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Super Mario Galaxy 2


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I'm currently thirty three stars in and I'm still loving every minute :) not playing it atm though - got Red Dead to complete too - but I do plan to play it again later for a good while because I'm starting to get withdrawal symptoms allready. :hmm:


*twitches anxiously*

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Recived mine from HMV this morning. Didn't expect it till next week as it was only posted yesterday - I don't mean to brag dazzybee :hug:


Posted my broken Wii off to Nintendo yesterday, and was gonna be patient and wait till I got it back before playing Galaxy 2, but with the game now in my hands, that's gonna be much harder, so I think I'll pay my 360-loving cousin a visit this evening, to see if I can borrow his dusty Wii console.

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Picked up at 10 this morning. Came home from getting it at GAME, got myself changed, had a drink and then spent an hour playing.


5 stars gotten. For an hour, that may not have been productive as I could have been, as I was spending about 10 minutes on each level just looking/getting everything, but it's great so far. None of this uncertainty that the first Galaxy gave me when I initially played it. Just pure awesomeness and fun right from the off. And I love the Starship Mario music. :D


I definitely don't see anything else getting done today. Don't even think I'll watch any of the football.

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The first ghost world one....whoa. Crazy.


Loving the difficulty level. Have had multiple stars where I'm yelling at the TV. Epic. I got stuck and have given up on the Yoshi Chilli time record Comet one, will go back to it later.


Think Flip Switch is my favorite so far and the insane comet for it. :D

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I got in from work last night but didn't get any played due to my Monster Hunter addiction. To make up for this I got up early this morning and put a few hours into it, getting to world 3. I've managed to finish everything I can on world 2 but I need to head back to world 1 to clean up a few stars and comet coins i've missed.


I have to say the game is already better than the first one due to the difficulty level. It seems Nintendo have listened to what most people said about the lack of challenge from the first game and kicked it up a notch for this one. This makes me a happy man. :D


I absolutely LOVE Cloud Mario, he just looks so cool. Its easily my favourite suit that i've come across so far in the game.


As expected the game is just oozing colour and charm and with this being said Nintendo's philosophy of making people smile has never been more true. Once again its just a shame I have to go to work at 2 or I would have been on this all afternoon. :(

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Grabbed this from HMV today. They chucked me a free t-shirt with one of those super toxic smelling transfers on it that'll probably flake off after a few washes. Cheers, guys!


The box for this is lovely. I shall enjoy reading the instructional manual for this later on when I'm taking a poop.


And now... for some playtime. I hope my Wii still actually works, haha.

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I-It's exams. I needed to be strong.


I can still be strong.


If it helps, the game isn't that great.



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Is it just me or does a flame come out of Yoshi's ass, when he eats one of those red pepper things?


I come out of Yoshi's ass? WTF?


Anyway, hoping to get this super-sweet awesomeness when I receive my shiny new Black Wii (due to my current wii screwing me over - DVD malfunction) and I honestly can't wait to play it!



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So I finally got this (strange to say that but everyone else seemed to get it so darn early!) and I, like the rest, adore this game. At first, there was no wow factor, but the more I got stuck in, the more mesmerized I became - it's a joy to play. In terms of difficulty, I was a little bit disappointed at first, it seemed just as easy as SMG1. However, I've realised that the prankster comets are absolute bastards in some instances and one particular star put me to shame as the Cosmic guide turned up, thus confirming my sucky-ness (I got it in the end you'll all be glad to know!).


39 stars in and about halfway through World 3 and it's glorious background music. I intend to get most of the prankster comet stars as early as possible, while the game is still fresh and so far, so good!


Excellent game, a must-buy and certainly worthy of the numerous perfect scores it's been receiving.

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Guest Captain Falcon

After a couple of hours last night and then a short play this morning, I'm on about 54 stars and in world 4. Done every prankster comet star mission I've recieved which is almost for every level. Collected all the comet coins too. I've completely done world 1 and two stars off of world 2 & 3 by my reckoning, and loving every second of it.


I was in town today and chose not to buy it.


It hasn't quite hit me yet what I've done.


You'll regret that...


I decided to pick up a copy after i finished work...


Gonna be giving it some play time inbetween world cup games :D


but you certainly won't.

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Blew the dust off my Wii and popped this in. Very very nice, just done two stars so far taking my time and savouring it.


Can't believe some of you have 50 odd stars already - jeez slow down. I hope your not like that with your girlfriends - it's not a race you know! :laughing:

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