybe I am, maybe I'm not, I drink alot of it, why? Because I enjoy it! I do lots of things because I enjoy them, and I'm sure some of the other stuff isn't healthy neither, but I never find myself stopping doing those things just for the hell of it and so I rarely do the same with alcohol. Admittedly the longest I've been without since I started drinking is maybe 2 weeks straight, when I was trying to, but does that neccessarily mean I can't go without it?


Now, it's rare I'll go to a drinking establishment, or out with people who are drinking, and not have a drink, I love a drink and how it makes me feel. Second, I'm in a drinking establishment, I'm there to drink! Third, it's actually probably more expensive to not drink than it is to drink, unfortunately. I'm not up for spending my hard earned monies on overpriced non-alcoholic drinks, I think that's just silly, and maybe it's how they get me.


I do think alcohol can be a bad drug on the whole, and sometimes wish I'd never started drinking, but then I also think of all the lulzy(and admittedly not so lulzy) times I've had and don't think I'd want to give them up for anything. Maybe I will die of liver failure at the age of 50, but I'll at least be able to say I had a bloody good time getting there.


I'm going to agree with almost everything you said there. I saw almost because quite a lot of places I go sell cheap draught coke/lemonade.


I enjoy drinking and I'm going to carry on doing it. I've had some amazing nights out when I'm drunk which would not have been the same if I was sober. I can imagine that dancing around to Cotton Eyed Joe is not actually that funny when sober. Being turned down by girls would actually hurt a little bit and playing drinking games just wouldn't be the same....

I should think jay was pointing out the fact he was drunk, to fulfil the criteria someone posed of wondering when a drunk person would post in the thread. Duh. Get off his back for it!


I didn't have a fucking issues. I do now, fuck you people for taking this the wrong way.

  Rummy said:
Third, it's actually probably more expensive to not drink than it is to drink, unfortunately.


I have no idea what you do when you don't drink, but you're clearly doing it wrong. Sure, the non alcoholic drinks might be more expensive, but I doubt you'd drink the same amount of coke as you would alcohol.


People usually wonder how I can afford to run 2 cars. My answer is always "Some people spend money on cigarettes and alcohol, I spend it on cars". Surely that's proof enough that not drinking is the cheaper option. I'm so very glad I never really started drinking, although each to their own.


One of the local bars I go to in Durham has a drivers policy and if you show your car keys to the bar person you get a free soft drink.

Shouldn't this be the norm in a lot more bars after say, 9pm or sommat?


In most bars when I shake my car keys at a bar person they just look at you like your trying to pull them.

  tapedeck said:
One of the local bars I go to in Durham has a drivers policy and if you show your car keys to the bar person you get a free soft drink.

Shouldn't this be the norm in a lot more bars after say, 9pm or sommat?


In most bars when I shake my car keys at a bar person they just look at you like your trying to pull them.


That is a really awesome policy. You'd think the government would put money into this rather than those disgusting "look what you do when you drink drive" ads.

  Ashley said:
I can type (and text) perfectly fine when drunk because I don't want to seem like I can't so I'm a lot more dedicated than normal :heh:


This describes me perfectly! I am really determined to get a text right when I'm drunk. It also helps me convince myself I am not as drunk as I really am.


I also feel like I could walk forever when I'm drunk. No idea why, just feel like I would never, ever get tired.


I drink when I go out with mates for a night out, but the nights I have had out have usually been good and I have never been sick from drinking.


Although I once passed out in a field without shoes clasping a jack daniels bottle I stole from a house party staring up at the stars.


But that was the exception not the rule.

  Goafer said:

People usually wonder how I can afford to run 2 cars. My answer is always "Some people spend money on cigarettes and alcohol, I spend it on cars". Surely that's proof enough that not drinking is the cheaper option. I'm so very glad I never really started drinking, although each to their own.


Do people ever wonder why you run 2 cars? What do you tell these people?


  Raining_again said:
That is a really awesome policy. You'd think the government would put money into this rather than those disgusting "look what you do when you drink drive" ads.


Coca Cola did something like this before Christmas, quite a few pubs around the country took part. Never really took off though.


I've heard it's quite big in America. It's a good idea, but then people might just start bring car keys to get free soft drinks. The ones I heard of in America you had to phone up beforehand to say you were driving etc.

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