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Some thread about 3D gaming where people argue


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Well done for being a dumb idiot and proving my point. Most UK screens show poor quality.


250 screens out of over 4000. Nicely done.


Not only that but if 1 aspect of the delivery falls behind par the end result is under par. Also digital does not mean quality.


Thanks for the tautology you moron.


Lets see...


1a) You thought there were different qualities of IMAX.


Infact IMAX is a file format. A standard. I'll explain this to you again, that means all IMAX images are the same.


1b) "its probably a dumbed down Odeon Imax with small screen"


Seriously, you said this in a response to my post where I stated IMAX was a standard. It CANNOT be dubbed down. Even if it was displayed on a smaller screen it would look crisper since simple logistic dictate that the actual lines of resolution (their number staying the same because it is a 'STANDARD') would be finer.


2) You said, and I quote "Varies but in London there are virtually no HD screens" and "Even the best cinemas in the UK arent that great compared to what other countries get".


As I pointed, as the BBC pointed out (4 years ago, ill add), as Ashley

pointed out, the upgrade of the UK cinema network "doubled the world's total of digital screens." Again, this mean you were wrong. Are you still with me? Any words you didn't understand?


3) You said, "At least we know where money gets wasted in these times

of thrift..." (remember these are all points that you are making).


Digital copies of films work out a lot cheap than ones distributed on film. They also last longer and the quality doesn't deminish after time.


4a) "Hardly any are 720p HD let alone use good projectors and 1080p." lol, WTF? You're applying terms like 720p and 1080p to cinema. Those terms relate to monitors and television sets. What the hell are you on about? Like I said, film alone can produce over 2000 lines of resolution and have done for the past few decades.


4b) HD does not apply to cinemas. It is a marketing tool for getting pewople to upgrade their television sets to ones with much higher resolution.


5) Now this is funny because I've already gone over this. "Most UK screens show poor quality." So you are saying that 35mm film is poor quality? Laughable. The resolution on 35mm film already easily outstrips that of television HD.


6) Since I'm pointing out all that I'll go through a some more of your posts.


"Blu Ray 3D will completely destroy cinemas here. Utterly destroy them. When Avatar comes out i dont know where to watch because they will probably use the crappy toy glasses that are used in theme parks and current 3D movies."


So you are expecting individual families will shell out thousands of pounds for new TV sets before the cinema network in this country? Even though they are backed by movie studio powerhouses who will begin a full on push with Avatar this year and Tron next year. Both being massive Xmas films?


7) "Nothing like the tech Sony and Panasonic are going for." It's very similar to the tech both Panasonic and Sony are going for. Both will use glasses. How you don't know this is...well it's just funny...again. Neither of these companies are focusing on autostereoscopic 3D.


8) Why would people go to the cinema and watch 'poor quality' films? Why not just wait for the DVD. None of your arguments make any sense.



So what evidence have you provided? Anecdotal. How convenient for you.


You know, it's actually more enjoyable having a discussion with Zechs than you. He knows he can't deny when someone is right, but you? You're bizarre. Even in the face of complete logic you'll talk and talk and all that'll have come out of your mouth is utter crap.


I can let you have your balls back and you can admit you don't know what you are on about or I can continue to point out everything that you say is garbage and everyone can keep laughing at you. Your choice. ;)

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Thanks for the tautology you moron.


Lets see...


1a) You thought there were different qualities of IMAX.


Infact IMAX is a file format. A standard. I'll explain this to you again, that means all IMAX images are the same.


1b) "its probably a dumbed down Odeon Imax with small screen"


Seriously, you said this in a response to my post where I stated IMAX was a standard. It CANNOT be dubbed down. Even if it was displayed on a smaller screen it would look crisper since simple logistic dictate that the actual lines of resolution (their number staying the same because it is a 'STANDARD') would be finer.


2) You said, and I quote "Varies but in London there are virtually no HD screens" and "Even the best cinemas in the UK arent that great compared to what other countries get".


As I pointed, as the BBC pointed out (4 years ago, ill add), as Ashley

pointed out, the upgrade of the UK cinema network "doubled the world's total of digital screens." Again, this mean you were wrong. Are you still with me? Any words you didn't understand?


3) You said, "At least we know where money gets wasted in these times

of thrift..." (remember these are all points that you are making).


Digital copies of films work out a lot cheap than ones distributed on film. They also last longer and the quality doesn't deminish after time.


4a) "Hardly any are 720p HD let alone use good projectors and 1080p." lol, WTF? You're applying terms like 720p and 1080p to cinema. Those terms relate to monitors and television sets. What the hell are you on about? Like I said, film alone can produce over 2000 lines of resolution and have done for the past few decades.


4b) HD does not apply to cinemas. It is a marketing tool for getting pewople to upgrade their television sets to ones with much higher resolution.


5) Now this is funny because I've already gone over this. "Most UK screens show poor quality." So you are saying that 35mm film is poor quality? Laughable. The resolution on 35mm film already easily outstrips that of television HD.


6) Since I'm pointing out all that I'll go through a some more of your posts.


"Blu Ray 3D will completely destroy cinemas here. Utterly destroy them. When Avatar comes out i dont know where to watch because they will probably use the crappy toy glasses that are used in theme parks and current 3D movies."


So you are expecting individual families will shell out thousands of pounds for new TV sets before the cinema network in this country? Even though they are backed by movie studio powerhouses who will begin a full on push with Avatar this year and Tron next year. Both being massive Xmas films?


7) "Nothing like the tech Sony and Panasonic are going for." It's very similar to the tech both Panasonic and Sony are going for. Both will use glasses. How you don't know this is...well it's just funny...again. Neither of these companies are focusing on autostereoscopic 3D.


8) Why would people go to the cinema and watch 'poor quality' films? Why not just wait for the DVD. None of your arguments make any sense.



So what evidence have you provided? Anecdotal. How convenient for you.


You know, it's actually more enjoyable having a discussion with Zechs than you. He knows he can't deny when someone is right, but you? You're bizarre. Even in the face of complete logic you'll talk and talk and all that'll have come out of your mouth is utter crap.


I can let you have your balls back and you can admit you don't know what you are on about or I can continue to point out everything that you say is garbage and everyone can keep laughing at you. Your choice. ;)


Too much text. In your efforts to disprove me you've shown you cant even read properly. I dont disagree with your points. You never tried, even slightly to address my concerns.


Yes Film is much higher quality than anything but none of the usual cinema setups can take advantage of that. Hence the average cinema puts out the equivalent of SD quality. Many people claim their DVD's look nicer than cinema. I agree with that notion. You have said nothing to convince me otherwise.


3D will come but gradually.

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You never tried, even slightly to address my concerns.


Yes Film is much higher quality than anything but none of the usual cinema setups can take advantage of that. Hence the average cinema puts out the equivalent of SD quality. Many people claim their DVD's look nicer than cinema. I agree with that notion. You have said nothing to convince me otherwise.


3D will come but gradually.


1) Umm...he is doing exactly that by quoting what you have said then addressing it. What do you want, interpretative dance?


2) So you're saying that film is of high quality, the film that has been used for decades, but cinemas have never had the equipment to properly display this standard? ...

Edited by Ashley
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Too much text. In your efforts to disprove me you've shown you cant even read properly. I dont disagree with your points. You never tried, even slightly to address my concerns.


Yes Film is much higher quality than anything but none of the usual cinema setups can take advantage of that. Hence the average cinema puts out the equivalent of SD quality. Many people claim their DVD's look nicer than cinema. I agree with that notion. You have said nothing to convince me otherwise.


3D will come but gradually.


It took no effort for me to write that. I bolded everything you said to make it clear for you so it seems it's you who cannot read (even your own writing). Ashley isn't too crazy with his interpretive dance idea although a pop-up book would probably be more your level. It would probably be best if I rounded off the edges as well, we wouldn't want you poking your eye out, now would we...


You can have this little prize for your effort,




Well done.


Thanks for coming.

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It took no effort for me to write that. I bolded everything you said to make it clear for you so it seems it's you who cannot read (even your own writing). Ashley isn't too crazy with his interpretive dance idea although a pop-up book would probably be more your level. It would probably be best if I rounded off the edges as well, we wouldn't want you poking your eye out, now would we...


You can have this little prize for your effort,




Well done.


Thanks for coming.


I am glad you caved in. I could feel the pressure in your words. :awesome:

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Great way to ruin my thread lads.

Oh c'mon they made this thread.

This was little more than a news announcement, but then it served as a very funny reminder of how Choze is incompetent at arguing, incapable of accepting his errors and also his ability in showing the temerity to believe it in himself that he won the debate because he didn't resort to insults first, despite having jack shit for a case in favour of his own arguments.


Look Choze, Daft had no other choice after your failures but to just state the obvious.


I thought you had some brains but Jesus knows you don't. Utterly incredible, you manage to top yourself every time.

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Yes Film is much higher quality than anything but none of the usual cinema setups can take advantage of that. Hence the average cinema puts out the equivalent of SD quality. Many people claim their DVD's look nicer than cinema. I agree with that notion. You have said nothing to convince me otherwise.


Most people claim that DVDs upscaled on a £40 ASDA DVD player look as good as Blu-Rays too, it doesn't mean they're right.


The bulbs used in cinema projectors cost more than all of the TV kit in the average UK living room. You claim that this kit is able to produce a better picture from the sub-par quality of a DVD than a cinema projector drawing from raw 35mm film and projecting on to a high-gain 50' cinema screen? A good £10k worth of kit vs <£1k.


How exactly do you measure picture quality? Because you seem to spend an aweful lot of time harping on about resolution rather than the things that matter (like colour reproduction). This point is further emphasised by your stupidity in insisting that DVDs look nicer than a film shown at a cinema. DVDs are notoriously bad in terms of colour accuracy, they can't even manage a half convincing black for a start (try watching something like The Dark Knight on Blu-Ray and then on DVD, or an episode of 24 and you'll see what i mean).

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I think what needs to happen is for everyone to read Charlie Brooker's articles on the Guardian website. His stuff is just untold genius, remarkable being an understatement. Read his article about the ITV programme The Cube and try not to laugh, I dare thee.


Concerning ourselves with what could be a 10/30 year old petty poster is fun but more of a waste!

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