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Swallowing Pills

The fish

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I've been diagnosed with tonsillitis, and have been prescribed penicillin for it. However, the medication is in pill form, and with my tonsils swollen, swallowing is rather tricky.


The problem comes from the fact that the furthest back I can physically put the pills on my tongue is when it arches up to the roof of my mouth when I swallow, pinning it there. They taste vile*, and so far nothing that I have crushed some into has hidden the taste.


Anyone got any tips or tricks?


*By vile, I don't mean the "eww, that's not very nice" vile, I mean the "gag-spit reflex (don't say anything...)" vile.

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I've been diagnosed with tonsillitis, and have been prescribed penicillin for it. However, the medication is in pill form, and with my tonsils swollen, swallowing is rather tricky.


The problem comes from the fact that the furthest back I can physically put the pills on my tongue is when it arches up to the roof of my mouth when I swallow, pinning it there. They taste vile, and so far nothing that I have crushed some into has hidden the taste.


Anyone got any tips or tricks?


I feel for you. I had that problem up until I got my tonsils removed a few years back. Do the smoothie thing. :smile:

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Everyone says when you take pills or capsules you're meant to put the pill in first, then the water. For me this normally results in the water going down but the pill remaining, which when it's paracetamol tastes like shit.


With my sexy epi meds I've been doing it the reverse. Have some water, maybe half your mouth, tilt your head back, drop the pill in an swallow in one smooth movement.

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I had awful tonsilitus over the summer. It was crap, then it went for a week, then came back, i was given different drugs and then ended up with quinsey (not nice at all) and ended up in hospital for 1 and half daysish. /emo


Never really had a problem swallowing pills though tbh. My sister can't, she never ends up taking medicines when she's ill *rolls eyes*

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With my sexy epi meds I've been doing it the reverse. Have some water, maybe half your mouth, tilt your head back, drop the pill in an swallow in one smooth movement.


That should help the taste problem, thanks - I'll try it out next time I need a dose.


take them with dilute orange juice


I tried this as I had some crushed pill left that I needed to take, and it works a treat. The after taste is awful, but at least I get the medicine. If I can't swallow them whole, I'll buy some mouthwash for immediate use afterwards to combat the after taste.


Thanks folks for all the tips! I'll try a few out next time I need to take some.

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Fucking right bitch. If you don't like it then you're doing it wrong. I'm prepared to make a video to pimpsmack everyone if needs be.


You, sir, have saved me a great deal of worry and stress! Your 'put the water in first' method works like a charm. I owe you a pint or two, my Arnie-obsessed friend. :awesome:

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