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That nintendo game you just didn't like

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I suppose the biggest one is Super Mario Sunshine - although I'm still convinced that it's a terrible game and not something I just didn't like. Games I simply don't like include Pokémon, Pilotwings, Wave Race, 1080, Super Mario World, Mario Kart DS, GBA and 64 (I prefer Diddy Kong Racing and Konami Krazy Racers).


Oh yeah, another one. I don't understand what I didn't like about it, either. I loved Super Mario Land 2 & SMB3, which were similar.

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Oh yeah, another one. I don't understand what I didn't like about it, either. I loved Super Mario Land 2 & SMB3, which were similar.


I put not liking SMW down to growing up with superior* games on the Mega Drive.



*Nostalgia may be a factor.

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I always found SMW to be one of the best Mario games...it's far more polished than SMB3, anyway. Loved playing it on my GBA. Never had a SNES back in the day, though, as I was a mega drive boy.


Whoever said MK Double Dash is spot on; what a turd. The steering and overall control of the vehicle was terrible; if you slap the game in after play MK Wii there really is a huge difference.


As for Super Mario Sunshine, I don't think I'd say it's terrible since the non-jetpack levels were outstanding. That saves it from being terrible...I'd say it's disappointing, though.

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As for Super Mario Sunshine, I don't think I'd say it's terrible since the non-jetpack levels were outstanding. That saves it from being terrible...I'd say it's disappointing, though.


I went through it 6 months ago from start to finish in 3 days (got around 103 shines or something). I found it to be a hugely enjoyable platformer. It diverts so much from the traditional 'Mario' path, but what it does provide is an excellent game. Sure it's not what everyone wanted but Nintendo dared enough to do something different, same with Cube Zelda and my feelings towards both of these games are that they definately pulled it off with great style and finesse!


Anyway, I've never really got along with any of the Metroid games (2D and 3D) but to be fair I haven't given them a huge chance.


I Absolutly hated Animal Crossing DS and thought it was a MASSIVE step backwards from the GC version which I think is the best game on the console. Purely because me and my ex played it for over 2 years and never got bored. The DS version just did so many things wrong after the awesome-ness of the Cube game.


New Super Mario Bros. didn't do it for me either. Seemed very unispired and like Nintendo had lost their touch from the 2D days (could be nostalgia speaking here).


Zack and Wiki is another game I just can't get along with. I have it but just can't be bothered to finish it and yes, Wiki is a pain in the arse.


On the other hand, just to be a pain :)

I thoroughly enjoyed Luigi's Mansion and Starfox Adventures despite the massive bashing both games got. They rank highly on my favourite games of all time! Wii Sports is also one of my favourite ever games, which I still play regularly today and surprisingly boxing is by far my favourite. My score is over 2000 on that :)

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Haha, there's this guy in my school who's sort of segregated from the 'normal' people who doesn't really talk much but I once caught him talking (very rare) about videogames and he said how Galaxy was an overrated disappointment but Sunshine was the best 3D Mario. So I had to say that I almost agreed. I said 64>Sunshine>Galaxy, he said Sunshine>64>Galaxy.

He said that 64 was just nostalgia and I guess he was partly right but I maintain it was the best.


64 isn't really nostalgic though.. There isn't very much wrong with it.. Something like goldeneye dated much worse than super mario 64.. ONly thing wrong with it by todays standards is the difficulty and slight camera issues(which are worse in sunshine I might add)


I put not liking SMW down to growing up with superior* games on the Mega Drive.



*Nostalgia may be a factor.

yes yes yes yes yes :D


I grew up with sonic too and the megadrive but the snes just had the better games overall.. The games just hold up better..


No save function dates the megadrive to hell. alsmot every game felt like an arcade game.


YOu could clear sonic 1 in about 2 hours in comparison with super mario worlds almost 80 levels?.. Plenty of secrets?


I really think kids around then were idiots lol.. omg but it's... better graphics...

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I put not liking SMW down to growing up with superior* games on the Mega Drive.



*Nostalgia may be a factor.


Having also grown up with the Mega Drive, I have to agree that the Sonic MD games > SMW.

Nostalgia be damned, those were awesome.


@mcj Metroid: I don't think it had anything to do with graphics. At least where I live in, the Mega Drive was much better marketed than the SNES, leading to the rise in popularity.

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You just said it could beat it!


I remember that Rayman, got it on release day with my GBA. Completed it within a couple of days, with the exception of finding some little shitty orb thingies. Took it back and got something else.


We need a 3D incarnation of Mario 2. The world of Subcon would be awesome.

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@mcj Metroid: I don't think it had anything to do with graphics. At least where I live in, the Mega Drive was much better marketed than the SNES, leading to the rise in popularity.


this is true.. but at the time or so I read in the game over book that there was generally some sort of playtest between super mario world and sonic 1 and sonic 1 was generally preferred..


Ya megadrive was generally more popular in europe I think. Over here the commodore 64 was more popular than the nes.


You just said it could beat it!


I remember that Rayman, got it on release day with my GBA. Completed it within a couple of days, with the exception of finding some little shitty orb thingies. Took it back and got something else.


We need a 3D incarnation of Mario 2. The world of Subcon would be awesome.


the gba version of rayman IS shit.!!! it's a port of a playstation/saturn/jaguar game for christ sake..:)


and 2d rayman comes scarely close to beating mario... But only play the saturn or playstation version.

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What's more EEVIL is lying either for effect or because of bad memory, unless I'm mistaken. You don't need 'orbs', they just provide lives if you collect 100 or pay for special stages.

In Rayman you smash cages and you HAVE to smash them all in order to unlock the last set of levels and therefore complete the game and defeat the last boss. Unless you are insane at gaming this would take more than 2 days because it is bloody difficult, no way is it easy.


Just saying... I can't remember if the GBA was that much different, I still thought you had to do all of the above.

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I've never enjoyed any of the 2D Zelda games - Phantom Hourglass included.


I find Animal Crossing tedious.


Mario Kart Wii seemed average in the aftermath of the DS iteration.


I absolutely loathe Pokemon.

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Sonic and Rayman better than Mario...?




:laughing: :laughing:


Funniest posts I've read in a while. :p


That's one of the dumbest posts I've read in a while. You played Rayman on PS1 or Megadrive? The bosses are brilliant, they have a great difficulty curve and the cavern levels are just plain badass. Plus special helicopter missions.... Man it's just so good.

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rayman isn't better than super mario world or super mario bros 3 but it's a good bit better than new super mario bros..


For one the graphics are way better than the wii mario bros and the ds one.


A few of you thought I was being bitchy about graphics here but take a look at that screenshot.. This is a near 15 year old game now!!! The ds graphics should have been way better but the wii ones should be a million times... Processing power my ass!


2: music is way better than new super mario bros.

I don't think i;m being unfair there..


I just think that new super mario bros.. Should be fucking better lol.. it's gameplay is fine but it doesn't look acceptable and sound acceptable.. for sound we could acceot whatever on ds and I know we haven't heard much on wii yet... but cmon you know it will be the same.


Sonic and Rayman better than Mario...?




:laughing: :laughing:


Funniest posts I've read in a while. :p


you haven't played rayman and don't lie :D


but sonic the originals are better than any mario game bar 3 and world.(in 2d i mean)

Edited by mcj metroid
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What's more EEVIL is lying either for effect or because of bad memory, unless I'm mistaken. You don't need 'orbs', they just provide lives if you collect 100 or pay for special stages.

In Rayman you smash cages and you HAVE to smash them all in order to unlock the last set of levels and therefore complete the game and defeat the last boss. Unless you are insane at gaming this would take more than 2 days because it is bloody difficult, no way is it easy.


Just saying... I can't remember if the GBA was that much different, I still thought you had to do all of the above.

It must be bad memory, it must be finding the cages. I think one or two were annoyingly beyond my reach.

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Rayman is better than Super Mario World. I played that on VC and played Rayman on PS3 store download: Rayman is just unbeatable as a 2D platformer, the last levels which you unlock before Mr Dark are just incredible, the whole vibe of the game is great.

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Yeah it was good at that. I had the literacy/numeracy version which was actually amazing for platforming brilliance also, it's worthy of your playtime even now. Just watched a video and remembered that it has better and harder levels than the original Rayman, must play it!

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On the graphics front of Rayman vs NSMB you cite the age of the game and expect the DS to be loads beyond. The DS is approximately the power of the N64 which is of the same generation of what Rayman was released on. It's also beautiful hand drawn sprites with a pseudo 3D models and wonderful colorful artstyle (like DKC) vs a game that is adhering to a already set artstyle and 3D models.


I agree that NSMB should have could have looked better but it seems to me that they were focused on keeping to the art of the old 2D games. The Wii version is a lazy ass port of the DS version so yea it looks like ass.


As for gameplay....I've never played A rayman title other than a demo for number 2 on DC, but I did just watch the first level of the first game, and it looked terribly unfun. The uploader even claimed the level to be so memorable.... That's just my uneducated opinion though.

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Sorry, but I gotta argue Raymans side here. It truly is a fantastic game, one that constantly had me coming back for more. I love it to pieces, probably my favourite PS1 game.


As for Sonic vs Mario, Sonic takes it again. Sonic 1, 2, 3 and S&K are simply sublime games.

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