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Breakfast! (or another equally unimaginative title that lacks any wit!)

Coolness Bears

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I love cereal, i just never have time to have it in the morning. I do sometimes have it as a late night snack instead, you should try it!


My favourites are Crunchy Nut and Honey Nut Loops. Mmmmm. Occasionally i'll go chocolatey with Coco Pops, and if im having a sweet tooth moment i might take in some Frosties.


Problem is, because i dont have it often, and i dont drink hot drinks, i never have any milk when i get the craving :(


Breakfast for me these days is usually a pack of crisps or two and a banana at my work desk.

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The amount of people here saying they don't have breakfast is quite astonishing!


I HAVE to have something in the mornings otherwise I'm not awake, I'm not energetic and then my stomach rumbles.


Now that I'm in halls, we have a little cafeteria, I always grab a pan au chocolat and a glass of milk. No time for anything else. I would get up but breakfast time here is 8-9 :|


On a saturday they always do a cooked breakfast for lunch, which is when I get up then. Its not great, the fried eggs aren't something to call home about but its still a cooked breakfast :)


When I'm at home, I will usually eat a bowl of cereals. I miss them! With milk might I add (crazy fool Gizmo :p), and I do love MUESLI! *dribbles*

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Breakfast is good for stimulating the old metabolism so I try to eat is as much as I have time for it.

I absolutely love a cereal that most people haven't tried before, Raisin Wheats.




I buy the generic supermarket brand whenever I can, and it's relatively expensive for cereal. But it's lovely.

I eat it at work for lunch quite often too (free milk!).

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Normally for breakfast, if I have time, I'll have either some Country Crisp and strawberries with bananas chopped in, or failing that, some chocolate Ready Brek. There's always Coco Pops if I don't have either of those, though.

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Breakfast is good for stimulating the old metabolism so I try to eat is as much as I have time for it.

I absolutely love a cereal that most people haven't tried before, Raisin Wheats.




I buy the generic supermarket brand whenever I can, and it's relatively expensive for cereal. But it's lovely.

I eat it at work for lunch quite often too (free milk!).

I like these, and also apricot variation which you can get Supermarket's brands for. But the boxes only come in the small variety, and since they're fairly sizable pieces, you get through one overpriced box pretty quickly.


I mostly eat Weetabix now (a cheaper supermarket brand, that is) although because oats are better for you in the morning, I'm currently trying ASDA's "malted oaties" which are like small oat based shreddies.

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I do like oat-based cereals, but they need honey, or chopped bananas or raisins otherwise I feel like a horse.


Jordan's country crisp is soo good. I could eat it all day. Last year I had a fry-up every breakfast. Hangover-tastic!


But I mostly don't have breakfast because even when I buy the smallest loafs or the smallest milk, it goes off before I get round to using it all.

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Why would you think that Cheerios would have an apostrophe? :nono:


Me fail english that's unpossible! :heh:


When I'm at home, I will usually eat a bowl of cereals. I miss them! With milk might I add (crazy fool Gizmo :p), and I do love MUESLI! *dribbles*


OMJ, I forgot about Muesli! That is usually in my cycle as well but it is often forgotten about sitting in my secret muesli pot in the cupboard! :D


I expected this thread to be about anything OTHER than breakfast. :heh:




I rarely have Juice or a drink in the morning, It just doesn't sit well with me. I strangely do on Holiday though.

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It all depends on wether I'm at home or at uni.


@uni I don't usually have breakfast on weekdays, unless I don't have to leave until 2pm, then i'll by a sandiwch or something and just have lunch.


@home... well at home it entirely depends how hungry I am. If I'm just slightly peckish, i'll usually have a Bacon Sarnie. If I'm more hungry it'll be Eggy Bread with bacone layered on top, all covered in spaghetti.


Breakfast of gods.

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I broke the rules of breakfast this morning, and had a piece of chocolate birthday cake, instead of the usual weetabix/toast combination.


It was beautiful. A Terry's Chocolate Orange Flavoured birthday cake, with the orange segments on top. This is also apparantly what Jessica Alba tastes like if you nibble on her. Full of goodness and sweetness....mmmm....

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I used to eat cereals when I was a child, but I got sick of eating the same old cereals every day.


These days, I have 3 bits of toast (with or without marmite) and 2 boiled eggs. If I have the time, I will make a cup of milo (energy drink that is kind of like hot chocolate, but full of B vitamins).


I usually get hungry after 2 and a half hours...

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See, we have the breakfast thing at uni, but its from 8 til 9:30, so when i do get up for it, i'm usually too tired/groggy to do anything about it. So for when i wake up at about 10:30ish i have 2 dry bowls of frosties :D

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