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My dad is currently renting De Blob. It looks nice, but the game itself is awful, and everything seems to lack character.


You Sir, you are wrong. De Blob is full of lively characters, and it oozes charm and magic from every corner. Are you sure you're not confusing 'character' with 'branks masks', because i've not seen a single branks mask in the game.

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Maybe he just sees something we don't. Everyone has a game that's like that, where they just don't see why it's seen by many as a special game. Mine is Timesplitters 2 on the Gamecube. I never understood the fuss, and I get little enjoyment playing it. Even after all these years, I just don't find it fun to play.


What is it that you see, Cube?

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I have to say I'm feeling that way about No More Heroes at the moment. Intentional or not, the game just feels faulty and repetitive to play. It occasionally doesn't register Wiimote swipes for finishing moves, and it's effectively a button-masher disguised with great humour and good art direction.

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- Super Smash Bros Brawl! [despite Melee being one of my favorite games EVER!]


- Wasn't much of a Twilight Princess fan either.


- F-Zero GX, for me it just lacked something!... F-Zero X is the masterpiece here!


- Donkey Kong 64, personally I wouldn't class it a masterpiece in the slightlest, but it got great reviews and many like it.

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I don't think Okami is the masterpiece everyone else seems to say it is. I'm about 5 hours in, stuck and never really compelled to go back to try and progress.


I don't think i ever got stuck, but there were times i felt like a little more sign posting would've been beneficial.

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- Super Smash Bros Brawl! [despite Melee being one of my favorite games EVER!]


- Wasn't much of a Twilight Princess fan either.


- F-Zero GX, for me it just lacked something!... F-Zero X is the masterpiece here!


- Donkey Kong 64, personally I wouldn't class it a masterpiece in the slightlest, but it got great reviews and many like it.


Brawl, well, I agree. I've said before that my favourite and most played is Smash 64.


Twilight Princess is class! :angry:


For me, GX lacked decent music.


DK64 is an abomination and disgrace to the DK name.


Didn't DK64 have the monkey rap though? That was quite something.


(I like how the last two posts of mine make me look simple)


Yup it had the rap. I kinda like it! : peace:

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Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - I got to the second boss, the one in the mushroom forest. And I never really played it much after that. I think I'll go back to it soon though.


Majora's Mask - I hated the time limit. I didn't feel I could explore the world because I would loose all my progress in the dungeon (way up to the dungeon) that I was currently doing since I probably wouldn't have enough time. Its one of the few Zelda games that didn't just click with me. I think I'm currently saved half way through the second dungeon.

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Okami, I thought, was a solid 7 or 8/10 - good, but yes, overrated. Beyond Good & Evil, I'd say was just a 6/10. Both those games were considered masterpieces.


Donkey Kong 64 was truly awful! It was my big Christmas game the year it was released and I remember thinking how rubbish it was the more I played it! By the time I was in that giant tree and I was having to collect all these things and keep switching between five different apes, I just gave up!


Mind you, I don't think it was ever considered a genuinely great game. Call me cynical, but I tend to think single-format magazines will always say the big releases are "decent", to say the least.

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Okami, I thought, was a solid 7 or 8/10 - good, but yes, overrated. Beyond Good & Evil, I'd say was just a 6/10. Both those games were considered masterpieces.


Donkey Kong 64 was truly awful! It was my big Christmas game the year it was released and I remember thinking how rubbish it was the more I played it! By the time I was in that giant tree and I was having to collect all these things and keep switching between five different apes, I just gave up!


Mind you, I don't think it was every considered a genuinely great game. Call me cynical, but I tend to think single-format magazines will always say the big releases are "decent", to say the least.


I seem to remember NOM giving it 96% back in the day...


Hmm i'm going to nominate Majora's Mask, simply because I simply could not get into it for the life of me! Which is such a shame because i've heard such great things about it..argh.

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I think BG&E is a really great game. :heh: We always say we want new IPs and its an example of a top effort which was overlooked. Majora's Mask is a classic... woe to you who don't like it!


What got to me the most about DK 64 was that it was so much like Banjo-Kazooie. I loved everything Rare did for us but B-K I just couldn't get on with. All the hype about it being better than Mario 64 plus it being from Rare made it in theory an unquestionable classic. However, I just didn't like the characters, the levels... the actual gameplay. Then DK 64 came along, I had myself hyped for it- it was gonna be DKC in 3D... how could it be anything short of amazing! DK 64 was gonna be the game that blew both Mario 64 and B-K out of the water... then I got it for Christmas and played it... :blank: The atmosphere was a bit too goofy... Wrinkly Kong was a ghost... the gameplay was just a copy and paste of B-K, there were those stupid pads everywhere, Lanky Kong = Kazooie... having so much to collect was annoying, but not AS annoying as all the other things I found wrong with it. :(

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Hmm i'm going to nominate Majora's Mask, simply because I simply could not get into it for the life of me! Which is such a shame because i've heard such great things about it..argh.


If you ever get the N64 version again, or the Wii 2 can emulate it perfectly, it's well worth getting into. The secret is to think of it as lots of separate "missions". For example, use one of your 3-day cycles to find and complete the mini-dungeon. Then use the next 3-day cycle to go straight to the "big" dungeon and go for it. It's really about making sure at the end of each 3-day cycle, you've learnt a new song, got an item that doesn't disappear when you travel back in time or just completed a side-quest. Also, you can hit an Owl statue if you're making good progress and you want to save your game exactly where you are.


Nonetheless, I do have to take a whole 10% off perfection because I didn't think the final dungeon fitted into the time limit very well. Genius, but flawed genius!


I think BG&E is a really great game. :heh: We always say we want new IPs and its an example of a top effort which was overlooked.


I completed it and I thought the computer-controlled partners and photography elevated it above average, but other than that...nah. ;)


Then DK 64 came along, I had myself hyped for it- it was gonna be DKC in 3D... how could it be anything short of amazing! DK 64 was gonna be the game that blew both Mario 64 and B-K out of the water...


LOL, now that's what I call incorrect expectations! ;) Seriously, I still think Donkey Kong could work in 3D. Jungle Beat had exactly the right idea (although it was 2D) - Donkey Kong as this simple, brutish ape (though not evil, obviously).


They need to make a really good, fluid 3D engine where Donkey Kong can run, swing and climb, fighting evil gorillas, crocodiles and other beasts! This is one game that doesn't need to be a collect-a-thon!

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Perhaps I'll go back to MM once I've finished Wind Waker again. The discussion here makes me want to finish it.


Just one question though. I'm in the snow/goron dungeon right now. If I go back to the first day. I assume I'll need to start the dungeon over, but will I be able to go straight to it, or will I need to do all the pre-dungeon stuff again?

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