david.dakota Posted June 5, 2009 Posted June 5, 2009 Right, E3's been and gone. We've seen some cracking titles unveiled, some new info on previously announced titles. Things look great for Wii, in my opinion. So, lets consider our Most Wanted between now and Christmas (yup, lets for a just for a moment discount Sin and Punishment 2, Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid:Other M)- what are your Wii 5 - the titles you're most looking forward too? Silent Hill The Conduit New Super Mario Bros. Wii WiiFit plus Dead Space
DazzeL Posted June 5, 2009 Posted June 5, 2009 The Conduit New Super Mario Bros. Wii Dead Space Wii Sports Resort EA Grand Slam Tennis / Virtua Tennis (depending on which one's better) That said, there's still loads of stuff I want to play and buy that's out now. HOTD:Overkill, Z+W, Little King's Story, Mario and Sonic just to name a few.
Retro_Link Posted June 5, 2009 Posted June 5, 2009 (edited) 1. Wii Sports Resort 2. Silent Hill 3. Grand Slam Tennis 4. Resident Evil: TDC 5. A Boy and his Blob Others: Red Steel 2, Deadspace, Shaun White, Final Fantasy:CC:CB, Metroid Prime Trilogy. Edited June 5, 2009 by Retro_Link
lostmario Posted June 5, 2009 Posted June 5, 2009 1. The Conduit 2. Red Steel 2 3. New Super Mario Bros Wii 4. Wii Sports Resort 5. Grand Slam Tennis / Virtua Tennis (I can't decide, need reviews!)
Cube Posted June 5, 2009 Posted June 5, 2009 (edited) Excitebots Red Steel 2 Metroid Prime Trilogy Edited June 6, 2009 by Cube
Shino Posted June 5, 2009 Posted June 5, 2009 What comes out until Christmas? The ones I can remember. 1. New Super Mario Bros Wii 2. FF:CC:CB 3. The Conduit 4. Wii Sports Resort
Ike Posted June 5, 2009 Posted June 5, 2009 Between now and Christmas: 1. New Super Mario Bros. Wii 2. One Piece Unlimited Cruise (part 1) 3. One Piece Unlimited Cruise (Part 2) 4. Ghostbusters 5. Dragonball: Revenge of King Piccolo Others: Wii Sports Resort, Another Code R That's it for me I think, unless some other stuff gets announced for this year.
D_prOdigy Posted June 5, 2009 Posted June 5, 2009 Just five? 2009 1. Silent Hill 2. Red Steel 2 3. Wii Sports Resort 4. Dead Space Extraction 5. Tales of Symphonia 2 2010 1. Metroid: Other M 2. Sin & Punishment 2 3. Super Mario Galaxy 2 4. No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle 5. Tales of Graces (if it doesn't make it out, Crystal Bearers)
welsh_gamer Posted June 5, 2009 Posted June 5, 2009 The Conduit Rock Band The Beatles Red Steel 2 New Super Mario Bros Indiana Jones and The Staff of Kings
Emasher Posted June 5, 2009 Posted June 5, 2009 (edited) 2009 The Conduit Up until the Pokemon GS remakes were announced this was my most anticipated game period, and is at the top of this list because the remakes are probably not coming out here until next year. I can't wait to play what is looking like amazing online for Wii and finding out how good this title really is. I also enjoy the sort of US government related conspiracy type stories. New Super Mario Bros. Wii Do I need to explain this one, its looking to be a proper sequel to Super Mario World. Red Steel 2 The gameplay looks solid and I'm interested in the open world aspect. Hopefully the AI is better than in the videos we've seen so far. Wii Sports Resort Especially because of the way Miyamoto linked it to the next Zelda game. Maybe Metroid Prime Trilogy I've never played Prime 2, and I haven't finished 1, So I might pick this up. 2010 Zelda Wii (Assuming it comes out next year) Its a console Zelda. Metroid Other M Its a new Metroid Game Mario Galaxy 2 Its a sequel to Mario Galaxy The Grinder Its like left 4 dead on the Wii. And if The Conduit turns out alright, this could be even better. Gladiator A.D. Some people are moaning about this one, but it looks beautiful, and I'm rather interested in Ancient Rome. Its not at this point a day 1 purchase for me, but I'm interested. DS (2009 and 2010) Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver Its a proper Pokemon game. Zelda Spirit Tracks Its Zelda I can't really think of 5 at the moment. I'm not really interested in Golden Sun, having not played the first 2, but I might see if I can get my hands on them as I've heard they're rather Epic. Edited June 6, 2009 by Emasher
Ganepark32 Posted June 5, 2009 Posted June 5, 2009 I don't think I can make a top 5. The games that are a must buy for me are: The Conduit Another Code R There are lots of great games coming to the Wii in the latter half of the year but whether I'd classify them as must haves I don't know. Things like Dead Space Extraction and Red Steel 2, to name but a few, all look fantastic and I'd like to get them but they're not immediate must haves just yet.
dazzybee Posted June 5, 2009 Posted June 5, 2009 Although there are some great titles coming out this year, still shockingly thin on the Nintendo front.... Anyways. I'm not going to include the games coming out soon, and use this as a September onwards list: - Beatles Rock Band - Dead Space - Red Steel 2 - Silent Hill - New Super Mario Bros. Though I havent been updated AT ALL. Is NSMB got a full on epic one player mode too? If so then that jumps straight to the top!!! Well...second...
Fierce_LiNk Posted June 5, 2009 Posted June 5, 2009 (edited) Hmm, I'm just gonna do a general "top 5" regardless of when they're coming out. Games that have been confirmed and we've actually seen footage of...so I'm not gonna say Zelda Wii, as that's a bit daft. In order, they are probably: 1. Silent Hill 2. Metroid: Other M 3. Dead Space 4. Super Mario Galaxy 2. 5. No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle It's hard trying to whittle it down to just 5. Other notable mentions go to: Red Steel 2, ExciteBots, New Super Mario Bros, Sin and Punishment, The Conduit and Muramasa. There's reasons why certain games are above others. Silent Hill looks really refreshing and I've kinda been following that for a while, and it just keeps looking better and better. It would be wrong if I just...didn't purchase that after all the effort that has been put in. Metroid is another brave effort. It's different to its predecessors, and something tells me that this is going to be the next "Prime" in the sense that we'll remember this for years to come. Dead Space has something about it that has captured me. It's a certain charm. It seems very tense and exactly what I fancy playing. A tense space shooter. Galaxy and NMH 2 are both sequels to two brilliant and great games, so I want more of them. But, I'm more excited over the fresh efforts than these two. Only just, mind. Edited June 5, 2009 by Fierce_LiNk
STOOPIDDITTIES Posted June 6, 2009 Posted June 6, 2009 Another Code R Red Steel 2 Silent Hill The Conduit One Piece Unlimited Cruise Silent Hill is proving popular And considering The Conduit is in most lists, my doubts of low sales are quickly vanishing
Tigerdust Posted June 6, 2009 Posted June 6, 2009 Tiger Woods Golf The Conduit Silent Hill Dead Space - Extraction New Super Mario Bros Wii (This game screams classic Mario Bros stuff, reminds me alot of the remade Super Mario 3 from the All Stars cart on the SNES Other games that are looking very promising are Wii Sports Resort Red Steel 2 Resident Evil - The Darkside Chronicles (is that supposed to be coming out before the year is up?). I'd like one game a month to come out for the rest of this year just to keep me ticking over. I haven't played a new game since February, but thats given me more time with VC games - Oh how I'm loving my DKC games right now. Just waiting 2 - 3 weeks for the Conduit first up.
Zechs Merquise Posted June 6, 2009 Posted June 6, 2009 (edited) FIVE!!! I need more! But here is just five... 1) Metroid: Other M 2) The Conduit 3) The Grinder 4) Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles 5) Tatsunoko Vs Capcom (if online if not, New Super Mario Bros Wii) I'm also hyped for... Military Madness, Galaxy 2, Wii Sports Resort, Silent Hill, Dead Space Extraction and Sin and Punishment 2. Erm... I re-read the first post... Before Christmas 1) The Conduit 2) Tatsunoko Vs Capcom 3) RE Darkside Chronicles 4) Dead Space Extraction 5) New Super Mario Bros. Wii Edited June 6, 2009 by Zechs Merquise Not reading first post correctly!
markderoos Posted June 6, 2009 Posted June 6, 2009 1.New Super Mario Bros Wii 2.Another Code R 3.Boom Blox Smash Party 4.Wii Sports Resort 5.A boy and his Blob
darkjak Posted June 6, 2009 Posted June 6, 2009 Metroid: Other M Mario Galaxy 2 The Grinder Silent Hill Zelda
Funktion Posted June 6, 2009 Posted June 6, 2009 From what's currently known, my 5 most wanted for what's left of 2009, in no particular order: -Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All Stars -Another Code R: A Journey Into Lost Memories -Ghostbusters -New Super Mario Bros. Wii and probably either Valhalla Knights: Elder Saga (even though the Japanese reviews were mediocre, to say the least), Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (never really followed the series, but the recent media was kind of nice), or Rabbids Go Home (I'm not even sure how the game is fully played, but I Rabbids... :p). Other games I'm curious to check out, also out this year: The Munchables, Lets Tap, The Conduit and Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings (mostly because of the inclusion of the "talkie" version of Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, which is a fun game; still not sure if the actual Staff of Kings game will be worth it though, lets see). Most Wii games I'm looking forward are either undated, or are expected to be released in 2010 (No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle, Sin and Punishment 2, Arc Rise Fantasia, Fragile, Shiren the Wanderer 3, Endless Ocean 2, Trauma Team, ...).
Grazza Posted June 6, 2009 Posted June 6, 2009 This year, I'm looking forward to: New Super Mario Bros Wii One Piece: Unlimited Cruise Red Steel 2 Wii Sports Resort Metroid Prime Trilogy There are probably some others too that I don't know about or don't know if they're released this year. It's certainly an exciting time. I've got that intense "Got to catch up" feeling.
Helmsly Posted June 6, 2009 Posted June 6, 2009 1)TMNT Smash up 2)Wii Sports Resort 3)New Super Mario Bros 4)Ghostbusters 5)Metroid Prime Trilogy
Mike Posted June 6, 2009 Posted June 6, 2009 (edited) 1. New Super Mario Bros Wii 2. Wii Sports Resort 3. Excitebots (Still holding out for that one.. If not, Punch-Out!!, which I still haven't got.) 4. Tales of Monkey Island 5. Another Code R 2010: 1. Zelda (assuming it's out next year) 2. Super Mario Galaxy 2 3. Metroid: Other M 4. Endless Ocean 2 5. Sin And Punishment 2 Edited June 6, 2009 by Mike
Kav Posted June 6, 2009 Posted June 6, 2009 1. Metroid Prime Trilogy 2. The Conduit 3. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories 4. Red Steel 2 5. New Super Mario Bros. Wii
tapedeck Posted June 6, 2009 Posted June 6, 2009 High Five before 2010... TMNT Smash Bros. Brawl 2 The BeAtles reunion in Rockband-form Wii Sports 2: Butlins Old Super Mario Bros. Wii Grandad Slam Tennis And that's without room for The Conduit and Silent Hillz. Wow, 2010 sounds SO futuristic!
Fierce_LiNk Posted June 6, 2009 Posted June 6, 2009 tapedeck said: High Five before 2010... TMNT Smash Bros. Brawl 2 The BeAtles reunion in Rockband-form Wii Sports 2: Butlins Old Super Mario Bros. Wii Grandad Slam Tennis And that's without room for The Conduit and Silent Hillz. Wow, 2010 sounds SO futuristic! Haha, 20 years ago if you said to someone "I bet we'll be playing 2D Marios on home consoles in the future!" they'd have laughed. Nooo, we'll most probably be playing Mario in space, in 6D. Yes. 6D.
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