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Ugh! Heyulp! I 'accidentally' broke into the weapons trader place in Megaton (just started the game) and now the whole town is after me. Is there any way I can, like, get them to chill the fuck out?


*Possible spoilers*


I had a similar problem in Rivet City, I met Butch in the Muddy Rudder after Trouble on the Homefront and elected to blow his teeth out the back of his head for the shit he gave me back in the vault. Of course, security didn't take too kindly to this so I high-tailed it out of there. I went back a little bit later, and aside from getting called "scum" by everyone I walked past I didn't meet any trouble. It may be a similar situation on Megaton; leave and don't go back for a bit. If you still can't get in without getting shot at you can still make it to Three Dog without completing Moriarty's mission, it just takes a bit of exploring to find the GNR building.

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Cheers dude - I'll just do that. Annoying thing was I had lugged myself around the wastelands collecting all sorts of tripe and just generally exploring, not caring that I'd lugged myself down massively. I had intended to head to Gob to get a good price on stuff, and i was very hesitent to drop all the stuff I'd gathered in order to get away.


Didn't know what to expect with teh game to begin with, and was freaked out by the size of the map when I got out of the vault... but exploring a little made me realise that I should just take it eeasy. Looking forward to playing more!

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You outta install the mod to allow you to goto level 30 or 40(your choice.) And possibly the mod allowing skill points to go beyond 100, since if you max every skill at 100 you can't get past the level screen if there are points to distribute.

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ahhh still loving this game.. And I finally found Dogmeat last night.. 2 minutes later (Dogmeat is dead).. didn't bother me.. im not a baby sitter.

Then I went to give some nuke quantum to that lady collector.. but she ran away from me.. don't know if it was my very bad charisma or my clothes.. but she ran outside and was killed by a mother of a scorpion out there.. grrrr.

Now I have to load a much earlier game

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Lent this off someone at work for PS3 to c what it is like. Played abit, seems good. Prob wont buy it though till some next year as it seems it requires alot of gaming hours. Something which is already taken up by the load of games i currently have.


So true but i'm the opposite, i have quite a few games on hold because of this game, it's huge, so addictive & time consuming.

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*Possible spoilers*


leave and don't go back for a bit. If you still can't get in without getting shot at you can still make it to Three Dog without completing Moriarty's mission, it just takes a bit of exploring to find the GNR building.


Thank f for this post , I just made the same mistake and was really struggling to get out of Megaton alive. Thought I was going to have to go back to a previous save which would have lost me a good couple of hours gametime then I remebered the above , which bailed me out.


Still loving this , although you can probably tell that progress is slow (next stop GNR) as I decided to do a few side quests/optional missions before advancing the story.

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Had a frustrating session earlier, constantly running out of ammo and health thingums and having to resort to ridiculous, running-backwards-while-shooting tactics. Got the guts to take on that supermarket place and pwned it up rather well - still struggling for health item thingums, but have started to utilise the beds more. My struggle stemmed from the moment my combat shotgun broke! I love my shotgun and its close-range headshots. I hate how innacurate/weak the weapons are at longer ranges, but I guess that's because I didn't choose the right stat-choice-things at any point.


Would you guys say there's replayability? I noticed in order to get all achievements you probably have to play the game three times. I'm thinking it'll be fairly hard to be neutral, non?

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I unexpectedly completed this last night... My game stats are as follows;


Level 14; Ambassador of Peace

Play Time; 24 hours 51 mins


I say unexpectedly as I wasn't really thinking I had done that much of the main quest...but it turns out it is just short...As I was doing the final mission I came to realise it was probably the end, whereas I didn't realise it was at first.


I have a save a bit back so will likely go back and level up and try my hand at a couple of different endings...

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I unexpectedly completed this last night... My game stats are as follows;


Level 14; Ambassador of Peace

Play Time; 24 hours 51 mins


I say unexpectedly as I wasn't really thinking I had done that much of the main quest...but it turns out it is just short...As I was doing the final mission I came to realise it was probably the end, whereas I didn't realise it was at first.


I have a save a bit back so will likely go back and level up and try my hand at a couple of different endings...


There is that, but bare in mind; I've been playing for over 80 hours now and I'm still discovering new locations and quests. The "main" quest is a ridiculously small portion of the game as a whole.

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Once you finish the main story you can continue, doing sidequests and such, right? Same way Fable was. Just want to make sure incase as Fish says I'm closer to completion than I realise.


well you can and you can't you need to have a save set back before you take up the last mission, otherwise you stuck on that mission...

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Once you finish the main story you can continue, doing sidequests and such, right? Same way Fable was. Just want to make sure incase as Fish says I'm closer to completion than I realise.


From what I've heard, no. Not unless you get the first DLC pack in January.

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From what I've heard, no. Not unless you get the first DLC pack in January.


You can't from your last autosave or within the context of whichever ending you bring about... but if you have a save from before the last mission there is nothing to stop you doing it that way and doing side quests.

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Hmm, ok. Will I know the last quest when I see it then?


Just got up to this today. The Tranquility thing is pretty cool. Judging by the fact I got an achievement for reaching it with negative karma, and I'm now being told to break up marriages, make small children cry, and kill people, I'm guessing there are three different scenario's depending on karma? Pretty awesome if that's right.


One problem; Having just killed Mable by droppnig her chandelier on her head, I am now locked in her house. The front door is locked and I can't search her body for a key. My last save, other than the autosave that occurred when I killed her, is over an hour back. Am I going to need to reload from there or is there a key that I'm missing?


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Hmm, ok. Will I know the last quest when I see it then?


Just got up to this today. The Tranquility thing is pretty cool. Judging by the fact I got an achievement for reaching it with negative karma, and I'm now being told to break up marriages, make small children cry, and kill people, I'm guessing there are three different scenario's depending on karma? Pretty awesome if that's right.


I think the second-to-last one is called "The American Dream", from what I discovered after looking at how to learn to use Power Armour (as I now have the ultimate armour in the game, but can't use it yet).


I'm guessing that shoving weapons/items I don't need for now into the locker in my house will keep them all safe, right?


I got told to do the same stuff and I had good Karma. Although I didn't do any after the "make the kid cry" one. I just solved the puzzle to get out of there.


As for that room, no idea.


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yup.. completed it last night again.. and im going to go through it all again.. this time with heavy weapons.. time to kill some Behemoths.. and get the Speech ach. (yawn).. and the Hacking ach. (yawn).. and the kill 300 people (hell yes).. and some others,,, quest wise I only missed the Oasis quest and trouble on the homefront.. pretty "hard" though going from level 20 to level 1..

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