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Having played it this morning before sending it on to EssSeeGee, here's a few things I noticed that answer your questions...


- All games on one disc. You can play the games in any order - from the main menu, you can select any one of the three games and jump into it at any point.

- Metroid Prime 2's multiplayer is separate on the main menu to the single player, so you don't have to actually select Echoes to get to the multiplayer.

- WiiConnect24 functions have been added to all three games, this includes sending friend tokens to friends in your Wii Address Book, and...

- Taking screenshots! Pressing up on the d-pad at any point will grab a snapshot and immediately post it to the Wii Message Board.

- An achievements system, which I do believe is linked to the friend token WC24 thing.

Edited by Tellyn
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Having played it this morning before sending it on to EssSeeGee, here's a few things I noticed that answer your questions...


- All games on one disc. You can play the games in any order - from the main menu, you can select any one of the three games and jump into it at any point.

- Metroid Prime 2's multiplayer is separate on the main menu to the single player, so you don't have to actually select Echoes to get to the multiplayer.

- WiiConnect24 functions have been added to all three games, this includes sending friend tokens to friends in your Wii Address Book, and...

- Taking screenshots! Pressing up on the d-pad at any point will grab a snapshot and immediately post it to the Wii Message Board.

- An achievements system, which I do believe is linked to the friend token WC24 thing.


You live in Leeds! You should have invited me around so I could have had a go!

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If you guys / gals want me to, I'll post a pic of the box later on - I have an early retail review copy - really all it is though is the same thing but the metal case is plastic, the artwork is metallic / shiny though and it's still rather nice. :)


Also I registered the code, to see if I'd get the Free NES Metroid download - registered Prime etc years ago - but it seems not yet until it's officially released, not too fussed either way but just wanted to see if they'd give it out early. ;)


And the actual games are excellent, takes but a few minutes to get used to the controls and there is a very small border but it really doesn't matter as it all looks a hell of a lot better than the GC versions and it's even more fun to play. :)

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Not really... now that I'm actually replaying the trilogy the case doesn't matter one bit to me, sure it would have been a nice extra but it's the refined controls and expanded in-game extras that make the game worth getting, not the case it comes in, although it is still nice and shiny... ;)


Really enjoying playing through Prime again, I've played it for a good six hours in total and I've recently reached Phendrana Drifts with that oh-so hauntingly beautiful accompanying theme tune... I think I'm falling in love with the Prime trilogy all over again. :heart:

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Guest Captain Falcon
Not really... now that I'm actually replaying the trilogy the case doesn't matter one bit to me, sure it would have been a nice extra but it's the refined controls and expanded in-game extras that make the game worth getting, not the case it comes in, although it is still nice and shiny... ;)


Really enjoying playing through Prime again, I've played it for a good six hours in total and I've recently reached Phendrana Drifts with that oh-so hauntingly beautiful accompanying theme tune... I think I'm falling in love with the Prime trilogy all over again. :heart:


Reaching the Phendrana Shoreline still remains my favourite point in the game and some of us never fell out of love with it.

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Reaching the Phendrana Shoreline still remains my favourite point in the game and some of us never fell out of love with it.


I was just kidding, I never fell out of love with it in the first place, just y'know... its been a while. ;)

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Hi everybody, new here and just wanted to add that I cannot wait for Friday!!


It's my girlfriend's birthday weekend so I'm not going to get a chance to play it but I've booked next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off work for three full days of Samus action! :D


The original Prime is still my fave game ever and I'm eagerly looking forward to controlling that game with the remote and nunchuck, enjoying the refinements and unlocking all the additional achievements. Never did beat Prime herself or get above 91% scans on the GC, so looking for 100% this time! Never played Prime 2 and loved Prime 3 on Wii.


Going to play straight through from the very beginning and can't wait to explore these planets at my leisure while scanning everything to get the full story. I never rushed through the original Prime, I loved the back-tracking and scanning and little snippets of info and story that would pick up, it really added to the realism and atmosphere.... okay I'll stop whittering now, I'm just very excited! :D

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Hi everybody, new here and just wanted to add that I cannot wait for Friday!!


It's my girlfriend's birthday weekend so I'm not going to get a chance to play it but I've booked next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off work for three full days of Samus action! :D


The original Prime is still my fave game ever and I'm eagerly looking forward to controlling that game with the remote and nunchuck, enjoying the refinements and unlocking all the additional achievements. Never did beat Prime herself or get above 91% scans on the GC, so looking for 100% this time! Never played Prime 2 and loved Prime 3 on Wii.


Going to play straight through from the very beginning and can't wait to explore these planets at my leisure while scanning everything to get the full story. I never rushed through the original Prime, I loved the back-tracking and scanning and little snippets of info and story that would pick up, it really added to the realism and atmosphere.... okay I'll stop whittering now, I'm just very excited! :D


You are my kind o' gamer friend. Welcome aboard!:awesome:

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Welcome NintenWho :)


I've been playing Metroid Prime Trilogy since Saturday night and I can confidently say that the refinements make it all very much worth playing through again; the controls are spot-on and once you get used to them you'll prefer them to the GC's original controls - I do anyway - they are that refined.


Also the new - I think, for Prime / Echoes anyway - ability of being able to do a single jump while in morph-ball mode is most welcome and lends itself well to assisting with bomb jumping - for the noobs who can't handle doing it the proper way... ;) j/k - not to mention enabling you to mess about and do certain bits out of sequence, if you want to spend ages doing so anyway, but mostly it helps in making certain areas quicker when backtracking which is nice.


The game itself has never looked so good and even with the very slight border - which you don't give a damn about when playing - it's still very nicely presented indeed and as much fun to play as its always been, plus the achievements which are now in all three games will please the die-hard completionists out there, you know who you are. :heh:

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