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Lost Series 5


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Well sad to hear I might have a slog after season 2 1st half but nevermind. It's wierd watching Series 1 again as didn't realise how much I remembered from when I watched it on Channel 4, its also wierd to think I know everything is building up to finding the hatch...whereas coming into from start obviously wouldn't know this. I do remember very little the middle part of the series though so that should be good...only 4 episodes in so far.

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I know the reason that gang have to return.


Because the island has stopped moving in time and set at 70's or 80's.

The returners are known to be on the island in the 70's or 80's. It would cause break of time or something else if the gang dont return.

Ep 8 follows on after Locke turns the wheel but Ep 6 is about the gang returning to the island and being confused.


You could have specified what episodes you were talking about. I thought it was about episode 5 :(

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There's a difference between spoilers and explanations i find. Finding out who dies for instance is a spoiler, but finding out why something has to happen can actually make the shows beforehand more interesting. Helps you see what you mightn't have seen.

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I've been watching series one again. It's weird, it seems like such a different show as it's so centred on simply surviving. Anyway I think I've spotted a possible clue, but might be complete bollocks.


We all know the "smoke monster" makes some pretty weird noises, some sounding very mechanical. In the first series some of the losties talk about it sounding very "familiar". The reason for this is that I noticed that at the end of flashbacks the screen will go blank and whatever the sound at the end of the flashback is will continue slightly. These sounds seem very close to some of those of the monster. In particular the first series episode 'walkabout' has a flashback of Locke's in which he is working as an accountant and the calculator makes a sound at the end pretty much identical to the one heard before the smoke monster makes and appearance.


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I've been watching series one again. It's weird, it seems like such a different show as it's so centred on simply surviving. Anyway I think I've spotted a possible clue, but might be complete bollocks.


We all know the "smoke monster" makes some pretty weird noises, some sounding very mechanical. In the first series some of the losties talk about it sounding very "familiar". The reason for this is that I noticed that at the end of flashbacks the screen will go blank and whatever the sound at the end of the flashback is will continue slightly. These sounds seem very close to some of those of the monster. In particular the first series episode 'walkabout' has a flashback of Locke's in which he is working as an accountant and the calculator makes a sound at the end pretty much identical to the one heard before the smoke monster makes and appearance.


I've been thinking about the Smoke Monster a lot. I've been thinking...with the island being able to do what it does could

Smokey be from the future?


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I've been watching series one again. It's weird, it seems like such a different show as it's so centred on simply surviving. Anyway I think I've spotted a possible clue, but might be complete bollocks.


We all know the "smoke monster" makes some pretty weird noises, some sounding very mechanical. In the first series some of the losties talk about it sounding very "familiar". The reason for this is that I noticed that at the end of flashbacks the screen will go blank and whatever the sound at the end of the flashback is will continue slightly. These sounds seem very close to some of those of the monster. In particular the first series episode 'walkabout' has a flashback of Locke's in which he is working as an accountant and the calculator makes a sound at the end pretty much identical to the one heard before the smoke monster makes and appearance.


Sounding familiar? Afaik, part of the sound effects for it is actually a soundbite bite of something from New York. A parking meter or something...? Someone in the show might have said so already, but I'm sure the writers already have... :heh:

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Lost is one of the few series' i've really kept up with, i absolutely love it. The current series on Sky One is turning out to be fantastic. Faraday has become one of my favourite characters.


Its sad, but the reason he knew that charlotte shouldn't have come back to the island (when he told her as a kid) being because of the time fluxes jumping him into the past and him hoping it would prompt her to stay away, knowing that it wouldn't as he couldn't change time




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Episode 1 when Faraday was at the Orchid - Charlotte says that Faraday told her to stay away as a child. More time travel I think and Faraday is likely to spend an extended period of time with the Dharma Initiative. If he does go back to tell charlotte will it make any difference? She still comes back even though shes been told not to.

In Richards group 1954 is Widmore and a lady with a rifle who takes Faraday to the bomb. He says she looks familiar. I think that is his mum/the woman at the church at the end of episode 5.


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Apparently the next two episodes have been switched around, order wise.


It's been done to deliver more answers to viewers sooner apparently, and it won't affect the story as one of the next two episodes can essentially stand on it's own.

Its also apparently not the first time they switched episodes around...they did it in season 1

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Lost is one of the few series' i've really kept up with, i absolutely love it. The current series on Sky One is turning out to be fantastic. Faraday has become one of my favourite characters.


Faraday is the main force of these two episodes.


Episode 5.13 - Some Like It Hoth

Episode 5.14 - The Variable


I wonder what the name of the episodes means.

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It certainly seemed like they were on auto-pilot this week. All of the 'big reveals' as it were have been long theorised and predicted by the Lost fanbase and it all seemed like old information to me, as if they've just trawled the Internet reading theories and decided just to go with something below par that the fans came up with.


I'm filled with a sense of anxiety for the rest of series now because I don't think it will quite live up to what the first episodes of this series gave us, although next week should be an interesting one.

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I liked episode 6.


Llepeidis looks weird without a beard. We're not going to Guam are we. I think everyone was expecting the note to say something about Christian. I think that passanger that talked to Jack in the Airport and Hurley on the plane will have a role.


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This episode was..bizarre.

I'm glad they're all back on the island now (with the exception of Desmond and, of course, Walt). I just don't really like how they got there - either it wasn't explained clearly because the writers knew it was a bit silly, or they're going to explain it in more detail later. I certainly hope it's the last one. Anyway, it should be interesting to get some flashbacks to find out what happened to Sayid, Ben, Kate and Hurley before take off, but I'm glad that on the whole, the story's going to be confined to the island now. I wonder how long Jin et al have been working for Dharma at this point in time - it'd be weird if it was years, and Jin was now fluent in English.



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It was a new bus, the flash sent them back in time to like the 80s? late 70s i think...pretty odd =/ i wondered how they were gonna fix that whole 3 years into the future dealy. So i guess, anyone who goes on the island gets thrown back in time now?

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It was a new bus, the flash sent them back in time to like the 80s? late 70s i think...pretty odd =/ i wondered how they were gonna fix that whole 3 years into the future dealy. So i guess, anyone who goes on the island gets thrown back in time now?


It looked like the bus/van that Ben's dad drove. The same one that Hurley later fixed up.


I wonder if the 815 Survivors die during the purge.


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