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Derren Brown predicting the lotto numbers...


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I like Derren Brown, I've read his book, I have his DVD's (I sound more or a fan than I actually I am). But this was absolute bollocks. Just do the fucking trick and leave people guessing. Don't then say I'm going to tell you how I did and bullshit them for an hour. This isn't how he did it, so we pretend that it is. Just do the fucking trick and shut up!

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Oh no, he revealed it by saying he wanked off the average crowd.




Illusionist Derren Brown claimed he was able to predict the lottery numbers just by combining the random guesses of a panel of members of the public.


On Wednesday 2.7 million viewers tuned in to Channel 4 to see Brown perform his latest trick.


Broadcasting from a secret studio location, Brown told viewers he had written his predictions on a line of balls, which he then revealed after watching the draw live on BBC1.


He said "that's a year of my life right there. I can't believe it", as he turned over the balls to reveal they were an exact match for the winning numbers: 2, 11, 23, 28, 35, 39.


On Friday night he told viewers that he used "a powerful beautiful secret that can only be achieved when we all put our heads together".


He gathered a panel of 24 people who wrote down their predictions after studying the last year's worth of numbers.


Then they added up all the guesses for each ball and divided it by 24 to get the average guess.


On the first go they only got one number right, on the second attempt they managed three and on the third they guessed four.


By the time of last week's draw they had honed their technique to get six correct guesses.


Brown claims that the predictions were correct because of the "wisdom of the crowd" theory which suggests that a large group of people making average guesses will come up with the correct figure as an average of all their attempts.


So much bullshit here it hurts.

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Oh no, he revealed it by saying he wanked off the average crowd.






So much bullshit here it hurts.

Indeed. That theory makes as much logical sense as any paranormal explanation. You cannot make a qualified guess on something random. It's impossible to "hone your guessing skills".

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What did you guys expect? I've gone off of Derren Brown because of a few things, but mainly it's the reaction of the crowds to his show. The problem with such entertainers is that one tiny flaw in the their act can ruin the whole thing for a person.


I had a conversation about this on friday night(the fact he'd apparently predicted the lotto, with about 4/5 people, none of whom I believe actually SAW the show) but we didn't know he was explaining how he did it, which from the impressions I get of this thread, he didn't even do!


What I DO hate immensely is how people try and say he isn't a magician, or isn't an illusionist, or won't use 'common trickery', people are so fucking stupid they think he'd actually use proper impossible magic before a few tricks, and to his credit, that's a bloody good con he's pulled. However, someone INSISTED to me the other day he wouldn't use 'cheap magician tricks' and I got so annoyed, because he essentially tells you he will at the beginning of every single thing he does.


He tells you he'll lie and decieve you, yet people still don't get it!! Half his supposed legitimate explanations are false also, but people take it and feel like they haven't been tricked and like they're a part of things, when really he did it nothing like that. He tells you he'll lie to you, and then he does, but you still believe him. Why are you all so outraged that he gave a bullshit explanation now? To his credit, he's an excellent showman and psychologist, but that IS all he is. I'm not saying I'd be able to do anything like it, but I don't foresee him as some second coming, and I hate people who essentially preach about him like he is.


I'd love to actually look at some of his more psych based stuff(aspects of The Seance thing, his other stuff on refuting psychics and mysticism), but I'm not sure I'd trust it depending how it's written. Does anybody have his books, and can they tell me what they're written like?

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He tells you he'll lie to you, and then he does, but you still believe him. Why are you all so outraged that he gave a bullshit explanation now?


The deceit is in the act...ie. him predicting the lottery numbers is a lie. What has made people hate him is the fact that he said he'd reveal the trick (as many magicians have done for some of their tricks) yet lied in his explanation. Essentially wasting an hour of everyone's lives that will never be returned.

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The vast majority of Derren Brown's stuff is misdirection, showmanship, and traditional magic (including mentalism), coupled with a little psychology here and there. He actually openly says this at the start of every show, but then manages to misdirect people into thinking he's doing all his stuff with fancy psychology - Rummy has it right.


Still, I find him an entertaining performer. Although the lottery show was a bit rubbishy as it was so lacking in substance.

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Oh no, fair enough; he's free to make up anything as an explanation to his tricks (magic, willpower, psychology). But when he uses such a ridiculous explanation that has been completely debunked then people will think he's taking the piss for thinking we're stupid enough to swallow it.


The fact he got 24 people to take part in this is actually laughable.

Edited by Sheikah
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Just been watching the vid of him "preditcing" the numbers on Youtube, there's a massive amount of time between the 6th number coming out and him actually turning the stand around, even though the camera is not steady i'm sure with todays technology it would be possible to cut the screen in half and show the right half live with merged with a prerecorded left side, then in the time between the 6th ball comes out and him going over to the stand someone puts in the correct balls and the prerecorded left half becomes live footage.


It would have been more believable if the stand was next to or in front of him in the foreground of the shot and he turned it around right after the 6th ball came out.


Him writing down the numbers on the board is totally delaying tactics

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Just been watching the vid of him "preditcing" the numbers on Youtube, there's a massive amount of time between the 6th number coming out and him actually turning the stand around, even though the camera is not steady i'm sure with todays technology it would be possible to cut the screen in half and show the right half live with merged with a prerecorded left side, then in the time between the 6th ball comes out and him going over to the stand someone puts in the correct balls and the prerecorded left half becomes live footage.


It would have been more believable if the stand was next to or in front of him in the foreground of the shot and he turned it around right after the 6th ball came out.


Him writing down the numbers on the board is totally delaying tactics


Just watch something on TV which basically explained how fake the whole thing is. The "shaky" camera, the inability to split the screen, one of the balls on the end apparently has someone suspicious as well about it. While I can't remember the details if seemed to explain how he pulled it off.

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Thinking about it, two Danish magicians went on TV and said they could perform the same feat (though Brown wasn't actually mentioned, which I found weird). They had a bunch of little tiles with all the numbers face down. Without looking, they picked seven (the number of numbers in the Danish lottery) and put them in seven separate bags - still without looking at them. Those bags were locked in a safe which was then welded shut. Unfortunately, I never managed to find out if they actually did it. :(

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Considering any kind of hypnosis of the viewer on tv is against broadcasting regulations I'll be pretty doubtful about friday's show. I'll be watching nonetheless.


Meanwhile, disappointing but it looks like camera tricks are the explanation for the lottery thing.




Someone making a similar effect homemade:



I still hope it's something more interesting though

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What defines hypnotism, d-l-t? I've got a theory on all of this and his series of shows, though I cannae be arsed to type it again. Hopefully I'll be in tomorrow to see how/if he sticks me to my seat, I think I even had a dream about it last night, how weird!

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