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Natal Motion Control/Recognition (360)


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The one thing Nintendo got spot on is the Wiimote. Nintendo demoed the device to quiet doubters. Lets see if Ms do the same. As it is, it looks like a next gen Eye Toy to me.


Sony i dont know. They may not show anything as they cant really target the same audiences as Wii(or much of).

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from what i saw, it was technicaly impressive, but i imagine it will be impractical.


for a start, i play video games to do things i cant do in real life. if i could do the shit i do in say, prince of persia, i probly wouldent be a big gamer. i imagine it being fun ultimatly kinda limiting.


also, i do see this being kinda like the wii, just not what we expect in the video.


i'll keep an eye on this, hopefully somthing exciting will happen with it.

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Well I just watched the project natal vid that's on the 360 Highlights reel, and i thought it was made of lies. Glad to see they're showing it with some actualgames (burnout, above...) but... man, it was just a stupid video of a bunch of stuff that is stupid. That football one- so the girl taking the penalty kicks it and the woman being the goalkeeper is supposed to, what dive across screen?


I'm sure it could be implemented nicely... But for fucks sake, I don't want to play GoW3 having to duck behind imaginary scenery, or play R6:v3 stabbing an imaginary needle into shorty's eyeball.


*is annoyed*

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They showed a driving game in the Natal demo, but how exactly are you supposed to accelerate with no buttons? Or brake? How does the camera know which one out of 5 people in the room is driving, what happens if people want to move? If someone starts waving their arms while talking expressively is that going to interfere? What happens if you're playing in poor light?


Just think I need to see it in everyday application to believe it.

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Technically, this is mighty impressive... but at the moment I see this becoming nothing more than an Eyetoy-device.


I'm extremely sceptical about some of the videos shown, though. At one point, someone walks in front of the television, and the character on-screen follows the passer-by with his head... which doesn't make sense on a 2D-surface. If a person tilts his head to the left on a 2D-plane, that person never looks directly at anybody, a anywhere near the tele. The only way someone can stare at you from a TV-screen, is when he's looking straight at the TV-screen. It's the poster-effect: when someone looks straight at the lens, it's like that person is watching you wherever you go.


In short: rules of perspective dictate the character shouldn't be turning his head at all. Otherwise he's not looking at the passer-by.

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I think this is impressive but a lot more of Natal and Mylo in specific is software based and I'm sure it can be done by other people with a camera. I mean why were people so impressed that you could see your reflection in the water...eyetoy has been doing that kinda thing for ages. Plus eyepet which was shown off GDC last year (I think?) was showing off picture recognition a while back... Also they said his understanding of language is in a way an illusion and that he doesn't understand it, its based on the Windows 7 voice recognition apparently. This tech isn't really related to Natal though anybody with a mic could work on such material, I guess putting it together in one package could be an inspired move.


I think the promo reel they showed impressed people but for me the stuff they actually showed was less impressive...Whereas Sony showed tech demos that perhaps weren't as impressive but a clearer indicator of where they are really at.


I think its clear both MS and Sony are taking very different approaches. Sony clearly think for now there isn't a future in purely gesture based controls and think there needs to more than "just" the motion controls of the Wii but with integration of a motion device as well as a camera.

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I think Microsoft and Sony are approaching the whole thing from two different directions and I really think (and hope, for the games' sake) they will reach the same conclusion; a combination of camera technology and control pads.

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:bowdown: Shino, you are the man! All the knobheads who have hated on the Wii and the Wii Remote are now queuing up to support Microsoft's and Sony's motion sensing control schemes.


God talk about a sweeping offensive statement...It's no different to all the Nintendo fans who said yeah we don't need graphics we've got motion controls, that stance will soon change once Wii HD hits (and it will at some point) Sony have had motion controls in their console (yes they jumped on the bandwagon) since day one and whilst there has been plenty of dodgy implementation (much like the Wii) when its right its right. MS (who I'm no fan of) are clearly taking a different approach with its lack of controller and I think thats whats got their fans excited.

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Most people I've talked to have had the same reactions to this as we all did back at TGS 05 with the Wii Remote.


Although, the fact that Johnny Lee is working on it must be a bit worrying to Nintendo I would think.

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My favorite part of the Wii remote is the pointer. Technically impressive as it is, i'm a bit disappointed that they got on the "jumping around the room waving your hands in the air like a twat" bandwagon.




Ironflame wins the thread :bowdown:

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:bowdown: Shino, you are the man! All the knobheads who have hated on the Wii and the Wii Remote are now queuing up to support Microsoft's and Sony's motion sensing control schemes.

Oh god that is desperate. Pretty much everyone was in agreement that the controller was good, I was always saying it would be great if the PS3 could use the Wii remote and it looks like there's something like it now.


Sad one-upmanship, noone 'hates' the Wii, and it's not like Natal is anything like the Wiimote anyway.

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This just in, Wii fanboys needing WM+. The "revolutionary" motion sensing you had already not good enough for you?




^ you've clearly taken that the wrong way. :shakehead It's clear it was implied as a joke but it goes to show that the attitude towards motion control has changed since Microsoft and Sony have shown their WIP controls.


What he said.

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^ you've clearly taken that the wrong way. :shakehead It's clear it was implied as a joke but it goes to show that the attitude towards motion control has changed since Microsoft and Sony have shown their WIP controls.






What he said.


I wasn't mean as a response to Shino. Just a response to Zechs. :smile: Which is what I really should have quoted, silly me. :heh:

Edited by Daft
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I don't think attitude towards motion control has changed at all. Personally my problem wasn't the concept, it was the Wii's lame implementation of that concept. I expect Motion+ will have changed that but it's a bit late now, i've lost interest in the Wii.

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Just had a thought...


Waving your arms around playing Cosmic Smash style games - works.

Interacting with your pet virtual boy (not the console!) - works.

Fighting game - (assuming you're mobile & coordinated enough to do the moves, and have the living room space) works.



FPS - what you gonna do, run on the spot, point your finger and shout "Pow"? Or would you rather hold a remote in your hand, point it at the screen & pull the trigger?

Silent Hill style torch game - would you rather grip a remote in your hand, or just wave your empty hand around?

Tennis game - would you rather grip a remote in your hand, or just wave your empty hand around?

Golf game - would you rather grip a remote in your hands, or just swing your empty arms?


Hmm, starting to see a pattern here.


So, in some instances, surely not having a controller is actually DETACHING the player from the experience? :hmm:

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