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How Much Is Spent On You At Xmas?


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I get a (to provoke a forceful discussion) "sensible" amount. Couldn't honestly tell you though, it does vary here and there but probs between 100 and 300 tops (being when I got spoilt rotten in 06 with a surprise Wii). This Christmas is going to be a light one due to everyone having very little money and rightly so - I had a very small list as it is! Christmas is just a good day off from everything to eat chocolate and be happy I say.

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Fuck me, I only get about a £100-£150. When I was younger it was probably more, but since around 15 it's been about that much.


Anything more is robbery.


I normally get the same amount, the reason I'm getting more is that my dad is getting a new job which pays twice as much, and me and my sister are at Uni, so we cost them less and need more money...

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I think adding it up this year i'll be getting around £300-£350.


Ipod Touch

A few games + 160gb PS3 harddrive + Dualshock 3

A few items of clothing


And that's pushing it, my dad's thinking he's going to be made redundant in Jan so i'm not entirely sure if that figure is correct.

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I normally get the same amount, the reason I'm getting more is that my dad is getting a new job which pays twice as much, and me and my sister are at Uni, so we cost them less and need more money...


That's understandable, it baffles me when parents are buying 8 year old kids PS3s.


Though I did get an Amiga one Christmas, but I never actually asked for it.

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Eh, I think for me it's probably something like, €70-€120 from my sisters and parents. Though this year I think it will be less, as I only really asked for CDs. Unless they got me some surprise gifts that are not on my list.


Though sometimes they spend a bit more, like a couple of years ago when I got a new computer screen.

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Depends...I mean, I'm not asking for anything "big" this xmas, no games console, mps player, phone, or anything...


Maybe around £100, but that's not with people outwith my immediate family. Oh, I dunno.


No where near £600 though! *gasps*

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This year I only asked for a handful of linguistics books, but my mum wasn't really happy with that so I appeased her by asking for Guitar Hero: World Tour too. Even so, it isn't going to amount to all that much - just under £100 or so I imagine. Previously I've had just over that being spent on me. But blergh, it makes me feel kind of uncomfortable... in some ways I'd rather just get a couple of books.

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Was chatting to someone at work today and realised i actually recieve ALOT more than most people do.

This year im getting about £600 spent on me alone, and i have 2 brothers.

Last year i had about the same, and i can't remember the year before that.

How much do you usually get?


yeah i think this thread is slightly materialistic , might make some people feel bad ?:wtf:



^ warandchaos visits the swimming pool?


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Think the most that was spent on me for a xmas was either when my parents managed to get hold of a PS2 and surprised my brother and I with it (neither or us asked for it but it was a fantastic gift as we hadn't asked for much else) or when my mother bought my Wii. Don't know exact figures, and I don't really want to know because I'll feel like a right arsehole and I'm sure most people wouldn't like to know how much is spent on them at xmas. This year will be the cheapest for me in a long time. Only asked for a couple of dvds, a cd and a few games (which my mum always manages to get a ridiculously low prices somehow). The problem is not me asking for stuff, it's not asking for stuff. Every year, my parents buy me what I would like and then some more on the side which really makes me feel awful. But then, I don't, and never have, been given pocket money by my parents so perhaps this is the way they make up for it. ::shrug: All I know is that whatever I get I'm greatful for because they don't have to get me anything.

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To me this seemed like a chance to show off.


yeah i think this thread is slightly materialistic , might make some people feel bad ?:wtf:


I'll go with this.


I got at the very most £200 on me when my parents were a bit more well off. (when I was in late high-school years). When I was younger my parents were very poor, and it was a struggle to get by - so we did get very little tbh.


These days I spend more on christmas presents than what my parents spend on me. They deserve to be treated now that I can afford it ^^;


I know more than a few people that have full time jobs, live with their parents, and get shitloads of money spent on them. What has this world come to?! :shakehead

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We seem to be getting alot of these type of topics.


I'm not really looking forward to xmas this year.




First Christmas without your dad isn't it dante? :(


I'm gonna miss my uncle too, he and his wife used to come over on boxing day. Makes you think that all the commercial stuff is really pointless, and to cherish the people you love. :smile:

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First Christmas without your dad isn't it dante? :(


I'm gonna miss my uncle too, he and his wife used to come over on boxing day. Makes you think that all the commercial stuff is really pointless, and to cherish the people you love. :smile:


Yeah it is.

It would have been his birthday this thursday.


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