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AH relationships. I'm useless at them. Well i say that, but i haven't been in one for 2 years. Since then i've been in a 4-5 situations where i've liked a girl and she's liked me back, but nothing has amounted from it because its ended up getting overly complicated for one reason of another. Shame really, but at the end of the day you've just got to play with the cards you've been dealt and get on with it. The world is an amazing place and you shouldn't ever feel sorry for yourself. Stand up and keep going, that's how winning is done. Things will work out.


The girl I like now? Well i've liked her for the last 2 years really though i've hid my feelings for her as much as i possibly can. Yes, you've guessed it, she is my best friend and i would do absolutely anything for her, fantastic girl. And it got me thinking, do i really need a girlfriend? Do i really need for somehting to take up a part of my time? The answer is quite obviously no; i'm going to Uni in September and am gonna be working hard as hell once i get there. Time for myself is definately what the doctor ordered.

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I've been out of the love thing for a very long time (5 years get) so I think I've gotten accustomed to being alone. Doesn't really bother me in the slightest tbh :smile:


I think I've become accustomed to it as well to a degree, just that lately I've felt pretty lonely :/ and I kind of got the idea in my head that maybe I need to be in a relationship again - hence I asked that girl from work out, glad I did that as it's made me rethink stuff somewhat - but more recently I've got to thinking that I maybe just need some interaction now and then.


Last night me and my bro went to a small house party with some friends and after that I feel content, nothing went on there, just a load of people enjoying each others company, but I think it was what I needed and has done me some good. :)

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Anyway to try and swing this around a bit more back onto some form of topicness;


For those who are/strive to be in a relationship? Why? I've never quite 'got' the appeal of a relationship. I suppose I approach it at the glass half empty angle but still. (and none of this "you just haven't met the right person" shit :p) I'd like a kind of closeness, particularly as I live with a couple and it can be so lonely sometimes as it feels like Them and Me. But all in all I am happy by myself, with myself. In all honestly I think relationships shall remain the eternal mystery to me. ::shrug:

I strive to be in a relationship. And I've been questioning myself for a long time now: "Why?"


I cannot say I have found out exactly yet, but I can tell what I do know. I've always been a hopeless romantic. Yes, I love reading sweet romance stories that are sickening to others. Yes, I love watching romantic comedies that most guys would laugh at. Yes, I absolutely adore lovey-dovey fluffy romance.


Why? I don't know. But the feeling of connection to another person you're in love with - it's indescribable. This connection, deeper than friendship, in which you feel you could take on the whole world yourself - and win - and at the same time feel as if you have never been more vulnerable in your life. Having this one person who you would choose over everyone else in the world - and who you know would do the same in a heartbeat.


Am I hopelessly unrealistic? Yes. And that may very well explain why I find myself lost in the world of relationships. Most of the time it's nowhere near this level of rose-tinted-ness, which leaves me in a depressed state most of the time. But the rare moments when the feelings are there - they're very much real.

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well, i just spent an hour helping a girl i fancy, but who dosent like me back, proof her essay. its the definition of being a tool. its not that i think shes overly awsome or anything, but of all the girls currently in my life, i could see myself being with her and her alone.


i need to widen my group and meet a few more girls.




incidently, im so jealous of the gays. it would be great to have some one you could just do all your normal guy stuff with, video games in boxers, action movie marathon, usual stupid banter and hyjinx with romance to boot. sigh. if only.

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Awww, everyone should go to Disneyland though. It would be so much fun. And it is indeed the ideal place for romantic things to happen. It's the Disney Magicâ„¢ I tell you!


So, not my charm or animal magnetism?


Whaaat? :heh:


I think auctioning off members is a good idea. I'll put a quid on The Villan.

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incidently, im so jealous of the gays. it would be great to have some one you could just do all your normal guy stuff with, video games in boxers, action movie marathon, usual stupid banter and hyjinx with romance to boot. sigh. if only.


...you can do that with girls too :p I know I do.


So, not my charm or animal magnetism?


Nope but it worked on Donald Duck. WE'VE SEEN THE PICTURES!




I strive to be in a relationship. And I've been questioning myself for a long time now: "Why?"


I cannot say I have found out exactly yet, but I can tell what I do know. I've always been a hopeless romantic. Yes, I love reading sweet romance stories that are sickening to others. Yes, I love watching romantic comedies that most guys would laugh at. Yes, I absolutely adore lovey-dovey fluffy romance.


Why? I don't know. But the feeling of connection to another person you're in love with - it's indescribable. This connection, deeper than friendship, in which you feel you could take on the whole world yourself - and win - and at the same time feel as if you have never been more vulnerable in your life. Having this one person who you would choose over everyone else in the world - and who you know would do the same in a heartbeat.


Am I hopelessly unrealistic? Yes. And that may very well explain why I find myself lost in the world of relationships. Most of the time it's nowhere near this level of rose-tinted-ness, which leaves me in a depressed state most of the time. But the rare moments when the feelings are there - they're very much real.


Im more of a fan of the grand romantic gesture really, but not really the follow up. For anyone who will understand the reference; I like the gestures of Ted Mosby, but have the relationship mentality of Barney Stinson.


But keep chugging along and im sure you'll find someone who wants the same from their partner :)

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incidently, im so jealous of the gays. it would be great to have some one you could just do all your normal guy stuff with, video games in boxers, action movie marathon, usual stupid banter and hyjinx with romance to boot. sigh. if only.


Funny enough, my housemate's boyfriend was staying around the one night, and he came downstairs at 2 in the morning (in his boxer shorts) and asked if I wanted to play pro evo, haha.


And, another time, I did the action movie film watching thing with another guy.


And, I did all this without being one of the gay!




Nope but it worked on Donald Duck. WE'VE SEEN THE PICTURES!




Donald was putty in my hands. Clearly I'd be the one going on top.

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I'll take dibs on Ellmeister seeing as nobody else wants him! :D


WOAH! :o I just read this...



Hate to break this to you but Ellmeister is mine! :p :heart:


@ Ashley - love the how I met your mother reference. :heh:


Yeah , I've never even contemplated having a relationship. :) Not to fussed to be honest at the moment, I like my own company. I wouldn't even have a clue how to get into one. My main hope much like my friendships is to randomly stumble into one without realising! :D

Edited by Coolness Bears
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i can count all the boyfriends i've had on two fingers. (2)

the first was my bestest friend from church, joe (yeah church... i used to be a christian! hehe) we kinda drifted into a relationship when i was 13... and got stuck there. it took me 'till the age of 20 to realize that the guy was really no good for me... while i'm not the most academically blessed person in the world, joe was very dyslexic and lazy to boot ~ so he never tried... and harsh as it sounds, he was holding me back socially.. the real decider for me was when we went to japan together ~ it was my 2nd time and a lot of my friends from the previous tour were going, so i was excited that he'd get to meet them all and maybe we could make new friends too - but he ended up spending most of the free time in our hotel room..... he wouldnt try any japanese food (on the first night of the tour the guide takes everyone to a place that serves japanese style hamburgers to like, ease us in - as kind of a joke... joe went there EVERY night.) so i ended up spending most of the holiday apart from him, with the tour group and my friends.. one of them (donna - she's awesome... very no-nonsense & straight to-the-point) was like "why are you with him?" and i didnt know. :hmm:


so i gotta admit ~ when i broke up with him, i couldnt give him more of a reason than "because i don't love you anymore" ... which i felt horrible about ~ we'd been friends for YEARS, together for nearly 8. (EIGHT! that's crazy, right?) and without giving him a VERY long list of all the things that annoyed me about him, and all the reasons he was bad for me - which i imagine would've been a bit emotionally crippling for him... all i could say was "i dont love you anymore."


few weeks after i'd broken free, i was doing a LOT more social stuffs... i went to berlin! (concentration camps! yay...!!? the perfect pick-me-up after a messy break-up.) meeting up with friends, and friends of those friends - one of whom happened to be jamba :smile: we got on really well from the get-go (i think it was something to do with the triforce t-shirt i was wearing when we first met) and became pretty good friends over the next few months.... and it all kinda evolved from that ^___^


BUT!! all this time (i think it was about 4 or 5 months till he actually let it go~) joe was hounding me for an explanation that he was happy with. i tried really hard to explain my feelings, at first without hurting him... and then when he wasnt happy with that i tried to explain in detail WHY i didnt want to be in a relationship with him - still not good enough. finally i had to tell him that it was over, and this was my explanation he'd just have to accept it. so of course when he heard about me and pat getting together THREE MONTHS after i'd broken up with him, he decided that i must have been cheating on him with pat (i didnt even MEET pat until after i'd broken up with joe...!?) i dont know if joe's sticking to that explanation... i dont really care - if it makes him feel better, whatever... *shrug*


i think even when you come out of a bad relationship, or when things dont end particularly well.. usually you come out of the experience having learnt something that you can take with you in to the next relationship...

like, as much as joe turned into a complete wanker towards the end of our relationship ~ i learnt a lot from being with him...

for the examples!!

  • if people dont wanna change - they wont.
  • dont ever fake it... or they'll just think they're awesome and stop trying.
  • if something bothers you, say something - or it'll just get worse..
  • guys who make a special effort to be home in time for the simpsons when they're 22 years old are NOT my type.



Edited by bluey
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Guest Captain Falcon

i think even when you come out of a bad relationship, or when things dont end particularly well.. usually you come out of the experience having learnt something that you can take with you in to the next relationship...

like, as much as joe turned into a complete wanker towards the end of our relationship ~ i learnt a lot from being with him...

for the examples!!

  • if people dont wanna change - they wont.
  • dont ever fake it... or they'll just think they're awesome and stop trying.
  • if something bothers you, say something - or it'll just get worse..
  • guys who make a special effort to be home in time for the simpsons when they're 22 years old are NOT my type.




Were they new episodes or the old ones? It makes a world of difference.

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Guest Jordan

guys who make a special effort to be home in time for the simpsons when they're 22 years old are NOT my type.





Looks like someone needs a PVR...

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Were they new episodes or the old ones? It makes a world of difference.

just whatever was on TV.. even when it was a repeat that i knew he'd seen a million times before he'd still watch it.... i'm like "it's a nice sunny day! lets go outside for a walk!!" and he's like "@______@ ZOMBIEEEEE..."


do not want.


yay for cartoons and all - but when you make it part of your evening ritual (his dad would cook dinner specially to be ready for when the simpsons started....?!) it's a little..... sad.

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the simpsons suck now.


Have you been watching Season 20? It's a bit better. :) but yeah a shell of it's former self.


just whatever was on TV.. even when it was a repeat that i knew he'd seen a million times before he'd still watch it.... i'm like "it's a nice sunny day! lets go outside for a walk!!" and he's like "@______@ ZOMBIEEEEE..."


do not want.


yay for cartoons and all - but when you make it part of your evening ritual (his dad would cook dinner specially to be ready for when the simpsons started....?!) it's a little..... sad.


Yeah... that is pretty fail. I'm the biggest Simpsons fan there is (hehe.) and see that as ridiculous!


If I was in a relationship I'd go on a walk or whatever, you can watch the Simpsons any time!!!

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Did you actually do anything coupley? Like, ever hold hands, or go out for meals or days together?


Yeah, of course! We really enjoy each other's company so we just hang out a lot together.


And you know, having someone around who you can go all googley-eyes at is fun especially when they go all googley back. I think for both of us, we can just relax, be ourselves and just enjoy it all.


Contrary to popular belief, relationships are not all about sacrifice and toil.

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Guest Jordan

Contrary to popular belief, relationships are not all about sacrifice and toil.


Woah, jesus. I had no idea.



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