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Favourite Actor/Actresses


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You really have a problem with people enjoying more recent movies dont you. This isnt the first time you've moaned about it and its getting very old.


So what if people prefer more modern actors or movies, styles and tastes change so its not exactly suprising. Im not saying people all hate older movies, ive seen quite a few myself that I enjoyed.


And dont just try and say I was going for a snappy comeback because I wasnt, favourite actors is always going to be more to do with what you have recently seen and on personal taste than best actors which can be judged on accolades or iconic performances.


Im sure you will moan after this but I doubt i'll respond. I'll just leave it with this. Fuck you, nearly every post I have ever read from you on the subject of movies has pissed me off, having to read how you are right and other people are wrong is just annoying and im done with it.

Incorrect, movies and quality/what you should like is NOT down to personal tastes, its down to what Oxigen deems as good.

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Incorrect, movies and quality/what you should like is NOT down to personal tastes, its down to what Oxigen deems as good.


*Burns DVD collection (except for One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, obviously). Cries a little*



My favourite actor was Jesus. I predate all of you, therefore I am better.

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Im sure you will moan after this but I doubt i'll respond. I'll just leave it with this. Fuck you, nearly every post I have ever read from you on the subject of movies has pissed me off, having to read how you are right and other people are wrong is just annoying and im done with it.

He's still doing this? I remember probably a year ago or more when he was saying "These are the top 5 games of all time. Fact." At least I think it was games. I don't think he understands that his value of certain kinds of media is purely opinion. And even if he thought everyone else was wrong, the last thing you should ever do is actually say this. Because nothing good will every come from that, and you'll just look bigoted.

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Favourite actor by far is Harrison Ford.


What's not to like about him? He is great in every role he plays IMO and he is two of my favourite film characters EVER. Han Solo and Indiana Jones :)


I also like most Ewan Mcgregor films for some reason... I think he takes on roles really well and I was so happy he was chosen to play the young Obi Wan :)

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She's awesome for Eyes On Me in Final Fantasy VIII. :D


Have you seen Chungking Express? I'm not one for love stories, but that film stayed in my head for ages and the atmosphere of Hong Kong created by Wong Kar Wai (the director) was great. Faye's character and the second part of the story made it for me.

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I do like reading what Oxigen has to say, as it seems like he has a truly informed opinion and has an air of authority over things (even though he may not actually have said authority).


That doesn't mean he's right. But I do invest a lot in waht he says, recommendations-wise. I'll give it a bash.

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Well its somewhat reasonable to expect people to see more contemporary films than olde days ones, just by the very nature of going to the cinema rather than appreciating film for its artistic history. For many the cinema is a leisure activity, not an artistic medium to explore.


Yes you may see it as wrong, but it seems strange you don't see it as inevitable.


Yeah, but if you look it at it right, other artistic mediums don't age like that. Everyone still listen to many songs from the 30's and 40's, and reads books that are almost 200 years old, not to mention things like paintings. It's a giant shame that nobody really gives a shit about the great movies from times past.


You really have a problem with people enjoying more recent movies dont you. This isnt the first time you've moaned about it and its getting very old.


So what if people prefer more modern actors or movies, styles and tastes change so its not exactly suprising. Im not saying people all hate older movies, ive seen quite a few myself that I enjoyed.


And dont just try and say I was going for a snappy comeback because I wasnt, favourite actors is always going to be more to do with what you have recently seen and on personal taste than best actors which can be judged on accolades or iconic performances.


Im sure you will moan after this but I doubt i'll respond. I'll just leave it with this. Fuck you, nearly every post I have ever read from you on the subject of movies has pissed me off, having to read how you are right and other people are wrong is just annoying and im done with it.


I don't have a problem with people liking recent movies. I have a problem with people not caring enough to check out old movies just because they're old, even if most of them are actually more culturally pertinent than contemporary movies. And the fact that nobody even has a reason for not checking those out. I mean, seriously, why don't you watch more old movies. Just justify yourself! You're losing out on more than 50% of all the cinema ever made.



And OF FUCKING COURSE you were coming back for a snappy response!!! I listed my 3 favourite actors (not the ones I think are best, where the fuck was James Cagney, Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant, Bette Davies, Fred Astaire, Clark Gable, Henry Fonda, Greta Garbo, Jack Nicholson, Meryl Streep and along with many other ones which constitute the fucking elite?) and you're the one who decided to be biggoted towards me when I simply commentated on how much of a shame it is that everyone's favourites are contemporary actors, which is in itself a statement on how little most of you actually explored movies made before the 60's. Then to fucking top it all off, when all I did was point out how nonsensical your comment was, you go on and still try to make the comment into an elitist remark, which I do actually post many of, but wasn't the case, here. And all this for what? To retain a little dignity on your incoherent post?


Incorrect, movies and quality/what you should like is NOT down to personal tastes, its down to what Oxigen deems as good.


Not what "I deem as good". What IS good. I am wrong. My opining is worthless. Just because I hate Casablanca doesn't make it bad the same way that just because I love Revolver it doesn't make it good. I'm not trying to change what you like, that's impossible to change, I'm trying to make you into an impartial person that can actually see beyond itself and understand the difference between fact and opinion. My opinion is just as retarded as anyone else's. But I can be impartial when I have to and judge something on it's own merits instead of on my set of standards. Because that's what's fair. Impartial objectivity.


*Burns DVD collection (except for One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, obviously). Cries a little*



My favourite actor was Jesus. I predate all of you, therefore I am better.


Oh, fuck off, will you? My favourite actor is Daniel Day-Lewis, as I said. Who just so happened to win the oscar for best actor 2 years ago.


He's still doing this? I remember probably a year ago or more when he was saying "These are the top 5 games of all time. Fact." At least I think it was games. I don't think he understands that his value of certain kinds of media is purely opinion. And even if he thought everyone else was wrong, the last thing you should ever do is actually say this. Because nothing good will every come from that, and you'll just look bigoted.


It was Animes. And it was top 10. :heh:


And you know why you looked bigoted? Because you were. You can't stand being wrong. I told you countless times, that wasn't my opinion. I've always made a point of making it clear that I always separate fact and opinion. But of course, when I told you that... you couldn't stand being wrong about criticizing me for thinking my opinion was better than other people's and all you said was that I was only saying that to make myself look redeemable for saying crap. Of course I did honey... I reshaped my personality becasue of you.

Oh wait, I got a better one, remember that time when we were arguing about the importance of beauty in art and I pretty much proved my point and then you actually changed the discussion to the importance of beauty in life just so you wouldn't go down without your dignity? Man... that was priceless.


You know, it's important to know when to admit you're wrong. I love discussing with many people here.... like jayseven, for example, because a couple of times he's completely changed my views around. And it's actually very rewarding just knowing you were wrong and learning from experience. But I guess that's not your thing. Your girlfriend (is she still your girlfriend?) had the same problem. Actually, she did exactly what you hate when she tried to impose her views on a 100% subjective issue to everyone here. (And no, artistic criticism isn't subjective).


That being said, I used to not like you... I kinda do like you, now. In many things, you and I are the same. So all these words are loving ones. That was gay.




Holy Shit, I'm all upset and shit. That ain't like me. =/

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Yeah, but if you look it at it right, other artistic mediums don't age like that. Everyone still listen to many songs from the 30's and 40's, and reads books that are almost 200 years old, not to mention things like paintings. It's a giant shame that nobody really gives a shit about the great movies from times past.


Movies for the most part aren't seen as art, those other past times are.

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Yeah, but if you look it at it right, other artistic mediums don't age like that. Everyone still listen to many songs from the 30's and 40's, and reads books that are almost 200 years old, not to mention things like paintings. It's a giant shame that nobody really gives a shit about the great movies from times past.


Actually they do age. Music and literature has been around for millennia. But how many people listen to pre-renaissance music? Or even music from the renaissance or for centuries afterwards? If you ask the majority of pre-25s who their favourite musicians are 9/10 will say somebody from the 00s. A lot of people will say somebody that's currently in the charts.


And literature as well. Apart from Shakespeare very few people actually read anything from before 1800. How many people read Greek literature? Most that do only do it in their studies.

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Actually they do age. Music and literature has been around for millennia. But how many people listen to pre-renaissance music? Or even music from the renaissance or for centuries afterwards? If you ask the majority of pre-25s who their favourite musicians are 9/10 will say somebody from the 00s. A lot of people will say somebody that's currently in the charts.


And literature as well. Apart from Shakespeare very few people actually read anything from before 1800. How many people read Greek literature? Most that do only do it in their studies.



A lot more than you imagine.

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You'd probably be surprised. I'm not saying The Iliad is a best seller fixture but it is one of the most important pieces of literature of all time. It is read for pleasure as well as study.


Quite rightly, too. It's bloody incredible.


The thing is, you don't conventionally picture classics as part of popular culture, so it's not something you see a lot of in the press or on telly but then something like the proms comes on and gets a massive audience. It's still appreciated.

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Actually they do age. Music and literature has been around for millennia. But how many people listen to pre-renaissance music? Or even music from the renaissance or for centuries afterwards? If you ask the majority of pre-25s who their favourite musicians are 9/10 will say somebody from the 00s. A lot of people will say somebody that's currently in the charts.


And literature as well. Apart from Shakespeare very few people actually read anything from before 1800. How many people read Greek literature? Most that do only do it in their studies.


Yeah, I know, but when you get older (late teen years) you tend to gravitate toward the bands of old and as for literature predating 1800, well, that was archaic language, it's not exactly something you can read through without some work.


Oxigen you're whole "media can be evaluated impartially and is good/bad factually" argument is getting very boring.


I know. Sorry. I've been toning it down, though, haven't I?

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It's funny because i agree almost 100% with what OW has posted in this thread, clearly much more than anyone else does. Most of what he says actually makes a lot of sense.


I had a guy at work tell me the best Hollywood movie in the last 10 years was Transformers last week and I just laughed my ass off, brilliant moment.


Favourite actors? Hmmmm. I'm gonna have to pick Robert De Niro, mainly because Raging Bull is one of my favourite films ever made and I don't think i've seen/ever will see a better acting performance. He's also starred in Taxi Driver and Deer Hunter, two brilliant films imo.


Outside of Hollywood it's got to be Tony Shaloub. His performance in the TV show Monk is just fantastic and he truly deserves all the praise he's gotten for his role as the detective who sufferes from extreme OCD. Just a brilliant character and I'm glad Shaloub has presented the character the way he has because he's really touched my heart bless him.

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It's funny because i agree almost 100% with what OW has posted in this thread, clearly much more than anyone else does. Most of what he says actually makes a lot of sense.


I had a guy at work tell me the best Hollywood movie in the last 10 years was Transformers last week and I just laughed my ass off, brilliant moment.


Favourite actors? Hmmmm. I'm gonna have to pick Robert De Niro, mainly because Raging Bull is one of my favourite films ever made and I don't think i've seen/ever will see a better acting performance. He's also starred in Taxi Driver and Deer Hunter, two brilliant films imo.

Outside of Hollywood it's got to be Tony Shaloub. His performance in the TV show Monk is just fantastic and he truly deserves all the praise he's gotten for his role as the detective who sufferes from extreme OCD. Just a brilliant character and I'm glad Shaloub has presented the character the way he has because he's really touched my heart bless him.


same here =) i love monk!....

i now have new found respect for you :yay: :P

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And you know why you looked bigoted? Because you were. You can't stand being wrong. I told you countless times, that wasn't my opinion.


If you said this while looking in a mirror you would be giving yourself one of the best pieces of advice you could possibly receive. And just so we make this clear; when you said the 'factually best' anime series of all time you had a number of people all telling you that what you believe to be the best is not universally and unquestionably the truth. Get over yourself.


Oh wait, I got a better one, remember that time when we were arguing about the importance of beauty in art and I pretty much proved my point


You have never proven your point about your silly definitions and why your beliefs are fact. Because there is no way on God's green Earth that you can claim subjective things to be factually 'great' or 'poor', or rank them by how 'factually' good they are.


That being said, I used to not like you... I kinda do like you, now.


Well that's good, because I still think you're a pretentious, obnoxious brat. And why wouldn't you like me? I don't fit that description. You're someone who has opinions about things that you then try and assert as being factually the best. You like something? Good for you. Discuss it. It's when you tell people that their opinions are laughable/wrong that you come across as a freaking bigot.




Holy Shit, I'm all upset and shit. That ain't like me. =/


What's up, developing a conscience?

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If you said this while looking in a mirror you would be giving yourself one of the best pieces of advice you could possibly receive. And just so we make this clear; when you said the 'factually best' anime series of all time you had a number of people all telling you that what you believe to be the best is not universally and unquestionably the truth. Get over yourself.


You see, there you go again. It's not what I believe god damnit!!!!! I, ME, am wrong, my opinion is completely subjective, what you can't get through your thick head is that I couldn't give less of a fuck about my opinion. I am completely over myself. It's not what I believe to be the best, it's what is the best. Jesus fucking Christ how many times do I have to explain that to you!!! Like how Serial Experiments Lain is the best anime series ever made, that's my opinion. Because it isn't even one of the best 10! What I think doesn't matter, I was specifying objectively!


You have never proven your point about your silly definitions and why your beliefs are fact. Because there is no way on God's green Earth that you can claim subjective things to be factually 'great' or 'poor', or rank them by how 'factually' good they are.


Once again, not my beliefs. Also, art is only subjective if you take it personally, the study of art is objective, like I learned when studying History of Art or History of Music or History of Cinema. What you think doesn't matter to the global appreciation of how good something is. It's not even my point, it was Liszt who first came up with it and it's now become the accepted standard of rationalization within art cycles. You're trying way too desperately to validate your own tastes. I mean, the way you talk it's like you're unable to identify a bad movie when you like it. You need to not like things in order to see them as bad, am I right?


Well that's good, because I still think you're a pretentious, obnoxious brat. And why wouldn't you like me? I don't fit that description. You're someone who has opinions about things that you then try and assert as being factually the best. You like something? Good for you. Discuss it. It's when you tell people that their opinions are laughable/wrong that you come across as a freaking bigot.


I am pretentious. And somewhat obnoxious, yes. But I ain't a brat.


And actually the reason I like you is because of your view on the world. Your opinions reign over your existance, you're like your own little slave. (Joking, here). But seriously, I like you because you're so stubborn and always on the go to apply your principles to everything and everyone else, much like you describe me to be. Except I know what I think is irrelevant.


What's up, developing a conscience?


Nah. I was just feeling it personally when Happenstance decided to whoop my ass for no reason. :heh:

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I like Oxigen's brand of general contempt, he's just being honest. :heh:


Favourite (not the best) actors:


Carrie Fisher :p

John Cleese

Simon Pegg

James Stewart

Jack Nicholson

Sally Field

Sean Connery

Dame Judi

Hugh Lawrie

Jodie Foster

Morgan Freeman

Rachel Weisz

Jake Gyllenhaal

Mark Wahlberg


This is just turning into a list of people I like, I'll stop.

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It's not what I believe to be the best, it's what is the best.


Which is what you believe to be the best. No one else says that there is a factual list of what is the best...therefore it's something of entirely your own creation. And therefore, your belief.




What you think doesn't matter to the global appreciation of how good something is.

Which is opinion! Suddenly, a lot of people (globally, as you put it) believing something is great makes it factually the best? A lot of people would argue the contrary. But maybe not as many people. But that doesn't mean a minority group is wrong! What kind of insane way of understanding things is that?

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