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Rate the last game you played

Chris the great

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WoW - unrated.


I have not played it enough yet to warrant a rating, as I believe all 'training first stages' are usually shit.

Its not as graphically complex as Guild Wars, and I want to customise my character more T_T

Also, wtf at the death thing, I almost shat myself when it suddenly came up with the horrible screaching noises and b+w.


Wipeout HD - 7/10

Freaking love this :D Things I'm not loving though: (this sounds weird saying, but) phantom mode is too fast. I mean, by this stage, you're not even playing it anymore, its all the assisted control doing the job for you, and if you don't have it on, its impossible. Also, its really difficult to do a barrel roll.


The Ghengou project is definetly my favourite stage, best music!


mark my words, masdtering phantom speed is the single most satisfying thing in gaming history. : peace:

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Tiger Woods 09 Wii


Ok, i have played it alot more now, played a good 4/5 hours i think.


And i'm loving it, its so much better when you build up a good technique, its really fun to play, there is loads of different things to do, to keep you interested. 1 thing that im not good at is shots that dont require 100% power, say like a 50% shot, i can never get the right amount of power, but thats just part of the game, where i need to get better :heh:


If you like golf and have a Wii, you must buy it :heh:

The best golf game ive played on any format ;)



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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (360)


Pretty good. The story is better than expected and the fighting is fun most of the time. The main problems are the platforming sections, and that most deaths seemed to be because Starkiller takes half a year to stand up (sometimes hammering A makes him stand up instantly, sometimes it doesn't) and targeting problems (even when there's only one enemy).


Edit: It's also quite short. Little over 5 hours.



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Medal of Honor: Hero's II (Wii)


I honestly can't believe I missed out on this when it came out last year.


Arcade Mode: I've played this all of 10 seconds, I found it just moved too slow.


Campaign Mode: Not bad, its short though and the Ai is quite bad.


Multiplayer (32 online): This is what I really bought the game for. The stages are well balanced and its quite fun. It has the standard DM, TDM, and CTF modes. The only problem with capture the flag is there's only 2 stages and they get a little boring after a while. But its still fun. As a bonus, it uses EA nation rather than the friend code system.


Overall: This is the best multiplayer shooter on the Wii. Its an excellent game to tide you over until The Conduit comes out next year. WWII shooters may be getting boring and generic, but this one really stands out as a great game.



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Far Cry 2


Decent enough. It's all very samey though, and it just takes too long to get around. Spawning enemies at guard posts you've already liberated are a pain in the ass and there arn't nearly enough bus stops to quickly zip around the place.


Besides that though, it is pretty fun. There's just not enough variety, both in the setting or the missions. IT's the same old shit every one. See your buddy, go kill someone or pick something up, go back and see / help your buddy. The Malaria thing is pointless too, making you do yet another boring "go here and help these people" mission that takes ages just because of the distance to get your pills. Even worse, if you dont have any pills when the malaria kicks in then you just die, losing all your progress. Which is another thing. There aren't nearly enough save points for such a large scale game. It saves mid-mission which is fair enough, but you can travel for a good 10 minutes, get killed and have to do it again. It can feel so laborious.


Still, as i said, it is fun at times despite all this. Its just a shame these things couldn't have been avoided. I suppose most people will get it for the online map editor anyway though.



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Guest Jordan

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations.


Did the first case last night, not the best start although using someone other than Phoenix was cool. Now i just need Letty to finish that case so I can do the second one (I didn't save as she was part way through the case). Its a shame most of the music isn't too great so far, it really lacks bass. I'll be picking up Apollo Justice as soon as i've finished Trials and Tribulations!



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Elder Scroles IV: Oblivon

Ok, so I've finnished the main story, though theres still a hell of a lot left it would seem.


All I can really say is, "Woah!" Simply put, this is the most open ened game I've ever played. The main story could be done in 10 hours, took me 70. The freedom you are given is mind blowing, I spent hours and hours just exploring mines and ruins, collecting rare items to use, or if i didnt need them, sell them on.

I'm glad that the knights of the nine add on is included on the PS3, it was easily the most boutiful of my endevers, equipting me with the best set of armor and weapons.

The game alows you to be who you want, I chose to act as a white knight of sorts, defending the people and making moral decision. that said, i wasn't affraid to be bad ass, with a huge number of kills to my name.

I have a few criticisms mind, the voice acting was not varied enough, every one had the same voice. the characters seemed to lack much imagination, and the character moddles were a little bassic, with most people just appearing fat faced. I'd also have liked more recogniton of being good/evil. a few of my good deeds got me nicknames from the NPC's, but by and large, being good or evil didnt seem to matter.


still, a unbelivably deep, exciting and unique game, im sure i could play through again and have a totaly different experience.




roll on fallout 3!

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Tomb Raider: Legend (360)


It's a bit too short and easy, but it's still a pretty awesome game. Anniversary made me not care about Underworld (I honestly couldn't be bothered any more when I got to Egypt) this one has hyped me up once again. The story is much better and the path is almost always clear. The plot is also pretty interesting. It just could have done with some more puzzles.



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Rainbow Six Vegas 1


Very good single player quite challenging. Didnt do much multiplayer on it





Rainbow Six Vegas 2


Enjoyed the single player more on this one. Found a bit more challenging. New terrorist hunt mode is good fun. Only just completed eariler and not played online on it yet.



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Megaman 9


This game is insanely difficult. I've been playing it for awhile now and have got barely anywhere. The enjoyment factor you get from getting further each time however is delightful and you feel like a King until you get taken down at the next stage!


The way the atmosphere is recreated from the previous games is outstanding and adds to the nostagila feeling. The graphics are brilliant the way in which they are faithfully recreated by looking like an old 8 bit game is breath taking and a welcome change to the generic looking games you get this days. It is full of vibrant colours.


I love it so much. :grin:

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Played the first four levels of Tomb Raider Underworld, which is actually a large chunk of the game because they are so frackin' long.


It's awesome if you liked Legend and Anniversary i'd say, just really good, classic Tomb Raider with some brilliant level design and massive scale puzzles. The same camera problems will knock it as always, but i think its unfair on such a game to whinge about the camera going a bit funny on occasion considering how much you have to look around. It should be credited for how well it handles most of the time not for how twitchy it can be some of the time.


One thing i dont like though is that you only have a set amount of weapons and ammo. You dont pick up new weapons or ammo along the way, you just have a set ammount for each and if you run out then its tough luck, you have to change to something else. I miss being rewarded a good weapon by exploring.


Combat can be a little crappy at times too. I miss the slow-mo dives from Anniversary. You can go slow-mo here too, but the reticule alignment trick is only used for head-shots which dont work very well at all as you have to be really close to use it. There arn't many animals so far either, certainly nothing epic like a T-rex. Just lots of bats, spiders, tigers, reptiles, panthers and zombie things called thralls. They are good, but i havn't come accross one boss yet which sucks.


Still, great levels and locations so far, great visuals and great Lara, so its all good. There are shitloads of treasures to find too which is always good.

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oo awesome, maybe not tonight though I've got quite abit of work to do. I think it's something like Lady gracedia? Or something I can't remember.


I can't play till Monday anyway, but add me! I'm Freya Cb (Freya Cockblocker lol) Level 20 necro/monk.

I also have a shitty level 4 elementalist called Letty Set, but I don't use her. I had some fantasy about training her up to be level 20 aswell and eventally having a good team of level 20's. Not gonna happen :p

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I can't play till Monday anyway, but add me! I'm Freya Cb (Freya Cockblocker lol) Level 20 necro/monk.

I also have a shitty level 4 elementalist called Letty Set, but I don't use her. I had some fantasy about training her up to be level 20 aswell and eventally having a good team of level 20's. Not gonna happen :p



I think I'm somewhere along the level 4's, I've only played a couple of hours, it's quite difficult to get ahold of somebody else to help do some questing.

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Perfect Dark Zero



First off I tried it on Secret Agent. It was pretty terrible and no fun at all. The stealth levels were just stupid as stealth is pretty much impossible. The AI is also extremely annoying. It's not clever - it's just super accurate. For example, there can be people behind some bushes constantly hitting you with a pistol. And on Secret Agent when you get hit you can't move for a second.


On the agent difficulty it's a lot of mindless fun and can feel almost nostalgic at times (it really does feel like an N64 shooter). For an extremely cheap game for mindless shooting this is pretty sweet.


As a serious game, it's a mixture of some terrible things and some nice little touches. The plot itself is a brilliant example. It's nice that there was a character called Dr. Carrol, but having him as a semi-important character was stupid as she has no idea who he is in Perfect Dark (it was a really good touch to hear someone on the base's com ordering someone to get his brain on ice...they could have done that with a nameless scientist though so Jo doesn't know the name). I also didn't like the use of Alien technology (as she seemingly has no idea of Alien existence in the fist one).


Some of the weapons had a nice touch - one of the generic enemy weapons was the Falcon (a precursor to the main pistol in PD - the Falcon 2) and the good 'ol RCP-90 from GoldenEye replaces PD's RCP-120 (except it looks a lot more like a proper P-90) which was cool. The main problem is that most weapons have lost their feeling. Then again, it seems to be the same for most games (only one or two fantastic/memorable weapons - weapons from N64 shooters seemed to be much more meaningful for some reason).


Playing the game was a really odd experience. At times it felt like I was re-living ye old N64 days and having a lot of fun, other times it was torture.


I honestly couldn't give this game a score.



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PDZ is great. It has Jo Dark in it, that should be enough for anybody! No seriously, i actually really enjoyed it. I didn't notice any problems with AI and the guns felt fine. There are some classic parts as well that i remember well, like the sniping on the rooftops level and most of the all, the bastard bridge level. I felt so good when i completed that.


I'd easilly give it an 8. But i am a bit of a Rare fanboy i admit so my rating can be taken with a pinch of salt.

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Fable 2


Ok so I've only just started this as it's Shorty's game (mostly I was watching him kick ass in some weird place) but I really like it, I was hoping for abit more when it came to the places, I'm not hundred percent sure about the game just yet, but for now it gets about:



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