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Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi to be freed from prison??


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First ronnie briggs now Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi. What the hell is happeneing to the justice system? The guy was found guilty of playing a part in killing 270 people in the Lockerbie bombing. Why the hell should he get to spend the last days of his life with his family when he helped to rob so many people of there lives.

There is a question as to his guilt but he was found guilty and he failed in an appeal so in my eyes unless he can prove his innocence he is guilty and should no way in hell be allowed free.

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uh..dude, he's dying.


Yes i know that. But he played a part in killing 270 people. He obviasly had no compassion to kill a plane load of people, plus others on the ground. Why the hell should he get anything apart from a lonely death in prison?

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Its cheaper and easier to release him than clean up after him when he's a corpse?


Well its even cheaper and easier just to not bother sending anyone to prison. Hardly a good reason to release a terrorist from prison.

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Wtf kills 270 people. He should die in prison surely...


Have strong views on this stuff I am still getting over that everyone related in that Baby P fucked up scenario, including the guy who raped another kid as well as killing that baby aren't doing life.

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Tough shit. Can't do the time, don't do the crime.

Exactly what we said with that Biggs chap.

Wtf kills 270 people. He should die in prison surely...


Have strong views on this stuff I am still getting over that everyone related in that Baby P fucked up scenario, including the guy who raped another kid as well as killing that baby aren't doing life.

The thing that was weird after that Baby P crap was when they revealed the parents. They reminded me soooo much of a band who had played at work recently.



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Even though this dude did play a part in the killing of 270 people, in honest opinion he should remain behind bars. But on the other hand, he is terminally ill and dying.


Its a tough choice to make, but that is 2 people being freed who are very ill/dying. As long as no people who are fully 100% healthy are being released, i don't mind.

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There is a question as to his guilt but he was found guilty and he failed in an appeal so in my eyes unless he can prove his innocence he is guilty and should no way in hell be allowed free.


So you're guilty until proven innocent? What total bollocks. But, what's the "question as to his guilt" about?


But, if he did actually have a part in the killing of so many people, then as far as I'm concerned he should be locked up and left to die. Someone who performes such a crime deserves no sympathy whatsoever, whatever state they may be in.

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So you're guilty until proven innocent? What total bollocks. But, what's the "question as to his guilt" about?


That's not what he was saying. He's saying that the courts found him guilty and then rejected his appeal. So in danny's eyes, he's going to agree with the court and say that he's guilty.

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That's not what he was saying. He's saying that the courts found him guilty and then rejected his appeal. So in danny's eyes, he's going to agree with the court and say that he's guilty.


But if there's doubt as to whether he was involved or not, why is he in prison in the first place? I thought you had to prove someones guilt beyond "reasonable doubt"?

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But if there's doubt as to whether he was involved or not, why is he in prison in the first place? I thought you had to prove someones guilt beyond "reasonable doubt"?


Well I don't know about the question to his guilt. But he was found guilty in court so that means that it was proven beyond reasonable doubt.

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My opinion is a bit different this time. The Train Robber didn't physically harm anyone, as the train driver was injured by another member of the group. This case is a bit different though. The guy is responsible for the deaths of a large group of people so I think he should remain in prison.

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Another thread about injustice from danny, shocker. Perhaps this should go in the "general news" thread..


Its a thread that has brought up issues and debate who cares if someone has a tendency to post certain types of threads. As long as its not a stupid amount per week its better than having everything in one or two general threads.

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He should be left to die in prison. Why should he be let to enjoy his last few days with his family when none of his victims did.


If you're going to play the "Oh but I don't believe he did it." - which a lot of media has been doing. Then a retrials needs to happen. One or the other.


I don't like the apathy towards this guy I'm hearing from the media. It seems that the fact he's dying and that the evidence is a bit dodgy equals "Meh let him free". It's either die in prison or a retrial.


EDIT: And yeah I'm aware that some appeal was happening as of last year.

Edited by Wesley
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But if there's doubt as to whether he was involved or not, why is he in prison in the first place? I thought you had to prove someones guilt beyond "reasonable doubt"?


It was proved beyond reasonable doubt that he was involved. But the question is how involved as they think the regime in Libya had a much larger role and he was a bit of a scape goat. But he still played his part.

As for guilty until proved innocent isnt that the case once you have been found guilty in a court of law. I thaught once you were found guilty it was up to you to prove your innocence?

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It was proved beyond reasonable doubt that he was involved. But the question is how involved as they think the regime in Libya had a much larger role and he was a bit of a scape goat.


I thought it was more a case of Iran possibly being behind it as an act of revenge for the US blowing up an Iranian passenger plane and Libya agreeing to take the rap for them and sending some patsy over to do the time.

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