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Derren Brown predicting the lotto numbers...


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I love Derren Brown. I hate the numerous theories though, some are so cock sure that their theory is correct when they're probably a mile off, it is fun to guess though. My favourite theory is the "The Debbie McGee, wearing the cloak of invisibility, wrote on the balls, theory". haha




Some of those theories are just plain mental...




ever heard of augmented reality?


hmmm interesting for those who know what it is...

Edited by flameboy
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Then why doesn't he just do it every week? :blank:


Also doesn't this mean he should technically be banned from playing it... :heh:


Because it took him a year to figure out the numbers. A whole year, not something he can just take off the top of his head in a week.


I was impressed, very impressed, like alot of people I thought he would fail, he certainly looked nervous enough, but he's impressed us all before by his strange feats so why not again?


So I like him, I like the things he does and it doesn't seem like he's coning anybody, after all he did show his prediction after the results so he didn't cheat anybody out of money..

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Kinda astonished that people here and elsewhere are still entertaining the idea that he might have actually predicted the numbers beforehand. He's a self-admitted entertainer, showman and illusionist who doesn't believe in psychic predictions or anything of the like. It took him a year to fully iron out every last detail of the illusion.

Edited by SPAMBOT4000
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Cant be arsed reading through the posts, shirley the fact he stood in one postion holding his mouth has something to do with it while the draw was being made.....camera swap, feed swap, i dont know, but I guess we''ll find out tomorrow.


Its not possible to work out what numbers will be drawn, at all. ever.

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Kinda astonished that people here and elsewhere are still entertaining the theory that he might have actually predicted the numbers beforehand. He's a self-admitted entertainer, showman and illusionist who doesn't believe in psychic predictions or anything of the like. It took him a year to fully iron out every last detail of the illusion.


Yes correct..it has likely taken a year perfecting the smallest of details and also on the act...He is a good actor I'll give him that....something he has proved in the past, he mumbled etc at times...and look genuinely relieved but was all part of the spectacle.

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People saying he's an entertainer; I don't find his stunts or him entertaining. No pretty ladies in leopard skin leotards get put in a box then chopped in half, for a start. Don't tell Oxigen, but I think entertainment is subjective.


Haha, would it please you if he wore a leopard skin thong, with a sheep's head that plays Puff Daddy's rendition of I'll Be Missing You? Although, damn, I would pay good money to see that.


As Flamers says, he does do little things to make the show a spectacle. Granted, not everyone will like it, there will be plenty of people who will watch him and want to eat out his intestines from the inside. But, what I think he does well is that he sucks people in, and brings out their own imaginations. Listen to all these crazy theories and ideas and such. He instigated that, and I think that just shows that he is pretty good at what he does.


Actually, I don't want him to reveal what he has done, because I feel that will kill the whole illusion. He's got expert magicians fooled, so he has done a pretty good job at this.

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Yes correct..it has likely taken a year perfecting the smallest of details and also on the act...He is a good actor I'll give him that....something he has proved in the past, he mumbled etc at times...and look genuinely relieved but was all part of the spectacle.


He's a terrific actor with how many people he has fooled. I'm not a detractor by the way, I love Derren Brown, he provides absolutely awesome entertainment. Seriously though, watch the start of most of his shows. He fully admits he uses psychology, illusion, misdirection etc... Most people only seem to see the 'psychology' bit though (as it's far more interesting to the mind) and think everything he does is largely psychological mind powers.. Most of his mind tricks are merely magic tricks performed magnificently with a single element of psychology for an improved effect...


A lot of the theories are funny though. In magic, the simplest explanation is nearly always the correct one. I'll bet my life that there are no hidden ball printers or "augmented reality" projections being put on the balls.

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I saw him live a year or two ago and I can promise you that he can make predictions that are pretty damn impressive. The show I went to he showed us a box and it was suspended on a chain above the stage for the whole performance with people watching it. At the end of the show he asked someone to open it and read the piece of paper inside. It had predictions about the whole show (including what people from the audience would say, think of or draw). Now obviously he may have put all of those ideas in our heads so that they would be correct, but it's pretty damn impressive nonetheless. I think he is a massively talented man, a great entertainer, and I think he will be remembered in a similar league to houdini in a few decades - he really is that impressive as an illusionist.


I for one will certainly be watching tonight to see if he explains (I doubt he will - just a good way to make people watch his show!)

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In the example he used, HHH vs THH, notice how it's impossible for HHH to win if the first coin tossed is a T. In fact it's impossible for HHH to win if a T comes up at all.

I noticed this. I thought it was pretty obvious that THH was much more likely since any tails popping up means you could still be on track for THH (due to the recurring chain) whereas a HHH chain would be completely broken.


To be honest, the weird way in which he revealed the numbers and the fact he stood quite strangely and away from the balls (can't remember if they left the camera) had a lot to do with it. I think all the explanation crap they're doing here is just filler and shrouding the truth. Just a trick, really.

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Lawwwl knew he'd just do an hour long show of normalish stuff relating to probability and the lottery. He did say blatantly how he did it "It was just a trick". No way did the 24 people predict correctly and no way did he do his ocean's eleven style heist upon the balls. Just remember that we still haven't seen footage from that second camera. I bet part of next week's "controlling the nation" will be revealing his lottery trick and how he practically "controlled the nation" in some ways with this stunt.

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It still baffles me that people are angered because it'a trick. He says himself he doesn't believe in supernatural powers. He's an illusionist. As in an illusion, a trick. It's what he does, and he's good at it.


It's because he said he'd reveal the trick but then waffled nonsense to everyone for an hour-long episode.

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One of the guys who helped group think the results posted on The Guardian website - apparently most of them knew it was all BS, which it is. Predicting the weight of a pig based on averages, where one can see and guess the weight of a thing, is completely different to randomly writing down numbers and then averaging them.


I can't see the weighted balls thing being true though. It breaks the contract between the millions of lottery players and Camelot, and the PR simply wouldn't be worth it if the thing was seen to be dishonest.

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Lawwwl knew he'd just do an hour long show of normalish stuff relating to probability and the lottery. He did say blatantly how he did it "It was just a trick". No way did the 24 people predict correctly and no way did he do his ocean's eleven style heist upon the balls. Just remember that we still haven't seen footage from that second camera. I bet part of next week's "controlling the nation" will be revealing his lottery trick and how he practically "controlled the nation" in some ways with this stunt.



Why did I laugh... I'm a child.

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