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Oh god, not another music thread. To be fair, it could serve as a decent place for the discussion of or comparisons between live and recorded music, rather than as a place for the kind of masturbatory lists that usually fill these threads, but that would actually require some effort or forethought, and this is the internet. Anyway, as much as I'd like to continue beating you over the head with my cudgel of self-righteousness, I'm running on nothing but paracetamol and no sleep in the past 24 hours, so instead of complaining, i'll actually contribute:


I like live music. Going to any ordinary gig, what you typically expect is a somewhat stripped down, rawer version of what you heard on record. Which is great, since I find that my attention span is siginificantly reduced when I'm watching a gig. It's just that being amidst a crowd of heaving, sweaty, intoxicated, and often times flatulent people (which is half of what separates a concert from a recording) isn't conducive to my wanting to hear a 27 minute prog piece. Also, I tend to enjoy a lot of music live that I wouldn't really care about on record...like, say, Every Time I Die; hilarious band, great presence, total party music, but pretty shitty in any situation other than in performance.

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I've seen the following bands:


Paramore x2

HIM x2

Foo Fighters

Serj Tankian

Brady Cole

LostAlone x2

Aiden :nono: (they were pretty awful and I didn't and still don't particularly like them)

Kill Hannah (surprisingly good. They put on a great show)

Velvet Revolver x2 (was there when Scott Weiland came out and said they were splitting up. Never liked the band though. Just went along for the hell of it)


Too many bands I want to see live but some hardly ever come to the UK so I may have to go to the US at some point which should be fun. In the next couple of years I have to see Nightwish, Tarja Turunen, Jimmy Eat World, Metallica and Within Temptation to name a few bands/artists that are on the list of music acts I need to see.

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I've seen hundreds of bands I think, can't be bothered to even remember half of them though.


Stuff ranging between Metallica, Oasis, Cleopatra, Plan B, Blink 182, The Streets, Artful Dodger, Slipknot, The Streets, King Blues, The Prodigy, Mcfly, Muse, RATM...

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I didn't want to create a list but I'm gonna have to do it, to test my memory.


Bon Jovi

Biffy Clyro x2

Iron Maiden x2

Avenged Sevenfold

Within Temptation

Linkin Park


Machine Head

Children of Bodom

New Found Glory x2

Stone Sour

Forever Never

Kids in Glass Houses

Funeral for a Friend

Fall Out Boy

The Academy Is x2

Panic At The Disco x2 (god I was foolish 4 years ago)

The Killers


My Passion

Hit the Lights


And few other support acts I have forgotten.

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yo, dudes. Nobody gives a frak about lists. Talk, discuss. Say something you need to put more effort in to than copy+ paste from your facebook!


The best band I've seen are probably Mogwai. Finally caught them in November touring The Hawk Is Howling and it was just amazing. I'm not sure I've ever heard anything quite as terrifyingly loud in my life. It was just an apocalyptic onslaught of noise- at one point (sadly, during a song I don't know) the bass was so ridiculously heavy that I genuinely felt I was about to have a nosebleed! The air was thick and heavy with vibrations that you could feel in every hair on your body. And this was a good half way back in to the crowd, too. God knows what front row was like.


They ended on Mogwai Fear Satan too- quite possibly one of the best bits of music ever imo. The crescendo was described by a friend as 'like being shot in the brain by sonic laser cannons'. Quite.

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My most painful concert experiences were at My Chemical Romance and Leila Arab.


MCR because it was my first proper gig, and I was virtually leaning against the huge speaker thing. Actually, thinking about it, it was Thursdays that was painful. I mean, they were a bit crap, but the sound was so bad, I thought I was going to have a heartattack. Too loud and bassy. Not even in the "good" "bad" way you talked about Dan, as the music itself was bad.


Leila Arab opened for Bjork, doing an interestingly low-key DJ set. She basically rifled through a big basket of records she brought for her, and itr was generally casual. So casual she went off-stage to ask a security guy to go a shop and get her a Diet Coke... :p


However, whenenever the beats got good (lot of bassy, promising, on-the-cusp-of-an-awesome crescendoes), she brought it all back down and changed it completely.


Literally depressing to hear. I'm all for interesting and casually good etc, but not when it's really annoying and painfully depressing.

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For Bard and Dan, I won't do a list! :heh: Been to a few gigs, not enough by far but there's the money and the laziness factor. Not the best band I've seen but the best gig was Robots in Disguise. It was in a small basement club in Manchester, maybe 40 people there. Atmosphere was awesome; intimate and electric, everyone was just so excitable. Was loving the electro punky sound too of course.

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yo, dudes. Nobody gives a frak about lists. Talk, discuss. Say something you need to put more effort in to than copy+ paste from your facebook!


How dare you, that list was completely off the top of my mildly intoxicated head.


It's hard for me to chose my favourite live band, on one hand Iron Maiden are the complete package, great music, well performed, class act. But then on complete contrast I love going to see New Found Glory because I have so much fun.


For me personally I think what makes a gig more awesome is sometimes the people I'm with, not just the music or performances. Anyone else agree with that or am I alone?

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since I find that my attention span is siginificantly reduced when I'm watching a gig. It's just that being amidst a crowd of heaving, sweaty, intoxicated, and often times flatulent people (which is half of what separates a concert from a recording) isn't conducive to my wanting to hear a 27 minute prog piece.

But that's the "atmosphere" everyone wanks over when going to see a live band/music festival/football game.

Uh, apart from that, fuck crowds, and fuck people

Well said.


Gigs = What a crock of shit.

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Gigs = What a crock of shit.


Assuming you aren't being sarcastic...


You haven't seen Sigur Ros live.


Honestly a high. And I'm not a fanboy of theirs. I like them enough, but the Cd's are nothing to them live. It's like watching/hearing something holy tell you the meaning of life.


And unsurprisingly, no one was pushing around other people, It was outside though, and I was at the front, so any smelly people didn't affect me.


But yeah. Don't discount gigs based on bands that attract the kinda fan Bard didn't like.

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CS:S times. :D Nothing wrong with P!ATD. PATD however? :nono:

You criticise someone for being more lazy than you when it comes to not writing a bands full name?

Assuming you aren't being sarcastic...


You haven't seen Sigur Ros live.


Honestly a high. And I'm not a fanboy of theirs. I like them enough, but the Cd's are nothing to them live. It's like watching/hearing something holy tell you the meaning of life.

I hate it when people come out with this crap... You know the song but when you hear the band not miming from about 10-20 meters away from you it's suddenly religious?

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You criticise someone for being more lazy than you when it comes to not writing a bands full name?


No, not at all. Panic! At The Disco discarded the exclamation point for their second album. They seem like two completely separate bands as a result. I was basically saying that seeing Panic! At the Disco before they released their second album would have been great :heh:

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I hate it when people come out with this crap... You know the song but when you hear the band not miming from about 10-20 meters away from you it's suddenly religious?


Again, you've yet to see Sigur Ros live.


They aren't like that at all, since, as a passing fan only, I didn't know their sprawling, made-up language songs, except the one from the oxfam advert.


Therefore, they have a blank canvas on which to weave these aural landscapes that are very literally awe-inspiring.


I'm sure you don't believe me. But I'm not talking about...Razorlight or bloody Oasis.


Gigs aren't all the same. It's what happens on stage. Read Dan Dare's post about Mogwai...

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Live music is great, the adrenalin rush you get from witnessing a great performance is something that you cant recreate at home listening to a CD or whatever. Best band I have seen by far is the Rolling Stones. Was such an awesome performance (o.k so Keane where on before them which probably made them even better because you know they aren't Keane) Pretty excited that the boss is headlining Glastonbury this year:awesome:

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Shit, 4 years ago?


[Cube-Europe] Ramar! At The Disco


[Cube-Europe] Dyson



CS:S times. :D Nothing wrong with P!ATD. PATD however? :nono:


You're probably right, but I can't bring myself to listen to them, knowing they went and pissed it all away. Not only was their new album shit, their new up their own arse without being that good attitude was shit too.


And yeah time flies. Went to see them when I was in sixth form so its at least 3 years ago, as I'm on my last year of my degree.

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I've seen hundereds of bands, so a list would be long and boring, although I did try and compile one out of interest, which I could not finish.


I posted in the music thread that over the coming months I will be seeing a few bands I've wanted to see for years, Devo, Throbbing Gristle, Young Marble Giants and The Jesus Lizard which is going to be a hell of a lot of fun.


The best live acts I've seen are probably Coachwhips, The Knife and Foot Village. Coachwhips were just complete badasses and their noisy rock-a-billy shit was just intense, and then they split up a week later so it will be a thing that I will never see again. Foot Village for a similar reason, because they were badass, but it was FV's set up of just four drummers and shouting that got me hooked, it was just a beautiful primal mess that ended with Akiko from Pre writhing around with a megaphone as Foot Village pounded out Protective Nourishment: IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL FOOT VILLAGE/PRE MASSACRE!


And The Knife because it was the fucking Knife! Even if they'd just pissed about to backing tracks they would have been one of the best bands I'd seen but instead they created the most mesmerizing audio-visual experience and the live arrangements of their songs were a joy to behold.


If you ever get the chance to see The Knife just go, it is a rare occurence and an utterly brilliant one.

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You're probably right, but I can't bring myself to listen to them, knowing they went and pissed it all away. Not only was their new album shit, their new up their own arse without being that good attitude was shit too.


And yeah time flies. Went to see them when I was in sixth form so its at least 3 years ago, as I'm on my last year of my degree.


Christ, you're right. Year 11 summer holidays for me, bridging the gap between school and college. Think it was 2 and a half years ago for me, but still, they were good times indeed.


Still listen to their original stuff, though. Got their second album on my PC but it's all unchecked on iTunes so it never gets a listen. Such a shame. I wonder if they'll return to form with their third album, if they're still together by that point. Most of the original Panic! fans will have grown out of their style 4/5 years after first hearing it methinks.

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