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Who Here Actually Owns A Wii?


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I thought I'd just come out and ask it.


I'm almost certain that, despite this being a Nintendo fansite, the Wii owners are in the minority.


I dunno about anyone else, but I'd love to just have a nice chat about the games and the Wii, without some idiot mentioning the words "kiddy" "casual" or "hardcore." It's almost as if we should be made to feel persecuted for enjoying the Wii.

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I'm a proud Wii owner!


I dunno about anyone else, but I'd love to just have a nice chat about the games and the Wii, without some idiot mentioning the words "kiddy" "casual" or "hardcore." It's almost as if we should be made to feel persecuted for enjoying the Wii.


Give it a few hours, they will come.

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I've had it since...November, I think.


I haven't bought any new games for it, though. I've been busy, the new location of the TV means I can't play it whenever I want, and I've been short on money (considering Soul Bubbles was an impulse purchase and all).


Still, I got a good deal on a new controller and, so far, the Wii was worth it even if just for Wii Sports (which were a success with my family. Especially during Christmas and New Year's)

That, and I finally got to replay Super Mario 64 (which I hadn't played in a long while). I also finally got my hands on Paper Mario (which I wanted to play for a while).


God bless the VC, where rare games are easy to find and good games are cheap. : peace:


I'll buy a game...eventually.

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Yes, since Mario Galaxy.


I think most people here has a Wii, but it's not being used that much. I think the big difference compared to the GC era is that most Nintendo fans now own other consoles as well.


I've got 7 games (incl. WiiWare) for Wii compared to around 40 games for X360. I've even got 18 games for PS3 even though I bought it just 6 months ago...

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Yes, since Mario Galaxy.


I think most people here has a Wii, but it's not being used that much. I think the big difference compared to the GC era is that most Nintendo fans now own other consoles as well.


I've got 7 games (incl. WiiWare) for Wii compared to around 40 games for X360. I've even got 18 games for PS3 even though I bought it just 6 months ago...


Yeh I agree.


I normally don't post in this section because...


A. Most Wii discussion is boring.


B. Nine times out of ten, the discussion is always about what the Wii could have been and not what it is.


Also an interesting thing to note is, in the PS2, Xbox, and GCN era, you could probably get away with owning one console, because they were very similar.


Now I know XBox and PS3 are very similar but the Wii is the odd one out.


Look at it this way, if you were to buy a Wii and your a traditional gamer, eventually you will start checking out the HD machines, because obviously they can do things that the Wii can't. Likewise if you were to own a PS3 or Xbox360 or both, you may become intrigued by the Wii, for the fact that it's slightly different from it's HD bredwin's.


Aka blue oceon strategy etc...

Edited by The Lillster
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It's kind of ironic. The Wii is the fastest selling console ever, but for the first time Nintendo is "forcing" their core gamers, especially fans of action, fighting and racing games, to buy a competing console.


It's really not, though. There was a lack of fighting and racing games on the Gamecube, and to a certain extent on the Nintendo64, too.


I think the point is here that, as Wii gamers, many of us would just like to play our games and get on with it. I'm probably not the only one who doesn't own a 360 or PS3, and who doesn't necessarily need one either. I've bought 15 games on a shoestring budget, and I'd happily go out and double that if I had the money.

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I don't. :p


Its a love-hate relationship... I love Nintendo, I love the quirky and freshness of the Wii and I love the games. Its just that I can only hack owning one console at a time, and of course when you have one, balance issues arise.


But nah! I'm getting to old and time-less for this ish, so I'll just get a Wii again and stick with it. Really, I'm introverted and negative as standard, but the Wii ISN'T THAT BAD! and it CAN only get better. The advent of a new Zelda/Pikmin/Pokemon still excites me like the day I owned OOT (and every other Zelda). Nintendo has pretty much got me for life.


For a techy freak like me, the HD stuff is really attractive... But from my PS3 and 360 experiences, its usally the SAME thing but prettier, just like a pretty girl, looks can only do so much.


Anyway. Hey! It was about this time last year when we were all fappin over our Brawl daily updates...ahhhh memories. :)

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I too only own a Wii. I'd never buy a 360, though when my dad replaces his MacBook pro and I get his old one, I'll most certainly play PC games through Boot Camp. And unless I all of a sudden end up with a large sum of money, I doubt I'll buy a PS3. I already have a Blu-Ray player, and otherwise, it just wouldn't be worth it for that price for me. Especially when I start playing more PC games. Though, I'll still most likely play my Wii the most out of anything this generation.

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I too only own a Wii. I'd never buy a 360, though when my dad replaces his MacBook pro and I get his old one, I'll most certainly play PC games through Boot Camp. And unless I all of a sudden end up with a large sum of money, I doubt I'll buy a PS3. I already have a Blu-Ray player, and otherwise, it just wouldn't be worth it for that price for me. Especially when I start playing more PC games. Though, I'll still most likely play my Wii the most out of anything this generation.


Yeah, if you favour online games especially - PCwii is the better choice.

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Guest Captain Falcon

I got my Wii on launch day - I was the eighth person to pre-order from our main Game store (we have two from when Game took over EB and they are with spitting distance).


Not including Wii Play, I have 8 games retail games, 6 VC games and 1 WiiWare.


And thanks to Smash Bros, it is easily my most played console this gen.

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