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Music Warz! Match 2


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Doing it in multiple threads now, to make it more efficient.




Basically, 63 (and one randomly chosen song) tracks have been nominated by our forum members to go head to head against one another.

All matches have been ranomly decided using a number randomizer thingie, sp it's fair.


1. Before voting for which song you choose, you MUST listen to both songs in FULL. If you see a band you love against an unknown, that is not an excuse to instantly vote for that band. Another point of this whole game is to expose new music to people. Base it truthfully on your favourite, not on who you THINK'll be your favourite.


2. No flaming, not that I imagine there will be.


3. If all 3 of your choices are knocked out, please continue to post! You agreed to do so by nominating. Plus it's good for expanding musical horizons.


4. have fun, it's a game blah blah JUST VOTE.


5. Most matches will last for a few days, or whenever I get to a computer. Deal with it.



Match 2


Little By Little - Oasis




Epic - Faith no More


Vote y'all.




Match 1 Winner: ?

Match 2 Winner: ?

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I have listened to both songs in full, many times. They both star on my iTunes playlist, I know them both well enough to make a judgement without having to listen again, and know which one I prefer. It's not a case of me picking my favourite over a song I havn't heard :heh:

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Easy enough this one. My vote goes for Faith No More. Just hate Oasis full stop and I quite like Epic.


@ The Fish - No, I don't think Don't Stop Believin' was entered. I completely forgot about it. If I had remembered, or had had more time I'd have entered it. Lets just proclaim it to be the unofficial winner :wink: because I honestly don't know anyone that hates the song. Anyone who hates it is either dead inside or has appaling taste in music.

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