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Dead Rising didn't flop on 360, it did really well, just Capcom see it as their best money making opportunity, most likely after the success of the Resident Evils. It's the same premise really, shoot zombies etc. Dead Rising 2 is coming to PS360 btw... just encase you're interested


As for Zack and Wiki, it sold well (According to VGchartz....) but most of those sales were after retail price cuts, it had an iffy initial reception and once retailers cut the price then revenue is nearing minimal. Nintendo published it in Europe, and DID give it TV advertising, and it struggled even more here, so I doubt Capcom investing millions of dollars into a Z&W advertising campaign would have made any sense.


I still think we'll see a sequel...


EDIT: Just seen Sven on the Capcom-uninity boards hinted at Zack and Wiki not making a profit too, so it's not just a misquote or whatever supposedly. Guess some figures somewhere are way-off, I'd imagine retailers cut this games price VERY quickly.


EDIT 2: Quote from Sven on Capcom-unity (Not in reply to me):


It did not sell 500K units or anywhere near it. I still don't understand where you're getting 500K.


To the best of my knowledge, the 300K figure quoted by IR included European orders from Nintendo who published the title on our behalf in that territory. Nor did it do the volume it did do at anywhere near frontline pricing (in the US anyway).


And what you think was a cheap game to make, wasn't. Great games almost never are.


Dam you VGchartz *Shakes fist*

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I had Dead Rising Wii on preorder but after much thought, i realised even for £24.99 it's a bit pointless when i have the 360 version, it looks solid though..obviously i reckon it's worth a shot if you haven't got a 360, to at least get a taste of it but somethings telling me the reviews aren't going to be too good.

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I picked up Red Steel and Star Fox Command at a 2 for $30 sale at a local store. I've been playing Red Steel for the last few hours and despite the criticisms of it, its not that bad of a game. Although, I haven't really got that far yet, so I'll see. The sword fights are awful though.

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I got those cheap Wii Points today that I ordered from dvd.co.uk, and I must say I'm impressed with Nintendo. At last, they've ditched the DVD case's and are giving us them in cardboard sleeve's instead. Finally, no more piles of empty case's gathering under my bed.


*Goes to download World of Goo*


Oh, and is that a Woody outfit for your Mii I see in DDR :awesome:

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New Metroid project?




A new update has appeared on the Japanese Metroid website that has led some to believe a new project could be on the way. According to a new button that has appeared on the main page, another side-story is on the horizon. The Japanese text featured on the button states...


"Follow Metroid Prime's history from the perspective of the Space Pirates."




Could this be another spin-off from the main Metroid series, just as the Prime games were set between the happenings of the original Metroid and Metroid II? And if so, will it indeed be a new game or just an update to the web-based Metroid manga series?


Considering all of the other pictures on the main page are related to main entries on consoles, it could very well be something special. Could we finally see Metroid Dread appear on the DS? According to Mark Pacini, when he was still working at Retro Studios, he claimed the team's next project was not going to be Metroid-related, but perhaps things have changed.

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^ hmmm... see to me, the text that it says leads me to think that it has something to do with playing as a Space Pirate, which actually could be pretty interesting. Would give a very different look on the Metroid universe and I would actively support Nintendo if they went for it because it would shake up the Metroid series, although it doesn't really need anymore shaking up other than to increase the tense atmosphere up to Dead Space levels.

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Hunters was a Prime series side story.


Meh, fair enough. Still, given the reception the series gets over there, I see absolutely no reason why a new game would be hyped up in Japan first. Especially as Japan got Metroid Prime 3 several months after Europe did.

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SEGA put out a press release for the next Virtua Tennis game, and the Wii wasn’t included in the list of supported platforms. According to GameFly, the game is heading our way. I’m not too sure about this one, but we’ll keep a close eye on it. Thanks to TheGame for the heads up!


Go Nintendo

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New Metroid project?


Holy shit! A metroid universe game from space pirates point of view... one of my dream games can come true. Space pirates are one of my favourtie villains since Metroid Prime. Before, they were just evil insectoid monsters but, with the scans in Prime, they gained so much more personnality (especially the mad scientist aspect).

Can't wait to learn more about this tease.


And I'm waiting for darksnowman to show up and say Metroid games are shit.:p

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