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Pokemafia - The Pokemon Mafia Game


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The town looked around. Darkness filled the air, and a horrible atmosphere came over them all.






















The Pokemon started to lose sight of the light. Darkness filled the air. The mafia had revealed themselves.




















Mundi/Dark Alakazam


The mafia gathered in a circle around the town. Darkness infected their souls. The remaining townies screamed in pain. Their eyes turned bright violet and flashed. The townies walked towards the centre of the circle, and the mafia followed them. All the Pokemon looked upwards. Darkrai rose and all the Pokemon hovered, slowly towards the pitch black sky.


"Time to recruit." Darkrai uttered.








In a nearby town Ugolaba, across the sea due north from Kanto Mr Mime was watching the morning sky. He saw the dark mist rise far into the atmosphere and disappear out of sight.


"Prepare Ugolaba I must. I sense evil among us." Mr Mime turned around to walk back to his hut. "I must warn my people."





Edited by ReZourceman
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The mafia gathered in a circle around the town. Darkness infected their soles. The remaining townies screamed in pain. Their eyes turned bright violet and flashed. The townies walked towards the centre of the circle, and the mafia followed them. All the Pokemon looked upwards. Darkrai rose and all the Pokemon hovered, slowly towards the pitch black sky.




I finally have a win yippeee

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Behind the scenes.


Darkrai – Raining_Again

Sharpedo – Nintendohnut

Drapion – Cube

Tyranitar – Ellmeister


Alakazam - Mundi

Gengar – Eenuh


Bulbasaur – SPAMBOT4000

Cyndaquil - Molly

Mudkip – martinist

Ditto - Dyson

Tropius – Chairdriver

Dragonite – Zell +2 Votes

Golem – Jonnas

Garchomp – not_so_tiny

Gyrados – Ashley Cant be lynched day phase.

Glalie – bluey

Mew – Paj Meen Ah


MAFIA – The mafia can target one player at night to kill that player. Whoever they choose to do the kill cannot use their night power. The mafia can talk to each other.


Darkrai – Darkrai can misdirect at night. Choose a target A, and a target B. Target A will be misdirected to target B, instead of their original target. When Darkrai is investigated no aspect of his power will be revealed. (Redirector)


Sharpedo – Sharpedo is a bodyguard. Choose a target to bodyguard. At night, if that player is targeted to be investigated, Sharpedo will be investigated instead. If the player is targeted to be killed or roleblocked, this will fail. If the player is targeted to be protected, this will protect both Sharpedo and the target. If the player is targeted to be silenced, Sharpedo will be silenced. (Bodyguard)


Drapion – Drapion can investigate a target at night. You will be sent a PM back with information on the target. Drapion will also be sent the name of one Pokemon in the day phase, who appeared in the write up. (Investigator)


Tyranitar – Tyranitar cannot be killed at night. He can also target a player to be silenced. (Silencer)




Alakazam – Alakazam is neutral. You can target a player in the night phase, and their power will be cancelled. (Roleblocker)


Gengar – Gengar is neutral. You can target a player in the night phase to be killed. (Vigilante)




Bulbasaur – Bulbasaur can investigate a target at night. You will receive a PM back with details on the person you investigate. (Investigator)


Cyndaquil – Cyndaquil can investigate a target at night. You will receive a PM back with details on the person you investigate. (Investigator)


Mudkip –Mudkip can track other players targets. Choose a target, and you will be sent a PM back confirming who that player targeted. (Tracker)


Ditto – Ditto can choose a target in the night phase, and the following night Ditto will have the power of the target. Ditto is only able to talk on the day phase if it has not used a power the night before. Dittos power is reset the following night after it has mimicked a targets power. When Ditto uses a mimicked power, it will appear in the write up as that Pokemon. (Transformer)


Tropius – Tropius can protect a player. Choose a target in the night phase, and that player will be protected from being killed. (Protector)


Dragonite – Dragonite is a huge and influential creature. Your votes in the day phase count for double, and to be lynched you need double the majority. (Influential)


Golem – Golem can track other players targets. Choose a target, and you will be sent a PM back confirming who that player targeted. (Tracker)


Garchomp - can investigate a target at night. You will receive a PM back with details on the person you investigate. Garchomp cannot be roleblocked or protected. (Investigator)


Gyrados – Gyrados instills fear. Gyrados cannot be lynched or killed in the day phase, and in the night phase it takes two attempts to kill him for him to be fully vanquished. (Brute)


Glalie – Glalie can silence a player in the night phase, and they will be unable to talk during the next day phase. (Silencer)


Mew – Mew can protect a player. Choose a target in the night phase, and that player will be protected from being killed. Mew has a magical aura that protects itself from being killed on odd nights. (Protector)




Tropius/Chairdriver PROTECTS Ditto/Dyson

Alakazam/Mundi ROLEBLOCKS Ditto/Dyson

Bulbasaur/SPAMBOT4000 INVESTIGATES Ditto/Dyson


Mudkip/martinist TRACKERS Drapion/Cube

Cyndaquil/Molly INVESTIGATES Mew/Paj Meen Ah

Ditto/Dyson TRANSFORM TARGETS Gyrados/Ashley

Garchomp/not_so_tiny INVESTIGATES Tropius/Chairdriver

Tyranitar/Ellmeister KILLS Dragonite/Zell

Darkrai/Raining_Again REDIRECTING Tropius/Chairdriver TO Gyrados/Ashley

Sharpedo/Nintendohnut BODYGUARD Mew/Paj_meen_ah

Drapion/Cube INVESTIGATES Alakazam/Mundi






Garchomp/not_so_tiny INVESTIGATES Ditto/Dyson

Tropius/Chairdriver PROTECTS Bulbasaur/SPAMBOT4000


Mudkip/martinist TRACKERS Tyranitar/Ellmeister

Cyndaquil/Molly INVESTIGATES Tyranitar/Ellmeister

Golem/Jonnas TRACKERS Mudkip/Martinist

Alakazam/Mundi NO TARGET

Tyranitar/Ellmeister SILENCE Bulbasaur/SPAMBOT4000

Bulbasaur/SPAMBOT4000 INVESTIGATES Mudkip/martinist

Darkrai/Raining_Again KILL/RECRUIT Alakazam/Mundi

Sharpedo/Nintendohnut BODYGUARD Cyndaquil/Molly

Drapion/Cube INVESTIGATES Gengar/Eenuh





Bulbasaur/SPAMBOT4000 INVESTIGATES Tyranitar/Ellmeister

Garchomp/not_so_tiny INVESTIGATES Sharpedo/Nintendohnut

Tyranitar/Ellmeister SILENCE Cyndquil/Molly

Mudkip/martinist TRACKERS Sharpedo/Nintendohnut

Drapion/Cube INVESTIGATES Tropius/Chairdriver

Darkrai/Raining_Again KILLS Bulbasaur/SPAMBOT4000

Cyndquil/Molly INVESTIGATES Tyranitar/Ellmeister





Dark Alakazam/Mundi ROLEBLOCKING Gengar/Eenuh

Garchomp/not_so_tiny INVESTIGATES Tyranitar/Ellmeister

Glalie/Bluey SILENCE Darkrai/Raining_Again

Gengar/Eenuh KILLS Sharpedo/Nintendohnut

Cyndquil/Molly INVESTIGATES Sharpedo/Nintendohnut

Golem/Jonnas TRACKERS Tyranitar/Ellmeister

Mudkip/martinist TRACKERS Darkrai/Raining_Again

Darkrai/Raining_Again REDIRECTING Golem/Jonnas to Gyrados/Ashley

Sharpedo/Nintendohnut KILLS Cyndaquil/Molly

Tyranitar/Ellmeister SILENCE Garchomp/not_so_tiny

Drapion/Cube INVESTIGATES Mudkip/martinist





Mudkip/martinist INVESTIGATES Gengar/Eenuh (Roleblocked)

Garchomp/not_so_tiny INVESTIGATES Golem/Jonnas

Dark Alakazam/Mundi ROLEBLOCKING Mudkip/martinist

Gengar/Eenuh KILLS Dark Alakazam/Mundi (Redirected)

Golem/Jonnas TRACKERS Sharpedo/Nintendohnut

Darkrai/Raining_Again REDIRECTING Gengar/Eenuh to KILLS Golem/Jonnas

Ditto/Dyson TRANSFORM TARGETS Garchomp/not_so_tiny

Sharpedo/Nintendohnut BODYGUARD Gyrados/Ashley

Tyranitar/Ellmeister SILENCE Gengar/Eenuh

Drapion/Cube KILLS Garchomp/not_so_tiny


(Not all targets are 100% as there are a few I didn't edit in, in night two I think)


So what did you guys think? It was my first one so apologies if I was a bit blah, but trust me two is bigger and better. :)

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Ahhh I so knew ittttt. I knew Nintendohnut was definitely evil, had heavy suspicions about Ellmeister, Mundi and Raining_Again (my last kill was gonna be between these three, but of course it wouldn't have worked anyway).


Bah to the town for not believing me. It was so obvious Nintendohnut was evil. =(

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We just kept quiet when you lot suspected us and Nintendohnut and Cube always seemed to turn it away from us. No idea how, I'm never trusting them in a game again!


Honestly that's what made me suspect you guys even more. People who keep quiet like that during a big discussion about someone being evil (when it's obvious they are) are pretty much always mafia. =P

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I've tweaked some of the role types and added somewhat entirely new ones for the next game.


How'd you guys like the roles?


And epilogue. ;)


I'll be sending out the roles for Poke-Mafia 2 tonight. I think the only person waiting in the wings to run a mafia is Jay, and he is without interwhebz.


Specific apologies to ;


Eenuh. Re write up, I will definitely make it fairer this time.


Dyson. In trying not to over power your role I think I hindered more than helped.


I was staggered towards the end. Town had two people CONFIRMED as evil, yet you lynched the person CONFIRMED as good. Lol.

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This is the first game that's made me shout at the computer monitor. When it was revealed that my info was correct I was so sure Nintendohnut was doomed the next day and then I was silenced my Ellmeister, so I made sure to post in loads of other threads, which Jonnas caught on. People started to vote of Nintendohnut then a few 'No Lynch'ed because they still weren't sure, haha, I was screaming at the screen telling them to vote. I really think we need to take more chances as a town.


This was a good game though Rez, probably because I had quite an Active ability, I enjoyed it, definitely looking forward to the next one.

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I was so proud of managing to convince people I was good. I remembered being lynched in another game where I WAS good, and how frustrating it was seeing it happening, and I tried to recreate that.


To be fair, there was only one piece of info on me, and that could have been wrong... especially after I got lucky targetting Paj on the first night. I couldn't really see why people were so sure I was evil based on that evidence, even though it was right.


Also couldn't believe that Ell didnt get lynched when Molly was shown to be a good investigator. She said he was evil the day before she died but for some reason you focused on me! I think if you'd gone for Ell instead he would have been lynched.


Other than that, Cube worked out (from a lack of denial the day before) that Eenuh could probably kill with her power and just hoped this was the case when we changed her target on the last night. We got lucky there.


They were pretty good roles Rez, but there were so many people coming forward with info! If we hadn't got lucky and convinced people not to vote we would have lost ages ago! Spambot, not_so_tiny, Molly, martinist and Jonnas all got info! We were like 'we've nearly killed them all' and then three more people had info we were like 'shiiiiiit'


ALSO: Ashley, you clearly didn't have a great power in this game. Also not a huge number of people took part in the game which was annoying in a way. Look back over some of the older games and you'll see what it's like when lots of people talk. They're great games when people really try to take part, this one was not so great because only 6 or seven people were talking regularly.


Wow, long post.

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Word. Part two has 22 roles so its a bit bigger, and the roles will certainly make it interesting. (Pretty much everyone has some kind of targetting role, in one form or another)


I'll be sending out the roles starting at about 6pm probably, and the game will start soon after than. :)

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I was so proud of managing to convince people I was good. I remembered being lynched in another game where I WAS good, and how frustrating it was seeing it happening, and I tried to recreate that.


Haha I couldn't believe you managed to do that! I was thinking 'What?! He's evil everyone, lynch him! Lynch Him!

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Boo at my power failing :(


Thanks for the interesting power ReZ - my only concern being that it took two nights to do something useful, and then had to spend a day silenced. Other than that you managed to pick one of my favourite Pokemon to give me :D

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My first mafia and it was a great game Rez. Very much enjoyed it and looking forward to the next. So annoying though when you have info to share and you're silenced!


My only niggle would be that some barely participated and when you've got two silencers who are obviously going to target people who are talking then it makes for a sometimes haybale-like atmosphere. Jeez peeps, if you're not gonna play then let someone else who will have a space. Maybe we could do a mafia rating thread? similar to the thread for who to trust when buying/selling?

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My first mafia and it was a great game Rez. Very much enjoyed it and looking forward to the next. So annoying though when you have info to share and you're silenced!


My only niggle would be that some barely participated and when you've got two silencers who are obviously going to target people who are talking then it makes for a sometimes haybale-like atmosphere. Jeez peeps, if you're not gonna play then let someone else who will have a space. Maybe we could do a mafia rating thread? similar to the thread for who to trust when buying/selling?


That's the main problem with mafia games. People who barely speak. Honestly, those practically ruined the last day.

This could be solved if I ever became a vigilante, but that only happened once


I wanted to vote for Ellmeister right from the beginning, but noooo... It was "insufficient evidence". Goddamn it people, townies are supposed to vote for players they suspect, not "No lynch" because there's "insufficient evidence" (yes, Martinist and Ashley, I'm looking at you)


Cube and R_A sure fooled me (mainly because I was focusing on Dohnut, Ellmeister, and starting to suspect Mundi).


ReZ, this was a good game, really. Well managed, fast-paced, and decent roles (though Ditto seems far to weak, and I'm pretty sure it would be literally impossible to lynch Dragonite).

But Silencer roles can really bring the game down, I think. Just an opinion, though.


I can't wait for the next one, though... what happened to J7's Future Mafia?

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Dragonite – Dragonite is a huge and influential creature. Your votes in the day phase count for double, and to be lynched you need double the majority. (Influential)


ReZ, how do you get "double majority"?


Boo at my power failing :(


Thanks for the interesting power ReZ - my only concern being that it took two nights to do something useful, and then had to spend a day silenced. Other than that you managed to pick one of my favourite Pokemon to give me :D


Your power was awesome. On one night you find out the identity and power of one player, and on the second night you are effectively a "random power" guy. Plus, near the end of the game, you'd be able to virtually choose your "random" power.

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Don Bitch.


I just noticed, bluey coulda had me outted on day 5 :P


"Happy with the nights actions so far a dark entity travelled across the town. It was ambushed and frozen. Ice Shard has been used." and she targetted me on night 4! (and not a bloody one of you noticed i was silenced) :D

Edited by Raining_again
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