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Lost Series 5


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Another great episode, not on the epic scale though.


What's the significance of the necklace? I think im fogetting something??


Horace just thinks that she is still in love with her husband I guess. EDIT wrong context Dante to the rescue.

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What's the significance of the necklace? I think im fogetting something??


The ankh was the Egyptian hieroglyphic character that read "eternal life", a triliteral sign for the consonants ˁ-n-ḫ. Egyptian gods are often portrayed carrying it by its loop, or bearing one in each hand, arms crossed over their chest. It is also known as the key of life, the key of the Nile, or as crux ansata, Latin for "cross with a handle".

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Oo just though about the hieroglyphs in the Swan.




It mean's underworld.



Near the wheel has "resurrection" which was seen in series four final.


The temple has:





Some lost fans think Richard Alpert is Ra.


During the New Kingdom, the worship of Ra became more complicated and grand. The walls of tombs were dedicated to extremely detailed texts that told of Ra's journey through the underworld. Ra was said to carry the prayers and blessings of the living with the souls of the dead on the sun boat. The idea that Ra aged with the sun became more popular with the rise of The New Kingdom. Eventually, during the reign of Akhenaten(mid 1350s-1330s), the worship reached the level of "uncompromising monotheism"
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Does anyone think that the new born baby is Ben? Or is that a given? :-p


Nope, we saw Ben getting born in episode The Man Behind The Curtain and came to the island with his father at the age of 10.



It could be Ethan Rom.


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THe two bodies found in the caves in the first season (wasn't it?), with the alchemist's stones far more interests me. The Ankh was another alchemy symbol, and I'd love to see how that fits in. This whole Ancient-History element doesn't really enthrall me at all. Sure, it's curious to wonder if other civilisations before 'ours' knew of the island's worth, but essentially it is surely insignificant.

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Another good episode, it's heading in a great direction. I think it's safe to say that the final episode of Season 5 will take us back to the scene from 501, where Daniel Faraday was present at the construction of The Orchid. He will likely do something to release the energy, causing the oft mentioned 'incident'.


I swear another character has worn an Egyptian cross/necklace at some point in the series, does anyone know who it was?

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You know what i love? the fact that we don't know whats gonna happen next, in the fourth, we knew they got off the island, and at the end of the 4th we knew they had to get back to the island, now they are on the island, where are they going plot wise? what motives do they have, it was touched upon by juliet, what reason do they have to stay? to save everyone? they arrived back on the island, does that mean everyones safe? how can you wage a war being in a different time period? :P


I can't wait :D

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I think it's a production thing. They're still writing this seasons finale, so I guess they need the delay so that they need not have further delays later on.


And American TV networks undergo a 'sweepstakes' thing towards the end of the TV season, around about May time I assume, so they manufacture delays so that the finale of a series occurs around 'sweeps' time, so that they can record the highest ratings possible and therefore recieve a larger amount of ad revenue. Effectively they just lie about how many people watch their network.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last one was an amazing Episode, and I do love this theory I read


When lapidus and Sun where at the Village, the voices appeared out of nowhere, at the same time the losties who were back in time were at the welcome party, the whispers = anyone who's back in the past


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One thing that is a bit of a niggle; if there was always that pic of '77 in the recreation room, how come nobody noticed it before... or did they? I also wonder if Ben recognised any of the Losties the 'first' time he encountered them.


All very odd.

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Lost Eps Press Release


To atone for sins of the past, Ben must attempt to summon the smoke monster in order to be judged.



Suspicions about a possible breach intensify after Ben is taken from the infirmary, and a reluctant Miles is forced to work with Hurley when he's asked to deliver an important package to a top Dharma official.



On the 100th episode milestone for the series, the time of reckoning has begun when Daniel Faraday comes clean regarding what he knows about the island.



Jack and Kate find themselves at odds over the direction to take to save their fellow island survivors, Locke further solidifies his stance as leader of "The Others," and Sawyer and Juliet come under scrutiny from the Dharma Initiative.


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So Ben is dead and alive? Are they all reliving the past? Would Old Ben turn out to be dead next episode? I thought Faraday said you can't change what is going to happen.


Ben was dead in one reality and alive in another?


hell, whose to say kid ben is dead?


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In the preview of next weeks episode or lost untangled or something (I think it was that) there's a brief glimpse of him lying in a hospital bed awake. Saw a pic of it to but can't remember the source though, pretty sure its on Dark UFO spoilers blog though.

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