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On Friday, this guy I knew committed suicide (hung himself).


He was stunning, was immensely popular, and would be the person you would have least suspected to do something like this.


I didn't know him that well, but I have been talking to his best friends, and they say they don't know why and they never expected it.


I cried for ages reading comments people had left him on Myspace, and have been thinking, what makes someone do this? Taking their one and only chance at life from themselves, and putting their family and friends through all this pain.


Obviously the first thing that comes to mind is something was hurting him terribly.


He was only 17, it's horrible to think that he had his whole life ahead of him, he could have achieved so much :/


I can't even imagine what it must feel like to have thoughts like this :S


Anyone had anyone close that have committed suicide? What are you views on it?

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No one I have known well has ever committed suicide, so I can't speak from experience, but I do believe that people can hide their true feelings very well, and someone like this guy who seems to be nice, and no problems can go through some very rough feelings.


It is horrible though. Its very selfish amongst everything else, so people who do it's feelings must be extreme. :(

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I think that it obviously shows we never really know what other peoples lives are like/what goes on in their heads.


I'm far too terrified of death to kill myself. Ever. I was vaguely interested in seeing what self-harming would feel like, but I never did it. I guess I'm mentally fairly stable. :)


It's such a waste, when there's so many ways for teenagers to talk to counsellors/people who can help. The son of a friend of my mums kileld himself last year, similar to the kind of person you mentioned. No one saw it coming, apparently.

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I'm really sorry to hear that, that's terrible. :(


I've never understood why people feel that the only solution left is to kill themselves. I've never understood this choice, and don't think I ever will. Then again, I suppose it all comes down to the individual and how they are able to cope/manage their problems. I could never do it, because I value the time I have too much to end up ending it so suddenly. I don't think I could ever just end my life that, no matter how much stuff is going on in my life.



But yeah, it's sad to imagine he had his whole life ahead of him. His family must be distraught.

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My uncle commited suicide when I was young, and I didn't really know him so I wasn't effected by it much. But I do see suicide as the cop-out. It's just another element of cowardice in my opinion. What ever you did, face the outcome.


At the end of the day theirs good people dying every day, those with illness that they didn't chose to have and people throwing away their lives. Very ungrateful in my opinion.

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My uncle committed suicide, threw himself infront of a train. I didnt find out until years later though, I was originally told he died in a motorbike accident.


I think he had been depressed and possibly ill for years. Ruined the life of the train driver though, apparently he is still messed up to this day.

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A friend of mine from school killed himself last year. I don't know why he did it. The last time I spoke to him he was doing okay; he was planning to become a footballer and had been accepted into Birmingham City F.C.'s youth academy.


They found his body in Sutton Park. His friends were really devastated. He was a decent lad who you wouldn't have thought to take his own life.

Even though I didn't know him that well, it saddens me to know that one lad who I used to play, and talk about, football with at school, killed himself. :(

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The thing is about suicide is the logistics of it. How are you going to do it? Where are you going to do it? How likely is it that it will work? Do you write a suicide note? What are you going to say? Who is going to find you? (You're probably going to traumatise that person.) What about the emotional impact of your decision on your family? The financial impact?


It's a very complicated matter.


Like Rez said people can hide their real feeling incredibly well if they want to or if they don't know how to express themselves.


It's a terrible shame whatever though. I'm sorry to hear that TK.

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when i was 17 someone that was in my year in school was in the local papers about his suicide.

Mates in college came in telling me about it and how...he was recently dumped apparently and he jumped off the train bridge bout 3 miles from where i used to live.


Was quite upsetting....even thou i didnt know him hardly at all just felt for his family and friends. I remember on the bus the next day that some was crying about it on the bus.

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Sorry to hear that mate... I don't know why suicide happens either. I have actually thought about it, long ago, just to annoy my parents. Never seriously as I was too scared to kill myself. I think, usually, we get scared off committing suicide as the power to live wins.


So, maybe these people who kill themselves had an overwhelming desire to die, so much so that they overcame the fear of death. But I don't know really.

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a friend of the family killed himself a few months ago. he has multiple sclorosis (i think, one of the real horrible dissease any road).


bassicly, he knew what was coming and thought, well fuck that. didnt want to be a burden on outhers or go through the pain of loss of freedom.


he wrote his wife a note explaining, had a quick tidy up, moved his car into the garage cos he knew his wife always struggled to do it, then hanged himself (hanged is correct term)


cant say i blaim him, i mean, given the circumstance.


alot of cases of sucide, people just say oh how selfish, but that seems kinda like saying some one with torrets is being inappropriate. humans are bassicly hardwired to avoid pain/death, and its very hard to overcome these instincts. mental health problems are very common in succide cases, whilst it dosen't excuse it (jumping in front of a train is a very unfair way to do it), it can be seen as clouding judgement.

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One of closest mates did it, was about 2 years ago. Was out the night before with him and all seemed great, I knew he'd had a few problems at work but didn't think it was anything major. Got a phonecall at work the next day to tell me he had hanged himself. Still beats me up that I was the last person to see him alive.

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At least he wasn't some pussy failure, I know people who've tried to commit suicide and failed, fuck, I tried when I was younger. I wouldn't want to now though, so yeah, I agree things can change, and suicide is basically not the answer.


a friend of the family killed himself a few months ago. he has multiple sclorosis (i think, one of the real horrible dissease any road).


bassicly, he knew what was coming and thought, well fuck that. didnt want to be a burden on outhers or go through the pain of loss of freedom.


he wrote his wife a note explaining, had a quick tidy up, moved his car into the garage cos he knew his wife always struggled to do it, then hanged himself (hanged is correct term)


cant say i blaim him, i mean, given the circumstance.


alot of cases of sucide, people just say oh how selfish, but that seems kinda like saying some one with torrets is being inappropriate. humans are bassicly hardwired to avoid pain/death, and its very hard to overcome these instincts. mental health problems are very common in succide cases, whilst it dosen't excuse it (jumping in front of a train is a very unfair way to do it), it can be seen as clouding judgement.


It's amusing you mentioned hanged is the correct term, yet made a shitload of spelling mistakes in that post anyway

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It's amusing you mentioned hanged is the correct term, yet made a shitload of spelling mistakes in that post anyway


dyslexia is a bitch, lol.


i may have has some spelling mistakes, but they were all the right words. was only pointing out hanged was the correct term because its not very well known.

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My godfather just committed suicide a month or so ago. I had no idea I was so attached to the man, until it happened. I was quite sad for a couple weeks. Same thing, he seemed the happiest in the world, had just bought a brand new truck. Alaska State Troopers found him out in the woods, he had put a gun in his mouth...:(

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It seems to me that the ones who tend to succeed, are the ones who you never expected it from, the happy and jolly sort, popular etc. until one day, they're dead. Where I work(acute psychiatric healthcare, basically depression, bipolar, drug induced problems, schizophrenia etc), I see alot of DSH and 'attempted' suicide, but I've yet to know a patient who succeeded. Whereas a nurse who'd worked in the job for like 40 years, just a few months ago, went and threw himself in front of a train. Some people said they didn't see it coming or never expected it, alot of people started to see it being a possibility after it happened when it was too late, but that's another story.


The want to commit suicide, to actually kill yourself? The problem is, no matter how trivial the problem to you, it's hard to jsut ignore or stop what you feel. I can understand it too, sometimes you just...give up, I guess. Just start to wonder what's the point, or just reach a point where you just feel like you've lived enough(not neccessarily in a bad way either, I think the ones who succeed have gotten some sort of closure on life). I guess it's a hard to explain thing really, can't know it until you've been there, and I'm not even sure if I have.


The way a lot of people put it is: Suicide is what someone does when they run out of coping resources (such as crying, thinking of good things, ect.).


I'd second this, sometimes it seems like the only thing left to do.

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Yeah, to actually go ahead and do it is the difference. Life is shit and i'm sure alot of people feel like giving up at some point, maybe even cutting themselves or whatever, but to actually kill yourself, have the courage to do something that will end you for good, that is something i'll never understand.


I guess that he just couldnt see a way out of his problems, and no-one could help him because he told no-one what was wrong.

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Though my life is really good and thoughts about suicide are completely strange to me, I can perfectly understand how they feel. I don't like people who criticise suicides. Yes, it's selfish, but people don't kill themselves over trivial things. Sure, a seemingly trivial thing may be the final straw, but there's obviously a load of psychological issues behind.

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