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Weight Loss 2009


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A silly question maybe, but I've never really got it tbh. What's the difference between carbs, fats, and then calories? Everyone talks about the calories in things, and it sometimes confuses me because I thought it just means the energy it'll give you, or something?

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Nothing is completely good for you these days. At least thats what they'll tell you. You cant win so you've just got to compromise.


There are good food, its just that in this Nanny State we get feed tons of processed stuff with added chemicals. And its the processed stuff we get comfortable and used to, therefore people finding it hard to get out of that routine.


A silly question maybe, but I've never really got it tbh. What's the difference between carbs, fats, and then calories? Everyone talks about the calories in things, and it sometimes confuses me because I thought it just means the energy it'll give you, or something?


Carbs (carbohydrates) are our most efficient energy source, but too much carbs in our diet does not allow for out fat stores to be used for energy. Carbs also raises blood pressure, making diseases like diabetes a threat. Carbs also increase water retention in our bodies, so it could the appearance of fat-bulk - the type you can't just 'burn off'.


Fats are essential for things like lubricating muscles and basically aiding the bodies systems.

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Carbs (carbohydrates) are our most efficient energy source, but too much carbs in our diet does not allow for out fat stores to be used for energy. Carbs also raises blood pressure, making diseases like diabetes a threat. Carbs also increase water retention in our bodies, so it could the appearance of fat-bulk - the type you can't just 'burn off'.


Fats are essential for things like lubricating muscles and basically aiding the bodies systems.


I see, then how do calories come into play? What determines the calories in something, is it the carb and fat content, or what? That's what I never really got?

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Nothing is completely good for you these days. At least thats what they'll tell you. You cant win so you've just got to compromise.


Exactly. Besides... I don't JUST eat Nutrigrains, that would be sick. They just keep the sugar cravings at bay, whilst being considerably better for you. I eat a varied diet, I dont waste my daily intake on rubbish.


As I said earlier, nutrigrains are comparably better than most chocolate/sweets. Generally speaking the contents of other sweets are double that and more.


At the end of the day you shouldn't have to cut anything out of your diet completely (I never believe in those kinds of diets - unless of course its an allergy but that's a given) Your body still needs sugar too.


Everything in moderation. :smile:


But your choppers are important :(


They are but it shouldn't be an issue if you don't eat an insane amount of sweets and brush your teeth properly.

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At the end of the day you shouldn't have to cut anything out of your diet completely (I never believe in those kinds of diets - unless of course its an allergy but that's a given) Your body still needs sugar too.


Everything in moderation. :smile:



No offense or anything, but I think this is the sort of mentality that causes comfort eating/obesity etc. People just don't know what they are eating, but they eat it anyway just because it tastes good. Food manufacturers could probably make shit taste good, wrap it in celothene with pretty labels and people will eat it. Its just ignorance.


We're probably natural omnivores, yes, but we still can't eat everything. And at the end of the day, if you are constantly consuming something that has the potential to hinder your life drastically in negative and abnormal ways - if you truly value your life, you would stop eating it. Food wasn't meant to fuck us up.

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Oooooh. In what sport/martial art?


Boxing. In my university days I was the lightweight boxing champ of my Hall. I should go down to under 62 KG to be back in the bracket, but it would be a bit drastic.


I've had a couple of matches in China and knocked everyone out I've fought here. This guy should be different as his card is similar to mine, but he's not had as many fights.

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Boxing. In my university days I was the lightweight boxing champ of my Hall. I should go down to under 62 KG to be back in the bracket, but it would be a bit drastic.


I've had a couple of matches in China and knocked everyone out I've fought here. This guy should be different as his card is similar to mine, but he's not had as many fights.


When did you start boxing?

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Boxing. In my university days I was the lightweight boxing champ of my Hall. I should go down to under 62 KG to be back in the bracket, but it would be a bit drastic.


I've had a couple of matches in China and knocked everyone out I've fought here. This guy should be different as his card is similar to mine, but he's not had as many fights.


Wow!! All the best! Fly the union jack where possible. ;)

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Exactly. Besides... I don't JUST eat Nutrigrains, that would be sick. They just keep the sugar cravings at bay, whilst being considerably better for you. I eat a varied diet, I dont waste my daily intake on rubbish.


As I said earlier, nutrigrains are comparably better than most chocolate/sweets. Generally speaking the contents of other sweets are double that and more.


I like Nutrigrains! Just bought a 12 pack of them! Definitely agree about them....i only eat them as it satisfies my sweet tooth and stops me from eating unhealthier chocolate bars. :smile:

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Hmmmm, I actually managed to get at my desired weight at the end of last year. I did gain 1 kilo over Christmas but that's nothing at all, heh.


Thing is, if our new scale is correct, my fat percentage is 33%. O.o

I'm not sure what the best percentage is, but that sounds like too much to me. So I guess I should go create some more muscles (it also gave me a percentage for that but I forgot). Somehow...

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Eating 6 smaller meals aday is far better then 3 larger meals. it keeps your metabolism high so you use more energy and therefore burn calories, that and exersise wont do any harm either


To be fair no-one should be eating 3 large meals to start with. Its bad for your metabolism stuffing your face 3x a day. Should be eating enough to fill you and no more.


Eating 6 meals a day is impractical for most people, and a tad on the excessive size. Cals and fat do add up.




Urgh I hate dieting. Its so depressing at this time of the year. I went to the gym on saturday. Finding it very difficult. I'm trashing my joints before I get a good workout that I can feel.


Hopefully the gym-ness should balance out me eating a tad more than I should. :smile:

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As in, when there wasn't school, id go out everyday and sleep over at people's houses and stuff.


But now, i have to stay home after school because of homework and stuff and can't have sleepovers or go out and come back late because of studying and homework.

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