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Do you actually care what most other people think of you?

A lot of people try too hard to make good impressions, i think this is wrong and you should just act your self.


Do you care what people think of you?


Personally i don't care what most people think, ill have fun, get up and dance, join in with sing songs, anything fun really. I have a select few people who i do care, but they probobly wouldn't judge me anyway.

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I couldn't give a flying crap what other people think of me tbh. I'll sing karaoke, I'll dance to anything, basically I'll have a laugh and have fun. I speak my mind and stuff like that, I'm not fake and I'll like and hate what I want and I won't be influenced to do anything by anyone, it's up to me if I want to do it or not.


That what I say anyway, if you don't like me, oh well, but if you like me then that's cool and I hope we could be mates, lol.


I say life's too short to worry about what other people think, just be yourself and if they don't like you, it's their loss. After all, you only live once so enjoy life while you can :)


Personally, I don't care what people think of me. I always act myself, which may at times mean I sit silently on my own (but trust me, I may be being silent with not making any sound but in my head it's buzzing). You can't let yourself get caught up in what people think of you because then it means that you become paranoid and fake as you try to change an opinion. I certainly haven't. If people don't like me as I am then that's fine. They can find others to hang with. I'm not gonna change for them just to make them think better of me.


I have an image which I create for myself because I think it's fun. I don't like being predictable unless I want a certain aspect of myself to be.


A lot of this is reflected in how I dress. One week I'll wear my suits, the next week I'll dress some kind of new rave freak another times I'll put on my yacht get up. Sometimes I have curly hair, sometimes I straighten it. Sometimes I shave, other times I don't. Sometimes I wear glasses (that I don't need), most of the time I don't though. :heh: I've done this for so long that I've actually lost any sense of how I would "normally" dress.


A lot of people don't get this and think I dress weirdly because I think it's cool. Like I said, I do it because I think confusing people is funny or I want to be distinct. I do think it is cool but because it's what I want to. If I did things that were only "cool" I wouldn't play SingStar, dance around in my bathroom with my iPod at full volume or commute to university and work on a Chopper. :D


Because of all this people underestimate me a lot. I am more well-read that most people. This is partly down to going to public school but more down to have two sisters a lot older than me and me when I was younger wanting to understand what the hell they were talking about. I read a lot, and I read it early. I've become a bit of a literary snob. I made a joke the other day to one of my friends about 'Master and Margarita' and she had never even heard of M&M and she is damn smart, needless to say I was shocked.


Because of this I HATE being asked stupid questions or questions where with a little bit of effort, wouldn't need to be asked.


A lot of people don't like me. The reason being they take me seriously at the wrong times and think I'm joking around the other times.


This all makes me sound like a lot of work but I'm not. This is all pretty much internal dialogue. I like getting on with people as long as they reciprocate. After all, life is fleeting, it's good to get along.


I don't care what people think of me as long as they let me get on with what I want to do. I don't see the point in letting other people's views colour what I do.


“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

- Jiddu Krishnamurti


I was thinking about this the other day. We never truly know what people say about us when we leave the room. (Unless they tell us, which just makes us feel worse if it's bitchy...ignorance is bliss etc)


I have no idea how people perceive me. In some ways I'd like to know, in others I wouldn't.


But I'm not fully confident or comfortable in my own skin liek other people are.


I try to tell myself i don't care what people think of me, but the fact is i do care.


I'm a fairly shy person (especially with new people), i go red when talking to people, which makes me feel self conscious. I'm not one of these people who gets up to dance at parties either (unless it's with people i'm comfortable with).


I think about this often. Not about caring what other people think of me. But how they perceive me. Occasionally I catch sight of myself in the mirror and think "Does everybody see me how I see me?". Sometimes I find it strange that I'm a person like everybody else.


I'm pretty sure other people don't think of me. Once eye contact is gone, that's it, forgotten. It has its pros and cons.


I am self-conscious, but I feel it's more to do with not being happy in myself as opposed to how I will be perceived by others. For instance I don't like the way I look, speak or other things like that, which can make me uncomfortable around others as I feel like an imposter; I don't feel like 'me', as my mental ideal and reality don't match up. That makes me sound rather unstable, but I think it's the same for a lot of people.


I believe you should care what other people think, but only to be taken under advisement; it shouldn't control you, simply inform your decisions as an individual. Not caring at all leads you down Sociopathy St.


I reckon that people would, at first glance, think I was some sort of proper computer geek. I look geeky with my glasses, spots/freckles and untidy hair. I probably look like the sort of person you would see at a convention heading off to buy some rare Dungeons & Dragons cards or whatever, and that I spend much of my time at home on World of Warcraft spending ages levelling up to ridiculous high amounts with a party of other geeks just like myself.


I do like a geek, but I'm not. The only things I like that can be considered geeky are videogames, Harry Potter, the Lord of the Rings and anime. I actually despise Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica and all the other Sci-Fi space-age people-in-spaceship bollocks (Star Wars is alright, though. Red Dwarf doesn't count.).


I have more to say but I've forgotten it, so I'll leave you with that.


I'd like to think that I don't care, and often I don't, but I think it's hard to completely ignore other people's opinions. As social beings, we have a tendency to define ourselves through others.


When I'm with close friends, I love it because I can truly be myself - my wacky, weird, hyperactive self that attract the views of bypassers - or my philosophical self who contemplate on anything and everything and ponder the questions of reality, existence, and meaning of life.


I find it hard to be with people I'm not close with, because I feel I have to try to suppress the more "extreme" sides of my personality. In that aspect, I guess you could say I'm shy. But when I'm comfortable in my surroundings, I'm not the least bit shy or socially hampered in any way.

"I feel like I wouldn't like me if I met me" - Sara Quinn, of Tegan & Sara.


But yeah, I'd find myself annoying.


Feels funny though, as some people find you annoying (Zander said he wanted to kill you, then claimed he didn't mean it), but I don't (well not my perception). I find your pointless laziness and aversion to spending money annoying. But then in another way it's lovely.

I'd like to think that I don't care, and often I don't, but I think it's hard to completely ignore other people's opinions. As social beings, we have a tendency to define ourselves through others.


When I'm with close friends, I love it because I can truly be myself - my wacky, weird, hyperactive self that attract the views of bypassers - or my philosophical self who contemplate on anything and everything and ponder the questions of reality, existence, and meaning of life.


I find it hard to be with people I'm not close with, because I feel I have to try to suppress the more "extreme" sides of my personality. In that aspect, I guess you could say I'm shy. But when I'm comfortable in my surroundings, I'm not the least bit shy or socially hampered in any way.


That pretty much sums it up in my book.


I don't tend to care what randoms think, I don't know them, they don't know me. But obviously I care if people I'm friends with what they think. If they think I'm an arsehole then clearly I'm doing something wrong and need to rectify the situation.


I think at some psychological level everyone cares what other people think, some people can just brush it off whilst others dwell on it.


Of course I care what other people think of me, but what they think of me won't dictate what I do. Generally people just seem to ignore me or see me as some nervous ginger guy who always has his hands in his pockets and smokes roll ups. Never will someone see me around regularly and then approach me to say they noticed me, I exist on the fringes, only popping onto the radar when I drink too much and end up doing kareoke and nobody seems to be able to recognise me.


Which is fantastic, but it would be nice to be noticed a couple of times, it's this kind of treatment that causes campus shootings.


Timely enough I was thinking this yesterday. I know I don't really care. If people like me, great, if they don't who gives a frak? But last night I was thinking about how others percieve me and the way this changes the dynamic (or more so, eradicates any connection) that I start emoing out.


All in all I don't care. Because no matter how harshly they think of me I probably think worse of them.


I don't care whatsoever, though when I'm in a group I don't know too well I act more reserved. But once I know them a bit and start opening up I'm like a whole new person. If they don't like that then they should only invite me out to meet new people :V


I definitely care what people think about me, most probably a little too much if I'm honest.


I usually know what people are thinking about me because my closest mates (and I love them for it) are always brutally honest about stuff, as am I. It's what we do. For example, say I'm wearing something and they think "Oh dear god, he looks like an 80's reject with B.O" (Just to clarify, I do infact wash :p) then instead of being all "Ooo, looks nice" they just come out with it, then insult constantly. Which I love completely, however odd that sounds.

I definitely care what people think about me, most probably a little too much if I'm honest.


I usually know what people are thinking about me because my closest mates (and I love them for it) are always brutally honest about stuff, as am I. It's what we do. For example, say I'm wearing something and they think "Oh dear god, he looks like an 80's reject with B.O" (Just to clarify, I do infact wash :p) then instead of being all "Ooo, looks nice" they just come out with it, then insult constantly. Which I love completely, however odd that sounds.

Thats how you can tell who your friends are, REAL friends tell you things even if it could upset you.


I don't mind what people think of me, its their own opinion and they are entitled to it after all. But, i only care when someone decides to take it further into the matter of not liking me at all, then i make it my business.

I definitely care what people think about me, most probably a little too much if I'm honest.


I usually know what people are thinking about me because my closest mates (and I love them for it) are always brutally honest about stuff, as am I. It's what we do. For example, say I'm wearing something and they think "Oh dear god, he looks like an 80's reject with B.O" (Just to clarify, I do infact wash :p) then instead of being all "Ooo, looks nice" they just come out with it, then insult constantly. Which I love completely, however odd that sounds.

Insults that aren't intended to offend are usually a sign of good friendship. Can't handle it in relationships, though. My ex would totally change around her best friend and start insulting me all the time and I wasn't ready for it. If I retaliated amicably it would be taken the wrong way, or I would go too far, blah blah blah.


I'm a paranoid mofo, so yeah I think about what other people are thinking all the time. I spend so much time worrying about everyone else that I'm constantly fucking myself over. My fashion 'sense' generally reflects this well, as I just tend to wear shabby clothes. That way I don't have to worry if people think I look good or not because I know exactly what they're thinking! "he's wearing shitty clothes", boo ya.


I hate seminars. I have a stupid habit of talking when I'm nervous (meet-peeps might've noticed this), thus I haven't thought about what I want to say and end up trailing off with a "you know what I mean" or a ".. I've forgotten what I'm saying." When I'm chilled out and completely relaxed, I'm a boring motherfucker.

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